Displaying 20 results from an estimated 12000 matches similar to: "extract rows of a matrix"
2012 Jul 01
Also, it is possible to change "ylim" also?
2012/7/1 li li <hannah.hlx@gmail.com>
> Dear all,
> I have a few questions regarding the boxplot output from the
> "geom_boxplot" function.
> Attached is the output I get. Below are my questions:
> 1. How can I define the xlab and ylab myself?
> Also I would like to remove
2012 Aug 06
Overlay Histogram
Dear all,
For two sets of random variables, say, x <- rnorm(1000, 10, 10) and y
<- rnorm(1000. 3, 20).
Is there any way to overlay the histograms (and density curves) of x and y
on the plot of y vs. x?
The histogram of x is on the x axis and that of y is on the y axis.
The density curve here is to approximate the shape of the distribution
and does not have to have area 1.
Thank you
2010 Jun 10
adding column of ordered numbers to matrix
Hello everyone,
I have a matrix of over 40000 line and about 30 columns.
For my analysis I would like to add another column with ascending numbers
(column header should be "order", and than 1,2,3,4 ....the end of the
During my analysis I reorder them ( due to merge commands by a different
How do I add such a column in an ascending order (or descending for what it
2012 Aug 07
Rcolorbrewer Package
Hi all,
I am trying to download the Rcolorbrewer package from Cran
It seems the files have been removed. Does anyone know where can
I download the package?
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2010 Jul 23
Figures in Latex
Hi all,
I want to add 6 plots in the format of 2 columns and 3 rows as one
figure in latex. The plots are in .eps file.
I know how to add 2 plots side by side, but could not figure out how to do
multiple rows.
I know this may not be the right place to ask such a question. But I do
not know who to ask, so just try my
luck here.
Thank you in advance.
2010 May 28
problem with a function
Hi all,
I have a function rho.f which gives a list of estimators. I have the
following problems.
rho.f(0.3) gives me the right answer. However, if I use rho.f(corr[4]) give
me a different
answer, even though corr[4]==0.3.
This prevents me from using a for loop. Can someone give me some help?
Thank you very much in advance.
2011 Sep 03
question with uniroot function
Dear all,
I have the following problem with the uniroot function. I want to find
roots for the fucntion "Fp2" which is defined as below.
Fz <- function(z){0.8*pnorm(z)+p1*pnorm(z-u1)+(0.2-p1)*pnorm(z-u2)}
Fp <- function(t){(1-Fz(abs(qnorm(1-(t/2)))))+(Fz(-abs(qnorm(1-(t/2)))))}
Fp2 <- function(t) {Fp(t)-0.8*t/alpha}
th <- uniroot(Fp2, lower =0, upper =1,
2012 Jun 28
Dear all,
I need some help on plotting multiple boxplots on one figure.
I have three matrix A, B and C. Each of them is a 1000 by 10 matrix.
The 10 columns of all three matrix correspond to the
10 values of the same parameter, say k=1, ..., 10.
I want to make a plot where x axis represents different values of k.
For each k value, I want to plot three boxplots, one on top of another.
2012 Aug 15
Import Data from Excel
Dear all,
I want to import just part of an excel data file into R.
I would like to have the data imported without
rownames or colume names.
I used read.delim("clipboard", header=F). Somehow even though
I added the argument "header=F", I still have the row names V1, V2, ...,
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Thanks very much in advance.
2011 Oct 18
Latex question
Dear all,
This may not be the right place for latex questions, but I
do not know where else to ask the question.
I have two subfigures. I want the first subfigure to have a caption on
the side of it and the second subfigure
to have a caption below it.
Thank you.
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2012 Jul 23
image function
Dear all,
I have a question regarding changing the xlim and ylim in the function
For example, in the following code, how can I have a heatmap with
xlim=ylim=c(0, 100)
instead of (0,1).
Thank you very much.
x <- matrix(rnorm(10000, 0,1), 100, 100)
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2012 Sep 21
Dear all,
Does any one know whether there is a help forum for sas?
I know this is not relevant question to ask here but don't know
where else to ask.
Thank you.
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2011 Feb 21
question about solving equation using bisection method
Hi all,
I have the following two function f1 and f2.
f1 <- function(lambda,z,p1){
f2 <- function(p1,cl, cu){
First fix p1 to be 0.15.
(i) choose a lambda value, say lamda=0.6,
2013 Mar 14
Hi alL,
I have a data frame with 4 columns: "value", "time", "group" and "id".
I would like to plot "value" vs. "time" with different colors for
different levels of "group" and
different symbols for different values of "id".
I think I could do this but I would like to see what is an easier way to
2012 Sep 21
Math expression in R plot
Dear all,
In my R plot, I would like to add the title as "Estimator vs. Eta",
where I want to use the greek letter eta.
I was trying to use expression(plain("Estimator vs.") *eta* ). It does not
seem to work.
Can anyone familiar with this give some help?
Thank you very much.
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2010 Jun 23
question about a program
Dear all,
I have the following program for a multiple comparison procedure.
There are two functions for the two steps. First step is to calculate the
critical values,
while the second step is the actual procedure [see below: program with two
This work fine. However, However I want to put them into one function
for the convenience
of later use [see below: program with one
2012 Jul 26
Hi all,
I have a question regarding the density function which gives the
kernel density estimator.
I want to decide the bandwidth when using gaussian kernel, given a set of
observations. I am not familiar with different methods for bandwidth
determination. Below are the different ways in R on deciding the bandwidth.
Can anyone give an idea on which ones are preferred.
Also, how can I take
2010 May 24
import data from a csv file
Hi all,
I have some trouble reading data from a csv file.
I used command "read.delim("clipboard") to read in the data.
> aalpha.data <- read.delim("clipboard")
> class(aalpha.data)
[1] "data.frame"
> dim(aalpha.data)
[1] 8 25
> colnames(aalpha.data)
[1] "X" "V1" "V2" "V3" "V4"
2017 Jun 02
subletting an array according to dimnames
Have you tried P2["20", "10", "0"] ?
On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 3:10 PM, li li <hannah.hlx at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a three dimensional array with the corresponding dimension names.
> I would like to subset the array according to the dimension names. For
> example,
> suppose I want to extract the values corresponding to A=20,
2018 Feb 06
question with integrate function
Sorry. I meant in the previous email that the function h() is a monotone
decreasing function. Thanks very much.
2018-02-06 13:32 GMT-05:00 li li <hannah.hlx at gmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> The function h below is a function of c and it should be a monotone
> increasing function since the integrand is nonnegative and integral is
> taken from c to infinity. However, as we can see