similar to: getting the output after bootstraping

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "getting the output after bootstraping"

2010 Sep 29
fitting model to resampled data
I apologize if this comes across as confusing. I will try to explain my situation as best I can. I have R bootstrapping my growth data for fish. It's resampling my database of age and length data and then produces several new datasets for me. In this case, it's resampling my data to create three new datasets of age and length data. Here is my code with my original data called
2008 Sep 02
All - I have data: TL age 388 4 418 4 438 4 428 5 539 10 432 4 444 7 421 4 438 4 419 4 463 6 423 4 ... [truncated] and I'm trying to fit a simple Von Bertalanffy growth curve with program: #Creates a Von Bertalanffy growth model VonB=nls(TL~Linf*(1-exp(-k*(age-t0))), data=box5.4, start=list(Linf=1000, k=0.1, t0=0.1), trace=TRUE) #Scatterplot of the data plot(TL~age, data=box5.4,
2003 Jun 02
Help - Curvature measures of nonlinearity
Dear colleagues, Von Bertalanffy model is commonly adjust to data on fish length (TL) and age (AGE) TL= Linf*(1-exp(-K*(AGE-t0)). Linf, K and t0 are parameters of the model. One main goal of the growth study is the comparison of growth parameter estimates between sexes of the same species, or estimates from different populations. The realibility statistical tests normally applied are highly
2006 May 24
Hi, I have great problems with my work in R. I look for to model the growth of fish. I have "Longitudinal data", a serie of repeated measures for each individual. Using the corresponding packages "nlme" in R. I treat to fit to the data different growth functions, wich were entered by me. Unfortunately for no it was arrived at the convergence, several error messages appeared. I
2001 Sep 07
fitting models with gnls
Dear R-list members, Some months ago I wrote a message on the usage of gnls (nlme library) and here I come again. Let me give an example: I have a 10 year length-at-age data set of 10 fishes (see growth.dat at the end of this message) and I want to fit a von Bertalanffy growth model, Li= Linf*(1-exp(-k*(ti-t0))) where Li = length at age i, Linf= asymptotic length, k= curvature parameter, ti=
2012 Sep 10
More help need on Von Bertalanffy Growth Curves
Howdy, Last week I got some great help on why I was getting an error code when trying to run this model, thanks everyone!  I was able to get the code up and running beautifully for several data sets.  Now I am getting different errors with this new data set.  I can't figure out why, I have more data points with this species, and it is ordered exactly the same as the other species I have been
2012 Sep 04
Comparing Von Bertalanffy Growth Curves
I am trying to compare Vbert growth curves from several years of fish data. I am following the code provided by: Specifically the section on VBGM Comparisons between groups. ? This code is pretty cut and dry. I am able to run it perfectly with the "fake" data that is provided. But when I run it with my own
2012 Aug 14
bootstrapped CI for nonlinear models using nlsBoot from nlstools
Hi all I?m trying to get confidence intervals for parameters from nls modeling. I fitted a nls model to the following variables: > x [1] 2 1 1 5 4 6 13 11 13 101 101 101 > y [1] 1.281055090 1.563609934 0.001570796 2.291579783 0.841891853 [6] 6.553951324 14.243274230 14.519899320 15.066473610 21.728809880 [11] 18.553054450 23.722637370 The model fitted was:
2006 Jan 27
how calculation degrees freedom
Hi, I' m having a hard time understanding the computation of degrees of freedom when runing nlme() on the following model: > formula(my dLt ~ Lt | ID TasavB<- function(Lt, Linf, K) (K*(Linf-Lt)) my model.nlme <- nlme (dLt ~ TasavB(Lt, Linf, K), data = my, fixed = list(Linf ~ 1, K ~ 1), start = list(fixed = c(70, 0.4)), na.action= na.include,
2008 Feb 26
NLS -- multiplicative errors and group comparison
Hello, I am attempting to fit a non-linear model (Von Bertalanffy growth model) to fish length-at-age data with the purpose of determining if any of the three parameters differ between male and female fish. I believe that I can successfully accomplish this goal assuming an additive error structure (illustrated in section 1 below). My trouble begins when I attempt this analysis using a model
