Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "Odds ratio from Logistic model in R"
2001 Mar 05
Odds Ratio from Logistic Model
Hi all.
A simple question.
Is there a function to compute the Odds Ratio and its confidence intervall, from a logistic model (glm(.......,family=binomial....). I've written my own, but certainly someone did a better job.
Thank you in advance,
Stefano Calza
Istituto di Statistica Medica e Biometria
Universit? degli Studi di Milano
2004 Jun 27
subset drop unused levels
hi there
tried to use subset with drop=TRUE, but all the 'old' levels are preserved,
i.e. when calling e.g. ftable a lot of zeros are displayed
>x<-subset(LREG, (kir=='AA' | kir=='BB') & (type=='t1' | otype=='t2'),
drop=TRUE, select=c(event, kir, type))
> ftable(x)
i explicit have to call factor like
2010 Jan 02
Help with tryCatch
Windows XP
R 2.8.1
I am trying to run a function testone() and if the function completes without error do one set of instructions, and if the function generates either a warning or an error run another set of instructions. I have read try, and tryCatch help screens at least 20 times, have tried to experiment with code, but I can't understand how to accomplish my desired task.
2007 Dec 02
Help with a Loop
I am having trouble getting a loop to work for the following problem. Any
help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I need to find the slope and intercept from the linear regression of Drug
Level on Day by Participant. There are a total of 37 Participants. I need to
store the Participant, Label, Slope, and Intercept in a new data frame.
This data is ordered by Participant number 37 total
2005 Dec 06
Coefficient of association for 2x2 contingency tables
Found no measure of association or correlation for 2x2 contingency tables in
fullrefman.pdf or google. Can someone point to a package that implements such
Alexandre Santos Aguiar
- consultoria para pesquisa em sa??de -
R Botucatu, 591 cj 81
tel 11-9320-2046
fax 11-5549-8760
2001 Apr 05
CI for wilcoxon test (PR#895)
Full_Name: Marketa Kylouskova
Version: 1.2.1
OS: Windows
Submission from: (NULL) (
I believe there is a bug in the extension of wilcox.test, namely in
determination of confidence intervals. I concentrated on the two-sample test
only. I examined and tested its performance on this working data set:
x<-rnorm(10,3,1) # So I have two samples, I will test whether
2008 Aug 05
Fix for nls bug???
Hi All,
I've hit a problem using nls. I think it may be a restriction in the
applicability of nls and I may have found a fix, but I've been wrong before.
This example is simplified to the essentials. My real application is much
more complicated.
Take a function of matrix 'x' with additional arguments:
matrix 'aMat' whose values are _not_ to be determined by nls
2009 Jan 19
I have a question regarding the candisc package. My data are:
species three five
1 2.95 6.63
1 2.53 7.79
1 3.57 5.65
1 3.16 5.47
2 2.58 4.46
2 2.16 6.22
2 3.27 3.52
I put these in a table and then a linear model
>newdata <- lm(cbind(three, five) ~ species, data=rawdata)
and then do a candisc on them
2002 Nov 22
Hi eveybody.
I've seen posted before the same question, but no answer. Is there anybody
who has implemented the Hosmer-Lemeshow test in R?
r-help mailing list -- Read http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~hornik/R/R-FAQ.html
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2011 Apr 06
Dear all,
I have a four variable: Stuy.Name, OR, 95%LCI and 95%UCI and I would like to
create a meta analysis plot. I can't use meta.MH function in metaplot
because I do not have
n.trt, n.ctrl, col.trt, col.ctrl are not available! Is there an alternative
way to do it?
Many thanks in advance,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Nov 03
Ansari-Bradley test (PR#2252)
Full_Name: Wei Xu
Version: 1.5.1
OS: WindowsME
Submission from: (NULL) (
The P-value for a two.sided test is not consistent with the confidence
For example, P-value=0.1372, but the 95% CI doesn't include the H0 value(1).
