similar to: (no subject)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "(no subject)"

2009 Jul 25
yaxp problem for more irregular time series in one plot
Good day, I'm trying to get more time series in one plot. As there are bigger differences in values of variables I need logaritmic y axis. The code I use is the following: nvz_3_data <- read.csv('/home/tomas/R_outputs/nvz_3.csv') date <- (nvz_3_data$date) NO3 <- (nvz_3_data$NO3) NH4 <- (nvz_3_data$NH4) date_p <- as.POSIXct(date, "CET") par(mfrow=c(2,1), ylog
2017 Mar 03
Control statements with condition with greater than one should give error (not just warning) [PATCH]
I'd like to propose that the whenever the length of condition passed to an if or a while statement differs from one, an error is produced rather than just a warning as today: > x <- 1:2 > if (x == 1) message("x == 1") x == 1 Warning message: In if (x == 1) message("x == 1") : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used There are
2000 Jun 02
graphical parameters in plot
I'm using plot to make a simple plot but I want to control where the tick marks go on bot axes. The graphical parameters xaxp and yaxp seem to be ignored by the plot function so I tried setting them using op <- par(no.readonly=T) par(xaxp=c(-2.4,-2.2,5), yaxp=c(-2500,10000,6)) plot(...) par(op) but they are still ignored. Next I tried to use the axis function as follows op <-
2012 Sep 24
boxplot of different colors
Hello, I am making a boxplot of 13 boxes. I tried to color the box using 13 colors but failed. Only red and brown were displayed. Green, blue, and grey disappeared. Please kindly advise modification after checking the code below. Thank you in advance. Elaine R code # data input dataN <-read.csv("H:/a_mig_distance_B_NB/R_data/Mig_bird_586_20120925.csv",header=T, row.names=1)
2011 Feb 11
How to compute "yaxp" and "usr" without plotting ?
Dear all, I'd like to know how I could compute the parameters "yaxp" and (the y components of) "usr" without having to plot the data first. Note that "ylim" is /a priori/ fixed. The aim is to automatically adjust the parameter "mgp" without having to make the plot twice. Then, with "yaxp" and "usr" known, it should be easy to
2009 Jan 11
boxplots: yaxp does not work
Hi, I'd like to change the y-tickmarks of a boxplot. But it doesn't work with yaxp (like I would do it in a plot-function). Can someone help me out?
2010 Sep 26
Changing x-axis on boxplot
Dear List, ? I am creating a boxplot with two subsets, very similar to the example by Roger Bivand at ?boxplot (reproduced below).? I am trying to change the labels on the x-axis to have one number to cover both subsets.? I can do this in other plots by using axis=FALSE followed by a separate axis() command.? I have also tried variations in the names= argument but can't get it to work.?
2010 Oct 11
(senza oggetto)
? stato filtrato un testo allegato il cui set di caratteri non era indicato... Nome: non disponibile URL: <>
2001 Jan 30
screen can't go back to log="y" plot (PR#831)
[I have abbreviated the subject as jitterbug has been having probems with long subjects.] The issue here is that one cannot mix log/non-log axes in the calls to screen(), as the appropriate par() parameter is read-only, but the meaning of yaxp depends on it. But beyond that you can't set x/yaxp for log axes. You should be able to do this: you can in the S original. A simpler version: plot
2007 Oct 22
question on axis box with asp=1
I've been using (and loving) R for quite a while now, but I have to admit that something simple is still stumping me. The question is how I can control the box within which a plot is drawn, in cases where I'm controlling the aspect ratio with the "asp" argument. The problem comes up in pdf() and png() output formats, but also with interactive windows, and so I'll
2013 Feb 25
creating variable that codes for the match/mismatch between two other variables
Dear all, I have got two vectors coding for a stimulus presented in the current trial (mydat$Stimulus) and a prediction in the same trial (mydat$Prediciton), respectively. By applying an if-conditional I want to create a new vector that indicates if there is a match between both vectors in the same trial. That is, if the prediction equals the stimulus. When I pick out some trials randomly, I get
2004 May 17
Plotting Time against Date for time series data?
Dear all, I have a data set containing GPS fixes of animal locations. To check that the GPS's are working properly, I would like to plot the time of the fixes (y-axis) against the date of the fixes (x-axis). If all works well, the plot should show four regular fixes per day. The x-axis should be labelled with month/year (i.e. 11/04) and the y-axis by hour from 00 to 24. I would like to
2009 Sep 11
format (?) problems with data imported from postgres
Good day, I read some data from a PostgreSQL database by a following script: library(Rdbi) library(RdbiPgSQL) # conn becomes an object which contains the DB connection: conn <- dbConnect(PgSQL(), host="localhost", dbname="BVS", user="postgres", password = "*******") query_duj_kal <- dbSendQuery(conn, "select zdroj as well, cas as date, fe2,
2018 Feb 25
Hi Val, My fault - I assumed that the NA would be first in the result produced by "unique": mydat <- read.table(textConnection("Col1 Col2 col3 Z1 K1 K2 Z2 NA NA Z3 X1 NA Z4 Y1 W1"),header = TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) val23<-unique(unlist(mydat[,c("Col2","col3")])) napos<-which( preval<-data.frame(Col1=val23[-napos],
2013 Dec 08
How to evaluate sequence of strings like this
Hello Dear R community,  This is my problem.  I have a data set (dataframe) called "mydat". It consist of 3 numerical variable.  They are Centrecode, FSUSN and Round. I want to create unique ID by combining these 3 variables. Follwing commands gives me what I need. mydat1 <- paste(mydat$Centrecode, mydat$FSUSN,mydat$Round,sep="") newds <- data.frame(mydat1)    For a
2011 Apr 23
Problem having tick marks aligned when plotting three graphs on top of one another.
R 2.10 Windows 7 I am trying to plot three graphs on top of each other. I need to have the axises perfectly aligned. For some reason the ticks on the y axes are slightly off so they do not perfectly align. Can someone tell me how I can get the to overlay each other perfectly? I thought the yaxp parameter would solve my problem, but it does not. My data and code follows: >
2010 Dec 30
Sorting data.frame datewise in a descending order
Dear 'HTH' R friends I have a small dataframe as given below. I need to sort this database based on date in a decending order. I am not sure whether I have defined the date column in a proper format. mydat<-data.frame(date = (c("1/31/2010", "2/28/2010", "3/31/2010", "4/30/2010", "5/31/2010", "6/30/2010",
2018 Feb 25
HI Jim and all, I want to put one more condition. Include col2 and col3 if they are not in col1. Here is the data mydat <- read.table(textConnection("Col1 Col2 col3 K2 X1 NA Z1 K1 K2 Z2 NA NA Z3 X1 NA Z4 Y1 W1"),header = TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) The desired out put would be Col1 Col2 col3 1 X1 0 0 2 K1 0 0 3 Y1 0 0 4 W1 0 0 6 K2 X1
2018 Feb 25
Jim has been exceedingly patient (and may well continue to be so), but this smells like "failure to launch". At what point will you start showing your (failed) attempts at solving your own problems so we can help you work on your specific weaknesses and become self-sufficient? -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On February 25, 2018 7:55:55 AM PST, Val <valkremk at
2018 Feb 25
hi Val, Your problem seems to be that the data are read in as a factor. The simplest way I can think of to get around this is: mydat <- read.table(textConnection("Col1 Col2 col3 Z1 K1 K2 Z2 NA NA Z3 X1 NA Z4 Y1 W1"),header = TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) preval<-data.frame(Col1=unique(unlist(mydat[,c("Col2","col3")]))[-1], Col2=NA,col3=NA) rbind(preval,mydat)