Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "R CMD SHLIB changes function name when compiling"
2010 Aug 27
R.matlab package help
I have a problem running R.matlab package
(under 2.10.1 version). I can set up the matlab server under local
machine(run the MatlabServer.m), "
And I can use setVariable and evaluate matlab functions in R. But when I ask
Matlab to send the value back to R using getVariable function it
always returns an error:
??? Error: A MATLAB string constant is not
2004 Mar 11
Is it ok to use the name on a bundle and one if its packages?
I wonder if it is unwise to name a bundle the same as one of its
packages. For instance, I now have a huge package called 'aroma' that
I basically want to split up in several smaller packages, say
'aroma.core', 'aroma.io', 'aroma.explore', 'aroma.trial',
'aroma.deprecated' etc, which simplifies maintenance but also the
overview. For
2008 Mar 02
Could not install aroma.affymetrix
I don't know if this is the correct forum to ask the following question;
however, when I search the aroma.affymetrix discussion group, it suggested
that I should posted the question to r-help. Here it goes.
I followed the instructions on aroma.affymetrix trying to install the
packages; following are the steps:
> install.packages(c("R.oo", "R.utils"),
2004 Jun 08
[Q] raw -> gpr in aroma package
Is it possible to make gpr from raw?
#read gpr file
gpr <- GenePixData$read("gpr123.gpr", path=aroma$dataPath)
# gpr -> raw
raw <- as.RawData(gpr)
# raw -> ma
ma <- getSignal(raw, bgSubtract=FALSE)
ma.norm <- clone(ma)
normalizeWithinSlide(ma.norm, "s")
#ma -> raw
raw2 <- as.RawData(ma)
I want to make gpr data from
2012 Dec 07
Make scripts during package installation?
During installation of a package, Makevars/Makefile in src/ is
processed. I've always considered the purpose of this for compiling
native code. Is that it's solely purpose, or is it alright to use it
also for non-code compilation purposes, e.g. building inst/
subdirectories on the fly? If not, are there other means to create
non-static inst/ subdirectories during installation?
2011 Mar 14
hclust() memory issue
Hi, I have a microarray dataset of dimension 25000x30 and try to clustering
using hclust(). But the clustering on the rows failed due to the size:
> y<-hclust(dist(data),method='average')
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1.9 Gb
I tried to increase the memory using memory.limit(size=3000), still got the same
I also tried agnes() from cluster package and pvclust() from
2011 Feb 12
R 2.13.0 on Windows: R CMD check and '"du"' not found
FYI, I'm sure the following is a temporary issue, but in case it slips
through, I want to raise it here. On Windows 7 64-bit, running Rcmd
check on R devel gives:
* using R version 2.13.0 Under development (unstable) (2011-02-11 r54330)
* using platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32 (64-bit)
* using session charset: ISO8859-1
* checking for file 'aroma.core/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is
2003 May 02
için Anatolya aroma ozlu madensuyu tan?t?m?..
?yelik Bilgileriniz
Kullan?c?Ad?n?z :
?ifreniz :
Tekrar ?ifreniz :
Gizli Soru : ?
Cevab?n?z :
Ki?isel Bilgileriniz
Ad?n?z :
Soyad?n?z :
E-Mail Adresiniz :
Adresiniz :
2008 Mar 29
Problem installing aroma.affymetrix on Solaris 9 with R-2.6.2
Hi List,
I'm trying to install aroma.affymetrix, which depend on many packages, affyio is one of them. The task is done on 32-bit Linux without problem. The same task was done on Solaris 9 with R-2.5.1 without problem. Following is the error message when installation affyio. I did try to put a file stdint.h I got from the web in the path, but got more error messages.
2010 Jun 26
boot with strata: strata argument ignored?
Hello All. I must be missing the really obvious here:
mm <- function(d, i) median(d[i])
b1 <- boot(gravity$g, mm, R = 1000)
b2 <- boot(gravity$g, mm, R = 1000, strata = gravity$series)
Both b1 and b2 seem to have done (almost) the same thing, but it looks like
the strata argument in b2 has been ignored. However, str(b1) vs str(b2)
does show that the strata have been noted
2010 Aug 26
Passing data to aov
Hello Again Gurus and Lurkers:
I?m trying to build a very user-friendly function which does aov without
having the user type in a formula (which would be tedious in this case).
The idea is to take the response from a PCA score matrix, and the factors
from a list. A simple example is the function given below, along with test
data and a sample call to the function.
I'm certainly having
2015 Jan 26
Inspect a "delayed" assigned whose value throws an error?
Hi, I got an interesting programming challenge:
How do you inspect an object which is assigned via delayedAssign() and
that throws an error as soon as it is "touched" (=the value is
evaluated)? Is it possible?
$ R --vanilla
> delayedAssign("foo", stop("Hey!"))
(If you find this minimal example silly/obvious, please skip down to
the real
2004 Mar 10
Rd - \preformatted, \section and LaTeX problem
I have found an unwanted feature in the Rd to LaTeX convertion
regarding \preformatted inside a \section. I have created an Rd
example below, which generates an error in the following 'R CMD check'
* creating aroma.affine-manual.tex ... OK
* checking aroma.affine-manual.tex ... ERROR
LaTeX errors when creating DVI version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.
I believe
2012 Dec 20
How to make an <pkg>/configure file executable on Windows/NTFS?
in my package, I've got a 'configure' file in the root, e.g.
aroma.affymetrix/configure. (I've also got a configure.win, which
works just fine on Windows). This file must be executable (has a
proper file mode) for 'R CMD INSTALL'/install.packages() to work,
otherwise one gets:
* installing *source* package 'aroma.affymetrix' ...
ERROR: 'configure'
2007 Oct 23
I'm rather frustrated in trying to run the examples on the robustSmoothSpline. No matter what packages I load, I still come up
with the error as follows.
Error: could not find function "robustSmoothSpline"
Am I missing something?
2009 Nov 23
CRAN Server download statistics (Was: R Usage Statistics)
Hi All,
It seems that the question of how may people use (or download) R, and it's packages is one that comes up on a fairly regular basis in a variety of forums (There was also recent thread on the subject on Stack Overflow). A couple of students at UCLA (including myself), wanted to address the issue, so we set up a system to get and parse the cran.stat.ucla.edu APACHE logs every night, and
2010 Dec 15
ebimage problems
Hello, I've been having some trouble working with the aroma package and have
realized that it's my ebimage is at the root of the problem. The package
builds but during testing it fails because of an undefined symbol as seen
installing to /usr/local/lib64/R/library/EBImage/libs
** R
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
2011 Apr 20
Package Name Not Found Warning
I've got a DESCRIPTION file with a the first line:
Package: Repitools
But, when I run R CMD INSTALL Repitools I get:
* installing *source* package Repitools ...
** R
** data
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Warning in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) :
Created a package name, "2011-04-20 09:05:40", when none found
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package
2005 Sep 03
I connected my quicknet phonejack to the wall phone outlet and .......
waited for the aroma of burnt electronics. There wasn't any so I went
to the next room and plugged in a telephone on the wall outlet. I
picked up the handset and it rang my asterisk box.
I dont have any phone service.
The phone is working fine and have used it for hours listening to
podcasts. And I can plug it to any phone in the house.
Now I am thinking if I can plug another phone
2009 Sep 03
Suggestion: Allow packages to add additional information to sessionInfo()
sessionInfo() has been proven really useful, but you still often have
to ask for additional information in order to help troubleshooting.
For instance, for troubleshooting the aroma.affymetrix, it is very
helpful to know what the current working directory is, for other
packages certain system environment variables might be useful and so
One solution could be to provide support for hook