Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "robust standard errors for panel data - corrigendum"
2010 Oct 15
nomianl response model
Is there a way to estimate a nominal response model?
To be more specific let's say I want to calibrate:
Where $\theta_j$ is a the dependent variable and I need to estimate
$\xi_{h}$ and $\lambda_{h}$ for $h \in {1...,m}$.
Thank you,
Mauricio Romero
Quantil S.A.S.
Cel: 3112231150
2011 Sep 28
Robust covariance matrix with NeweyWest()
Dear R-users,
I would like to compute a robust covariance matrix of two series of realizations of random variables:
###Begin Example###
data <- cbind(rnorm(100), rnorm(100))
model <- lm(data ~ 1)
NeweyWest(model) #produces an error
###End Example###
NeweyWest() produces an error but sandwich(), vcovHAC(), kernHAC, weave(),... do not produce any errors. It
2011 Jul 25
biglm() and NeweyWest()
Dear all,
I am working on a large dataset and need to use biglm() to perform OLS
regressions. I have detected significant ARCH effects which I try to account
for using the Newey-West correction.
So far, I have worked with NeweyWest() in the sandwich package. NeweyWest()
however seems to be unable to handle an object of class "biglm".
Looking into the code, I figured out that
2004 Aug 12
"new" package sandwich 0.1-3
Dear useRs,
here is the announcement for the next "new" package:
sandwich 0.1-3.
sandwich provides heteroskedasticity (and autocorrelation)
consistent covariance matrix estimators (also called HC
and HAC estimators).
The former are implemented in the function vcovHC() (which
was available in strucchange before - and independently
in hccm() in John Fox's car package).
And the
2004 Aug 12
"new" package sandwich 0.1-3
Dear useRs,
here is the announcement for the next "new" package:
sandwich 0.1-3.
sandwich provides heteroskedasticity (and autocorrelation)
consistent covariance matrix estimators (also called HC
and HAC estimators).
The former are implemented in the function vcovHC() (which
was available in strucchange before - and independently
in hccm() in John Fox's car package).
And the
2011 Sep 22
corrigendum on fixed effects and R2 in within models
Dear list, dear Cecilia and Daniel,
sorry for coming in ten days late, I've been very busy lately so I came
across this email only today.
This is just to make some points clearer re: fixed effects and r2 in
package 'plm', to both you and the list. In particular, to make you
aware of some additional features.
Please see my comments below, with '##'.
2009 Mar 03
latex output of regressions with standardized regression coefficients and t-statistics based on Huber-White
first of all: I'm new to R and have only used SPSS befor this (which
can't do this at all...).
I'm trying to output some regression results to latex. The regressions
are normal OLS and I'm trying to output the results with standardized
regression coefficients and t-statistics based on "Huber-White sandwich
estimator for variance". The final result should be
2010 Dec 27
Heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation of residuals
Hello everyone,
I'm working on a current linear model Y = a0 + a1* X1 + ... + a7*X7 +
residuals. And I know that this model presents both heteroskedasticity
(tried Breusch-Pagan test and White test) and residuals autocorrelation
(using Durbin Watson test). Ultimately, this model being meant to be used
for predictions, I would like to be able to remove this heteroskedasticity
and residuals
2009 Dec 08
Serial Correlation in panel data regression
Dear R users,
I have a question here
## take the following data
data("Gasoline", package="plm")
Now I run the following regression
rhs <- "-1 + f.year + lincomep+lrpmg+lcarpcap"
m1<- lm(as.formula(paste("lgaspcar ~", rhs)), data=Gasoline)
###Now I want to find the
2011 Feb 16
VAR with HAC
I would like to estimate a VAR model with HAC corrected standard errors. I tried to do this by using the sandwich package, for example:
> library(vars)
> data(Canada)
> myvar = VAR(Canada, p = 2, type = "const")
> coeftest(myvar, vcov = vcovHAC)
Error in umat - res : non-conformable arrays
Which suggests that this function is not compatible with the VAR command.
2001 Nov 20
Time Series Event Count: Great Responses So Far!
