Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Can Sweave be instructed to use the cairo graphics device?"
2008 Sep 17
rgl: How to position a window during open3d call
Dear all,
The documentation on the function open3d in the rgl package, reads:
open3d opens a new rgl device, and sets the parameters as requested.
I want the new rgl device (window) to be sized and positioned in a specific
place on my screen. So, I try to set the "windowRect" parameter as follows:
> library("rgl")
> open3d(windowRect=c(100,100,500,500))
2010 Mar 26
cacheSweave fails when used in conjunction with rjags
Hi all,
I use the excellent packages rjags and cacheSweave, and unfortunately
seem to have found an incompatibility between them. Below are a
minimal .Rnw file and corresponding JAGS model file which illustrate
the problem:
*** JAGS model file; name=j.bug ***
model {
mu ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-5)
sigma ~ dunif(0,100)
for(i in 1:length(y)) {
y[i] ~ dnorm(mu,sigma)
*** .Rnw
2011 Mar 23
Sweave: multiple graphic formats, e.g. win.metafile
Dear R devel,
being constrained to a windows environment at work and having colleagues being accustomed to the Microsoft Office Suite, I was looking for a way to have the RweaveLatex driver for Sweave automatically generating 'win.metafile's in addition to the pdf graphics.
Without this functionalilty, the generation of emf-graphics is quite laborious, I think:
2010 Apr 27
how to set chart output size in rgl (surface3d)?
Hi R users,
Does anyone know how to change the size of 3d charts? I'm using surface3d in
rgl package, opening a new window each time to display the chart. I want it
so that the chart fills the whole window, because when I output it to png, I
don't want all the white space around the chart (right now, i'm getting this
white "border" around the chart because the chart is
2007 Feb 02
multinomial logistic regression with equality constraints?
I'm interested in doing multinomial logistic regression with equality
constraints on some of the parameter values. For example, with
categorical outcomes Y_1 (baseline), Y_2, and Y_3, and covariates X_1
and X_2, I might want to impose the equality constraint that
\beta_{2,1} = \beta_{3,2}
that is, that the effect of X_1 on the logit of Y_2 is the same as the
effect of X_2 on the
2010 Jan 31
accessing column and row numbers inside splom in lattice
When using splom() in the lattice package, I would like to be able to
access the row and column number of each individual pairs plot ,
similar to the way that current.row() and current.column() can be used
in other lattice plotting functions such as xyplot. For example, I
would like to be able to write something along the lines of
y <-
2007 Dec 07
if/else for plot/lines?
I'm interested in writing a function that constructs a new plot on the
current graphics device if no plot exists there yet, but adds lines to
the existing plot if a plot is already there. How can I do this? It
seems to me that the exists() function might be co-opted to do this, but
it's not obvious how.
Many thanks,
Roger Levy Email: rlevy at ucsd.edu
2010 Feb 24
R Graphics into Latex
I'm new in Latex and I'm trying to include an R chart into a Latex document.
This is what I'm doing:
1) In R: save the chart as a a Postcript in a folder C:/xxx/Density.eps
2) In Latex (using TexWorks on windows xp) :
In the preambule:
2010 Nov 06
Hashing and environments
I'm trying to write a general-purpose "lexicon" class and associated methods for storing and accessing information about large numbers of specific words (e.g., their frequencies in different genres). Crucial to making such a class practically useful is to get hashing working correctly so that information about specific words can be accessed quickly. But I've never really
2006 Mar 24
Sweaving in png
Hello list,
despite I already posted a mail on this topic on R help, I guess this place may be more appropriate.
I'll make it shorter this time. Sorry for posting twice.
I found that using pixmap pictures in a Sweave document was sometimes almost impossible, due to the huge size of the pdf pictures produced.
The first solution I found was to save pictures in png, when too heavy in pdf.
2009 Apr 14
using Sweave, how to save a plot in a given size
I'm trying to realise a repport with R and Latex (TeXnicCenter and Miktex for Windows) using Sweave().
I'd like to save my plots in a given size. How can I do that ? The code is :
\SweaveOpts{prefix.string = figs/plot, eps = FALSE, pdf = TRUE}
<<partI, echo=FALSE ,fig=TRUE, include=FALSE>>=
When I use
2012 Aug 29
latex \subfloat{} incompatible with sweave/knitr code
Dear all
Are LaTeX \subfloat{} commands incompatible with Sweave code? I cannot
get the following code to compile properly:
If I replace the Sweave chunk with a random string or a table, the
compilation works fine. Any ideas what happens? I hit the same trouble
when running the code chunks through knitr.
2011 Mar 08
beamer overlays with Sweave?
This may be asking too much, but I'm wondering if anyone has a
solution (even a hack) for creating multiple (overlay) plots in an
Sweave file and post-processing the overlays in beamer appropriately.
For example, suppose I have a series of figure blocks in my .Rnw file:
2011 Aug 04
Sweave - landscape figure
Dear R-users
I am trying to understand how Sweave works by running some simple examples. In the example I am working with there is a chunk where the R-commands related to plotting a figure are placed. When running R CMD Sweave ? , pdflatex the output is a portrait figure. I wonder whether it would be possible to change the orientation to landscape (not in the latex file but in Rnw file).
2009 Apr 13
I want to use Sweave, but only sometimes
Does anybody have a workable system to run an Rnw document through
R-Sweave when necessary, but to just run it through LaTeX if no new R
calculations are needed? I.e., the figures already exist, I do not
need R to do more work for me, so I send the document straight to
I want to leave open the option that I might need to run the document
through Sweave in the future, so I don't want
2005 Nov 17
changing figure size in Sweave
In Sweave, how does one change the size of the plots?
I tried using a hook:
<<echo=FALSE, print=FALSE, fig=TRUE>>=
options(SweaveHooks=list(fig=function() ps.options(width=1)))
but this didn't change the size of the figure. How to make the
figures a
different size?
Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
National Oceanography Centre,
2012 Feb 20
Computing plot size in Sweave
Sometimes you want to compute the physical size of a plot based on data.
In R itself this is no problem.
But is there a way to compute the values of height and width in S-weave, say:
where xx and yy are computed and not physically written in the document?
Bendix Carstensen
2012 Aug 21
Sweave: R chunk inside caption?
Hi Folks,
I'm surprised, but I didn't find this question addressed anywhere. I'd
like to generate a LaTeX caption with R code. I've tried the code
below, but I get the following TeX error:
! Argument of \@caption has an extra }.
<inserted text>
l.21 }
Any thoughts? Perhaps I'll have to write the "\caption{}" text with R?
2008 Nov 03
Sweave: side by side dynamic graphs
Hi all:
I'm trying to create some side by side dynamic graphics on the same page but I am running into some problems. I am able to create side by side figures only if I import them into my PDF. see the example bellow:
\usepackage{color,cite,graphicx}% to put in axodraw
%Import two figures side by side. Please
2010 Aug 17
Dear R users,
I am using Sweave.
I would like to use the width option for the graphics :
How do I get this ?
Thank you very much,
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