2007 Jun 14
R programming question
Dear All., I've created R-code for which a user will be asked to choose between 2 analyses. I've written one function for each type of analysis. Within each function, the users is prompted to enter information. An example is: cat("Enter value for lower Linf :\n") L1<-scan(n=1) cat("Enter value for upper Linf :\n") L2<-scan(n=1)
2008 Aug 01
Confidence intervals with nls()
I have data that looks like O.lengthO.age 176 1 179 1 182 1 ... 493 5 494 5 514 5 606 5 462 6 491 6 537 6 553 6 432 7 522 7 625 8 661 8 687 10 704 10 615 12 (truncated) with a simple VonB growth model from within nls(): plot(O.length~O.age, data=OS) Oto = nls(O.length~Linf*(1-exp(-k*(O.age-t0))), data=OS, start=list(Linf=1000, k=0.1, t0=0.1), trace=TRUE) mod <- seq(0, 12)
2008 Jun 10
newbie nls question
I'm tyring to fit a relatively simple nls model to some data, but keep coming up against the same error (code follows): Oto=nls(Otolith ~ Linf*(1-exp(-k(AGE-to))), data = ages, start = list(Linf=1000, k=0.1, to=0.1), trace = TRUE) The error message I keep getting is "Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : could not find function "k"". I've used this
2003 Jun 20
Power Law Exponents
I am having difficulty with the calculation of the power law exponent for set of nodes within a graph. Specifically, I am interested in the distribution of in-degree and out-degree among communities of web pages where the web pages are the nodes of the graph and the hyperlinks the edges. According to the literature, the distribution of incoming and outgoing links obeys a power law distribution
2001 Mar 28
fitting growth curves
Dear R-list members, Cynthia M. Jones wrote a paper (Fitting growth curves to retrospective size-at-age data, Fisheries Research 46(2000):123-129; abstract at the SAS procedure MIXED, Macro NLINMIX (Littell et. al., 1996)was used to estimate the von Bertalanffy growth function parameters assuming that data from the same fish are
2005 Jan 27
weighting in nls
I'm fitting nonlinear functions to some growth data but I'm getting radically different results in R to another program (Prism). Furthermore the values from the other program give a better fit and seem more realistic. I think there is a problem with the results from the r nls function. The differences only occur with weighted data so I think I'm making a mistake in the weighting.
2012 Mar 10
Draw values from multiple data sets as inputs to a Monte-Carlo function; then apply across entire matrix
Hi all, I am trying to implement a Monte-Carlo simulation for each cell in a spatial matrix (using mcd2 package) . I have figured out how to conduct the simulation using data from a single location (where I manually input distribution parameters into the R code), but am having trouble (a) adjusting the code to pull input variables from my various data sets and then (b) applying the entire
2010 Feb 16
nls.lm & AIC
Hi there, I'm a PhD student investigating growth patterns in fish. I've been using the minpack.lm package to fit extended von Bertalanffy growth models that include explanatory covariates (temperature and density). I found the nls.lm comand a powerful tool to fit models with a lot of parameters. However, in order to select the best model over the possible candidates (without covariates,
2010 Sep 29
repeat a function
I have R randomly sampling my array made up of 2 columns of data. Here is my code randomly sampling 5 different rows from my dataset to create a new dataset of 8 rows of data: testdat<-growth[sample(5,8,replace=T),] Now I want to tell R to repeat this function 50 times and give me the output. I have been searching the internet and have been unable to figure this out. Any advice
2010 Sep 29
need help with ramdomly sampling some data
I am trying to get R to randomly select values from my dataset (i.e. bootstrapping) with replacement. However, my attempts at this have been unsuccessful. Here is a basic example of what I am doing: I have a data vector of 8 values (i.e. data= 2,5,9,4,5,6,7,8). I used the sample function and it worked. However, it only repeated my values in the exact same order as the dataset. It did not