In case more of you come across my request from this morning, I've
already gotten several great tips, which I summarize here since one or
two of these did not come across R-help as well.
A team of fellow political scientists is on this problem like
Brandt, Patrick, John T. Williams Benjamin O. Fordham, and Brian
2000. "Dynamic Modeling for Persistent
2007 Feb 19
Urgent: How to obtain the Consistent Standard Errors after apply 2SLS through tsls() from sem or systemfit("2SLS") without this error message !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am trying to obtain the heteroskedasticity consitent standard errors
(HCSE) after apply 2SLS. I obtain 2SLS through tsls from package sem or
#### tsls ####
library (sem)
Reg2SLS <-tsls(LnP~Sc+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D,~I2+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D)
summary (Reg2SLS)
#### systemfit ####
library (systemfit)
RS <- LnP~Sc+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D
Inst <- ~I2+Ag+Ag2+Var+R+D
2007 Oct 26
Newey-West and SUR regression models
Is anyone aware of a procedure to apply Newey-West corrections for
autocorrelation to a SUR regression model? The SANDWICH package seems to be
applicable only to LM or GLM models.
Richard Saba
Department of Economics
Auburn University
Email: sabaric at auburn.edu
2012 Oct 27
[gam] [mgcv] Question in integrating a eiker-white "sandwich" VCV estimator into GAM
Dear List,
I'm just teaching myself semi-parametric techniques. Apologies in
advance for the long post.
I've got observational data and a longitudinal, semi-parametric model
that I want to fit in GAM (or potentially something equivalent), and I'm
not sure how to do it. I'm posting this to ask whether it is possible
to do what I want to do using "canned" commands
2006 Aug 31
Moving Window regressions with corrections for Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelations(HAC)
# Using Moving/Rolling Windows, here we do an OLS Regression with corrections for #Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelations (HAC) using Newey West Method. This code is a #extension of Ajay Shah?s code for moving windows simple OLS regression.
# The easiest way to adjust for Autocorrelations and Heteroscedasticity in the OLS residuals is to #use the coeftest function that is included in the
2010 Mar 06
Robust SE for lrm object
I'm trying to obtain the robust standard errors for a multinomial ordered logit model:
mod6 <- lrm(wdlshea ~ initdesch + concap + capasst + qualrat + terrain,data=full2)
The model is fine but when I try to get the RSE I get an error.
coeftest(mod6, vcov = vcovHAC(mod6))
Error in match.arg(type) :
'arg' should be one of “ordinary”, “score”, “score.binary”, “pearson”,
2010 May 02
question about 2SLS
Hi All,
I am using R 2.11.0 on a Ubuntu machine. I estimated a model using "tsls"
from the package "sem". Is there a way to get Newey West standard errors for
the parameter estimates?
When estimating the model by OLS, I used "NeweyWest" from the package
"sandwich" to get HAC standard errors. But, I am not able to use the same
method with the results of the
2012 Mar 20
MA process in panels
Dear R users,
I have an unbalanced panel with an average of I=100 individuals and a total
of T=1370 time intervals, i.e. T>>I. So far, I have been using the plm
I wish to estimate a FE model like:
res<-plm(x~c+v, data=pdata_frame, effect="twoways", model="within",
?where c varies over i and t, and v represents an exogenous impact on x
2010 Oct 13
robust standard errors for panel data
I would like to estimate a panel model (small N large T, fixed effects),
but would need "robust" standard errors for that. In particular, I am
worried about potential serial correlation for a given individual (not so
much about correlation in the cross section).
>From the documentation, it looks as if the vcovHC that comes with plm
does not seem to do autocorrelation, and the
2016 Mar 31
Ask if an object will respond to a function or method
In the rockchalk package, I want to provide functions for regression
objects that are "well behaved." If an object responds to the methods
that lm or glm objects can handle, like coef(), nobs(), and summary(),
I want to be able to handle the same thing.
It is more difficult than expected to ask a given fitted model object
"do you respond to these functions: coef(), nobs(),