similar to: [R 2.12] install.packages() with no lib argument does not work

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "[R 2.12] install.packages() with no lib argument does not work"

2011 Jul 01
methods package not loaded by default when using Rscript in R2.13
Dear all, As the object of this mail suggests, the methods package is not loaded by default in R2.13 when using Rscript whereas it is loaded when using an interactive session. An example with the metafor package : library(metafor) example(addpoly.rma) this works in an interaction R shell, but put it in a .R file and use it with Rscript, it won't work until you added library(methods)
2008 Feb 25
"by" function "half-working" when used in a custom function
Dear R users, I'm trying to save the results of separate logistic regression analyses of a dataset according to a categorical factor. For that, I first used a "by" function such as following : temp <- by( data, data$categorical.factor , function(x) summary( glm( formula = data$var1 ~ data$var2 , data = x , family = binomial("logit")))) and it worked perfectly well
2017 Aug 08
Re: [PATCH v11 08/10] daemon: Implement inspection of Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.
On Monday, 31 July 2017 17:40:57 CEST Richard W.M. Jones wrote: > +(* Parse a os-release file. > + * > + * Only few fields are parsed, falling back to the usual detection if we > + * cannot read all of them. > + * > + * For the format of os-release, see also: > + * > + *) > +let rec parse_os_release
2011 Jun 05
another missing link in febootstrap; failing tests for libguestfs
After the last round of patches to febootstrap, the image-based test in libguestfs still failed. It turned out that this happens because Debian started replacing /var/run and /var/lock with symlinks that point to a tmpfs mounted to /run. The symlinks were copied to the appliance but /run/lock did not exist, so pvcreate refused to run (script 'images/guest-aux/'). After I
2010 Sep 13
Bug#596765: xen: can't create a VM : no module named xmlproc
Package: xen Severity: important Hello, New install of XEN 4.0, can't create a vm : xm new k2000-shinken Unexpected error: <type 'exceptions.ImportError'> Please report to xen-devel at Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/xen-4.0/bin/xm", line 8, in <module> main.main(sys.argv) File
2017 Aug 21
Control multi-threading in standard matrix product
Dear R Core Team, I wish to report what can be viewed as a bug or at least a strange behavior in R-3.4.1. I ask my question here (as recommended on since I am not member of the R's Bugzilla. When running 'R --vanilla' from the command line, the standard matrix product is by default based on BLAS and multi-threaded on all cores available on
2017 Aug 21
Control multi-threading in standard matrix product
Hi Tomas, Thanks for your answer. Indeed, I checked and my R-3.4.1 installed from the ubuntu repository use '' while my R-3.3.2 that I did compiled on my machine use '' which explain the difference of behavior. I will use RhpcBLASctl to avoid issue when combining matrix product and other multi-threading package. Maybe this point regarding
2014 Feb 24
Error gdata and gplots packages
Hi, I just installed Ubuntu 12.04.4. I installed R by following instructions from CRAN after modification into my /etc/apt/sources.list file sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install r-base sudo apt-get install r-base-dev When I try to load library(gdata) ou library(gplots), I have error message : library(gdata) gdata: read.xls support for 'XLS' (Excel 97-2004) files
2013 Jan 11
libvirt RPC error
Hi, I'm using qemu+ssh://username at hostname/system as the remote URI. Libvirt seems to be communicating fine until some 2 minutes (we poll every 5 seconds) and then it throws up RPC error and many counters are wrong. But if I collect on localhost the counters seems to be coming fine. Test and testvm are guests on the local machine where as Win8 and Ubuntu* are remote URI's connected
2020 Feb 19
dimnames incoherence?