> x
[1] 0.80 0.83 1.89 1.04 1.45 1.38 1.91 1.64 0.73 1.46
> y
[1] 1.15 0.88 0.90 0.74 1.21
2012 Aug 02
ggplot does not show in knitr
I'm having some issues getting a ggplot figure to show up in the knitr
output, when placed in a loop.
Specifically, I have a loop inside a knitr chunk :
```{r fitting, warning=FALSE, fig.width=10, fig.height=10, fig.keep='high'}
for (t in 1:T)
# do a regression of tgt.vals ~ predictors and compute coeffs and
fitted values (fit.vals / fit.adj.vals)
2014 Sep 08
problema con los cambios de marcas temporales en el eje X
Muchísimas gracias Carlos, de verdad que te agradezco la ayuda, pero no es lo que voy buscando. Quiero colocar en el eje de abscisas la secuencia temporal de los meses, es decir, agosto septiembre, octubre, etc? pero no las fechas de las toma de datos, sino que aparezca la marca de un mes, y la siguiente marca sea la del siguiente mes, etc?, y además que las muestras estén separadas de acuerdo con
2000 Oct 19
Multiple outputs of a function
Hello everybody,
I'm writting some functions for experimental designs. The one I'm
working on is similar to "fac.design" on Splus.
The problem I have is with the form of the output :
When the argument fraction is submitted, Splus gives something like :
1 - - -
2 + + -
3 + - +
4 - + +
Fraction : ~A:B:C
The first part of this output is the
2014 Sep 08
problema con los cambios de marcas temporales en el eje X
Muchas gracias Carlos, previo a mi correo, entre las pruebas que hice estaba una parecida a la que apuntas de la siguiente manera:
attach (Libro1)
plot (xbar~as.Date(fechas,"%d/%m/%y"), ylim=c(400,660), xaxt="n", type="b", pch=19,cex=1)
axis.Date (1,at=xlabels,format="%b-%y")
2014 Sep 08
problema con los cambios de marcas temporales en el eje X
Hola de nuevo, acabo de encontrar la solución. He creado una variable ficticia con los días 1 de cada mes en la secuencia temporal que quería y después he actuado de la siguiente manera
plot (xbar~as.Date(fecha,"%d/%m/%y"), type="b", pch=19,cex=2,xaxt="n")
xlabels<-strptime(ofeje, format = "%d/%m/%y")
2007 Sep 21
A reproducibility puzzle with NORM
Hi Folks,
I'm using the 'norm' package (based on Shafer's NORM)
on some data. In outline, (X,Y) are bivariate normal,
var(X)=0.29, var(Y)=24.4, cov(X,Y)=-0.277,
there are some 900 cases, and some 170 values of Y
have been set "missing" (NA).
The puzzle is that, repeating the multiple imputation
starting from the same random seed, I get different
answers from the repeats
2012 May 04
Correct Interpretation of survreg() coeffs
Am I correct in assuming that the output below essentially translates to
"Males have a mean time that is significantly lower than Females"? Is this
the correct way to interpret the fact that the coefficient is negative?
Assume the variale sex is treated as a factor with Female =0 and Male=1.
survmodel<-survreg(survobj~sex,data=data1, dist="weibull")
2010 Jul 20
trouble getting table of coeffs with quantreg with fixed effects
I'm a new user, so my apologies for what is likely a dumb question...
I am having a hard time getting a table of regression results when using Koenker's code for quantile regression with fixed effects (http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger/research/panel/rq.fit.panel.R). I use the example data parameters that Koenker provides (see below).
m <- 3
n <- 10
s <- rep(1:n,rep(m,n))
x <-
2007 Jan 22
Query about using try block
Thanks for your response.
However I seem to be doing something wrong regarding
the try block resulting in yet another error described
I have a function that takes in a file name and
does the fit for the data in that file.
Hence based on your input, I tried
try ( (fit = lm(y~x, data = data_fitting)), silent =
I left the subsequent lines of my code unchanged.
coeffs =