similar to: element wise conditional assignment in r

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "element wise conditional assignment in r"

2007 Sep 03
element wise opertation between a vector and a list
I want to try to get a result of element wise addition between a vector and a list. It can be done with "for statement." In order to reducing computing time, I have tried to avoid "for state." If anybody give me an idea, I would apprecite it much. for example, with a & b as below lines, a<- list(c(1,3),c(1,2),c(2,3)) b<-c(10,20,30) I would like to have a list (like
2008 Oct 21
Multi matrix row-wise mapply?
Hi group! Suppose I have 2 matrices A and B of equal dimensions. I want to apply a function f to all corresponding pairs of rows from A and B in an efficient manner. Basically, I want mapply(f, data.frame(A), data.frame(B)) but for rows. How do I do it? Thanks, Andrey
2010 Sep 13
Question: Form a new list with the index replicated equal to the number of elements in that index
Dear R-Helpers, I have a list l1 like: l1[[1]] a b c l1[[2]] d l1[[3]] e f I want an output res like: res[[1]] 1 1 1 res[[2]] 2 res[[3]] 3 3 Essentially, I want to replicate each index equal to the number of elements present in that index. Below is what I do to accomplish this: l1 <- list(c("a", "b", "c"), "d", c("e", "f"))
2010 Aug 24
Index list by other list (w/ logical elements)?
I have two lists of the same shape, like this: x <- list() x[[1]] <- c("one","two") x[[2]] <- c("three","four","five") y <- list() y[[1]] <- c(TRUE,FALSE) y[[2]] <- c(FALSE,TRUE,TRUE) I would like to index x "by" y, that is, the result in this case should be: z [[1]] [1] "one" [[2]] [1] "four"
2007 Mar 19
Row wise solving an equation
Hello R-list, How can I row wise solve a function for which the input variables are written in a matrix or a vector and have the calculated output added to the matrix or written in a vector? To specify my case in particular I continue: I would like R to calculate for me a value for ‘t’ which is function of input parameters A and B, which are comprised in a matrix called ‘ddt’ and some other
2009 Nov 30
Assign palette (e.g. rainbow) to a series of points on 1 plot
I have 11 vectors representing insect survival probabilities in response to different levels of toxins at 10 concentrations lx100=c(1,1,1,.8,.5,.4,.2,0) day100=c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) lx90=c(1,1,1,1,.9,.8,.6,.4,.2,.1,0) day90=c(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) #...and so on10% and a zero (control) series lx0=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,.9,.9,.8,.8,.6,.5,.4,.3,.2,.1,.1,0)
2010 Jun 11
Managing list elements
Hello, I have two lists with the same number of elements > tail(LHS) [[1]] [1] "antecedentes.factor_riesgo=17" "antecedentes.estado=1" "antecedentes.medio=4" "tarjetas_flagrancia.adquiriente2=" [[2]] [1] "antecedentes.riesgo=1" "antecedentes.estado=1" "antecedentes.medio=4"
2011 May 26
Applying "toupper" to only portions of text strings
Colleagues Assume that I have a vector containing some text strings, some of which contain a particular character. I could like to apply "toupper" to the text before the character. For example (in this case, "|" is the particular character): ORIGINAL: TEXT <- c("aaaa", "bbb|cc", "|ddd") AFTER APPLICATION OF toupper: TEXT <-
2005 Apr 15
function corresponding to map of perl
Is there a function in R that corresponds to the function ``map'' of perl? It could be called like: vector.a <- map( vector.b, FUN, args.for.FUN ) It should execute for each element ele.b of vector.b: FUN( vector.b, args.for.FUN) It should return a vector (or data.frame) of the results of the calls of FUN. It nearly works using: apply( data.frame( vector.b ), 1, FUN,
2010 Oct 28
Determining a basal correct count
Here's another interesting problem: if you recall I have a data frame (LCvars1) that consists of about 1500 cases (rows) of data from kids who took a test of listening comprehension. The columns are their scores (1 = correct, 0 = incorrect, . = missing) on 140 test items. The items are numbered sequentially and are ordered by increasing difficulty as you go from left to right across the
2010 Sep 08
subbing a string vector for another string vector
I have a data frame with two columns: image pattern 1 http://$IMAGE_ID$ 2 $IMAGE_ID$ ... I want to replace "$IMAGE_ID$" with the corresponding entry in the pattern column such that the result would appear as follows: url
2010 Oct 01
How to apply vector value function to a multidimensional array indexed by the remaining dimensions?