Hi, I was bitten by a little incoherence in dimnames assignment or may be I missed some point. Here is the case. If I assign row names via dimnames(a)[[1]], when nrow(a)=1 then an error is thrown. But if I do the same when nrow(a) > 1 it's OK. Is one of this case works unexpectedly? Both? Neither? a=as.matrix(1) dimnames(a)[[1]]="a" # error: 'dimnames' must be a list
2019 Jun 11
Samba + sssd deployment: success and failure
So, we have Samba file sharing working on CentOS 7.6 with sssd: [root at cns-srv-lnode2 samba]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core) [root at cns-srv-lnode2 samba]# smbd --version Version 4.8.3 Some smb.conf configuration details: - security = user - an idmap entry is unnecessary - disable netbios = yes works fine - pretty sure nmbd is unnecessary
2007 Nov 07
strwidth and strheight for rotated text
Dear All, I would like to plot text with a box around it. I used strwidth and strheight to compute the size of the box which is plotted with rect: z <- rnorm(10) # horizontal text works plot(rnorm(10)) x1 <- 5 y1 <- 0 label <- "Label" cha <- paste(" ", label, " ", sep = "") xh <- strwidth(cha, cex = par("cex")) yh <-
2006 Mar 30
RE: [RFC][PATCH] create an initrd for dom0 in install.shscript
Here is the usage for Fedora usage: mkinitrd [--version] [-v] [-f] [--preload <module>] [--omit-scsi-modules] [--omit-raid-modules] [--omit-lvm-modules] [--with=<module>] [--image-version] [--fstab=<fstab>] [--nocompress] [--builtin=<module>] [--nopivot] <initrd-image> <kernel-version> (ex: mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.2.5-15.img
2010 May 11
R 2.11 on Ubuntu 9.10 does not complain abt unexisting objects
Hi I recently updated to R 2.11 and see a strange problem. When run into the console, R does not warn when calling an unexisting object, see below. I don't know if this is related, but I am not able to run the R CMD BATCH properly... Did someone see a similar problem? Which information can I provide more on this problem? Thanks for help! Matthieu $R R version 2.11.0 (2010-04-22)
2012 Jan 30
zip() containing windows specific code?
Dear R devel list I was wondering whether zip() contains a windows specific call to system(), as the argument "invisible" seems to be windows specific, yet is used anytime by zip: invisible(system2(zip, args, invisible = TRUE)) Indeed, calling zip() on Linux results in a warning message: > file.create("try") [1] TRUE > zip("", "try")
2011 Jan 27
possible bug in packageVersion()?
Hi, I received a bug report from a French user who told me there was something wrong with the function packageVersion(), but packageDescription() worked well. Below is the session info; I'm not sure if other French users can reproduce the error message: > packageVersion('base') Erreur : sp?cification de version incorrecte base > sessionInfo() R version 2.12.1 (2010-12-16)
2017 Aug 17
Permission denied to access the email file
Hi, Dovecot version : 2.2.22 (fe789d2) Operating system : DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=16.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=xenial DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS" CPU architecture : Linux 4.4.67-1-pve #1 SMP PVE 4.4.67-92 (Fri, 23 Jun 2017 08:22:06 +0200) x86_64 GNU/Linux FIle system : local UID GID Aug 17 11:47:28 azizee dovecot: imap(jra11[*5063*:*5011*]):
2011 May 14
odfWeave 0.7.17 stutters on Debian testing 64-bit amd64 systems.
Dear list, This is a copy of a mail sent to Max Kuhn, original author and maintainer of the odfWeave package, which seems not to have received it. It reports a problem that seems to be very implementation specific (reproductible on three Debian testing amd64 machine, does *not* happen on two i686 Debian testing systems, does *not* happen on an Ubuntu 11.06 amd64 machine) and therefore not
2015 Sep 17
names treatment in optim()
Dear both, I have found that names are not treated in the same way in optim() depending on the optimization method (argument method). The example below shows the difference between the Brent method and the L-BFGS-B method. f <- function(x){ y <- x^2;names(y) <-"f(x)";y} optim(10, f, method="Brent", lower=-1, upper=10)$value optim(10, f, method="L-BFGS-B",
2008 Oct 31
Problems with Sweave and pdf.options(encoding="ISOLatin7") (PR#13234)
Hi, Sweave for some reason does not respect encoding setting in pdf.options. Everything is OK with ps.options. Thus when using non-default encoding for graphs, resulting graphics eps file is correct, but pdf file is not. Workaround is very simple, just use latex->dvips->ps2pdf chain to get the intended pdf document. I tried to find the explanation for this, but I did not find anything. If