Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Using Windows Tahoma Font for Graphics Text"
2001 Sep 15
Would like to set wine to use Tahoma as main font
Hi, Im using Tahoma as my main font in kde2.2 looks great
Can someone tell me exactly what I do to put it into my .wine/config file
to make it the main system font for wine.
2007 Oct 22
0.9.47 Tahoma Font Regression?
Hash: RIPEMD160
- From the Release Notes, I can see that there has been a change regarding
new Tahoma font. So I'm suspecting that it caused the following anomaly
on my system (if it is caused by other problem, pls do prompt me too):
I has been able to render Chinese characters in some Window-based
non-Unicode applications (e.g., uTorrent) with the
2008 Apr 22
Steam Tahoma Font
I've installed wine 0.9.59 and Steam. I've copied the Tahoma.ttf font to windows/fonts directory and I still can't see the writing in Steam. What should I do?
2010 Sep 29
FW: creating a custom background
I want to create a plot with Pantone654 as the background. The RGB for this color is (0,61,121), which corresponds to a hex of #003D79. How do I specify the bg parameter for this?
All Best,
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2016 Jul 20
Fuente (Tahoma)
Estoy logrando sacar un gráfico para una presentación en ggloot2 y me está
quedando bastante bonito! Pero, tengo es problema con las fuentes:
Warning messages:
1: In grid.Call(L_textBounds, as.graphicsAnnot(x$label), ... :
font family not found in Windows font database
?que proviene de
> theme_minimal(base_size = 14, base_family = "Tahoma") +
?La verdad
2010 Dec 13
How does R compute sums of squares?
Consider the following missing data problem:
y = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 3)
a = factor(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2))
b = factor(c(1, 2, 3, 1, 2))
fit = lm(y ~ a + b)
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: y
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
a 1 0.83333 0.83333 1.3637e+33 < 2.2e-16 ***
b 2 1.16667 0.58333 9.5461e+32 < 2.2e-16 ***
Residuals 1 0.00000 0.00000
2011 Jan 03
Proof for computing sums of squares
I know that R computes sums of squares based on the diagonal of
t(Q) %*% y %*% t(y) %*% Q,
where Q comes from the QR-decomposition of the model matrix.
Does anyone know where I can find a proof for this result?
All Best and Happy New Year,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Mar 19
font replacement not completely,howto?
i added the following in ~/.wine/user.reg
"System"="AR PL New Sung"
"Arial"="AR PL New Sung"
"Fixedsys"="AR PL New Sung"
"Microsoft Sans Serif"="AR PL New Sung"
"MS UI Gothic"="AR PL New Sung"
"Tahoma"="AR PL New Sung"
2005 Jan 25
Tahoma Font Problem
I am running Windows XP
Can you give me simpler details on resolvling the 'Tahoma Font Problem'?
Helix Gnome?
native True Type Font Server?
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2009 Apr 28
Change font type PNG device with Lattice xyplot
Dear All,
I have some problems with changing the default font (Arial) in a xyplot
which is printed using the PNG-device. Although some things have been
mentioned about this in the forum, I still couldn't figure it out. Can
someone help me out?n Thanks in advance!
I want to print the plot for pasting in Microsoft Word
OS: Windows XP
see example:
2006 Feb 01
plot-function: How to change the font of the titles
I want to create a plot with x- and y-labels writen in times or arial.
How can I change the font?
Thank you very much. Best regards
2010 Dec 01
Font family not found in Windows font database
Dear R Gurus,
I have a fairly simple problem, but I haven't been able to find the answer on 'the google' or in the r-help archives.
I am generating plots on both Windows and OS X where I need to guarantee that the font used is Arial. In my plot command I specify 'fontfamily="Arial"'. The problem is that on Windows I'm getting the following warning:
2003 Dec 03
Can anyone let me know how I might change the font of name on axis in pairs
plot? I want the font "times new roman".
2006 Feb 09
How to set the default font set ?
my user.reg contains the following external fonts
Software\\Wine\\Fonts\\External Fonts] 1139540729
"Bitstream Vera Sans Bold (TrueType)"="VeraBd.ttf"
"Bitstream Vera Sans Bold Oblique (TrueType)"="VeraBI.ttf"
"Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Bold (TrueType)"="VeraMoBd.ttf"
"Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Bold Oblique
2003 Dec 08
License question
Hello. I've a question about license. If I developed a
windows app running on wine, and this app utilizes a
microsoft font (e.g., tahoma), can I distribute my
windows app freely with the tahoma font without
license problems?
Yahoo! Mail: 6MB, anti-spam e antiv?rus gratuito! Crie sua conta agora:
2007 Nov 02
res_mysql versus res_odbc
2005 Apr 15
inconsistent fonts generated in postscript file (PR#7795)
Full_Name: Xiang Li
Version: 2.01
Submission from: (NULL) (
I am trying to use the font of "TT Courier New: bold" to get the equal size of
letters. The "TT Courier New: bold" is the 11th font listed in the Rdevga file.
You can just try a simple case:
plot(1:10, 1:10, xlab = "XILMV", font.lab = 11)
I save the plot in postscript format,
2009 Aug 02
Character from Symbol Font on rgl Plot
I want to print characters from the symbol font (or perhaps even Wingdings)
in an rgl 3d plot, but I am having no luck. So, what do I have to do in
order to get this snippet to print out a character from the symbol font?
I am on Windows XP with R 2.9.1.
View this message in
2011 Mar 24
Funky Font problems with Quicken 2010
I am using wine 1.3.16 on Mac OX 10.6.7, built and installed using osxwinebuilder. I am using it to run Quicken 2010. Quicken installed and runs fine with one exception: One of the fonts used in Quicken is rendered very poorly. Here is an example:
[Image: http://altosdesign.com/bugs/fontissue1.jpg ]
Searching for this problem led me to a number of posts that suggested using winecfg to set the
2006 Feb 20
Plots: displaying mathematical symbols in specific fonts
Dear SavioRs,
I am doing some research where characters in different microsoft
fonts serve as experimental stimuli. Hence, in plot labels, I would
like to display the characters in specific microsoft fonts. I have
figured out how to display letters and numbers, but I am having
trouble with symbols such as capital delta. Before I go further, I
am using R 2.2.1 on Windows XP with everything