Hi, I am looking for some generalization of colSums and rowSums for general vector valued functions, and for arrays of more than 2 dimensions. So as a concrete example, suppose I have a 3 dimensional array, given by x = array(1:100,c(3,4,5)). and I want to sum the 3rd index of x to obain a 3 by 4 matrix. Using rowSums would return a vector of length 3 because it treats the last two indices as
2009 Aug 26
Managing output
Hi, Is there a way to build up a vector, item by item. In perl, we can "push" an item onto an array. How can we can do this in R? I have a loop that generates values as it goes. I want to end up with a vector of all the loop results. In perl it woud be: for(item in list){ result <- 2*item^2 (Or whatever formula, this is just a pseudo example) Push(@result_list,
2010 Nov 17
translate vector of numbers to indicies of 0/1 matrix
Hello All, Searched around, haven't found a decent solution. I'd like to translate a vector of numbers to a matrix (or to a list of vectors) such that the vector values would serve as indicies of the 1's in an otherwise-zero-filled matrix (or list of vectors). For example: > a = c(1,3,3,4) # perform operation [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 1 0 0 0 [2,] 0 0 1
2010 Aug 30
Band-wise Conditional Sum - Actual problem
Dear R helpers, Thanks a lot for your earlier guidance esp. Mr Davind Winsemius Sir. However, there seems to be mis-communication from my end corresponding to my requirement. As I had mentioned in my earlier mail, I am dealing with a very large database of borrowers and I had given a part of it in my earlier mail as given below. For a given rating say "A", I needed to have the bad-wise
2010 Mar 15
problem in reading trajectory file
Hi, I'm trying to read some trajectory files (text files) which have the form: # trial n # t X Y 0 1 2 0.2 1 3 0.4 1.2 4 ... # trial n+1 # t X Y 0 1 2 0.2 1.3 3.3 0.4 1.5 5 ... ... where the symbol # means that the line is not a numeric value, but I still need to read the number of the trial (n=1, 2, etc.). I
2011 Feb 21
Mutiplying a data frame to a list
Hi R community, I have a question I'm sure is very simple for most of you. I have a list, with each element being a matrix and the names of the elements are numbers (like 1,3,...). I can extract the matrices and the names individually. Now, I want to multiply each of the names to the individual list matrices (after converting to numbers of course). I could use a for loop, but the very
2010 Jan 17
enty-wise closest element
Dear R-users, i have a simple problem maybe, but i don't see the solution. i want to find the entry-wise closest element of an vector compared with another. ind1<-c(1,4,10) ind2<-c(3,5,11) for (i in length(ind2):1) { print(which.min(abs(ind1-ind2[i]))) } for ind2[3] it should be ind1[3] 10, for ind2[2] it should be ind1[2] 4 and for ind2[1] it should be ind1[1] 1. but with the
2009 Feb 11
Loop on characters
Hi, suppose I have three vectors like : l1 = 1:4 l2 = 4:9 l3 = 16:67 now I want to construct a loop like : for (i in 1:3) { count1[i] = length(li) # i.e. it will take l1, l2, l3 according to value of i } Can anyone please tell me how to do that? Regards, -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help
2010 Jun 13
Are any values in one list contained within a second list
Silly question, but, can I test to see if any value of list a is contained in list b without doing a loop? A loop is easy enough, but wanted to see if there was a cleaner way. By way of example: List 1: a, b, c, d, e, f, g List 2: z, y, x, w, v, u, b Return true, since both lists contain b List 1: a, b, c, d, e, f, g List 2: z, y, x, w, v, u, t Return false, since the lists have no mutual