similar to: Where can I download/install grDevices

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Where can I download/install grDevices"

2018 Sep 22
installing tkrplot
Hi All: At the bottom of this email is my sessionInfo and below that there is a command that shows that tcltk is installed and working. My problem is that, when trying to install tkrplot, I get the following error: R CMD INSTALL -l . tkrplot_0.0-24.tar.gz * installing *source* package 'tkrplot' ... ** package 'tkrplot' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked configure:
2008 Jul 17
Problem with TLC/TK on Ubuntu
Dear all, I have installed R on Linux/Ubuntu 8.04. When I try to load the tcltk package, I get the response: > library(tcltk) Error in firstlib(which.lib.loc, package) : Tcl/Tk support is not available on this system Error in library(tcltk) : . First.lib failed for 'tcltk' In order to solve this problem, I try to: 1. To download the tcl and the tk packages (version: 8.5) from
2007 Nov 02
tk not installed properly
Hi, I'm getting the following error: > install.packages() --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... Error in fun(...) : Can't find a usable tk.tcl in the following directories: /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.4/tk8.4 ./lib/tk8.4 /usr/local/lib/tcltk/tk8.4 /usr/local/share/tcltk/tk8.4 /usr/lib/tcltk/tk8.4 /usr/share/tcltk/tk8.4 ./library
2010 Jul 26
HowTo get callback on destroy of grDevices::windows()
I'm build with the usage of the tcltk/tcltk2 package a gui which is started with rscript.exe. At this gui the user is able to open and close plot windows. Now I'm looking for a way that a r function is called when a grDevices::windows window is closed. Is there a way to attach a callback function or so, which would be triggert if the user click at close of the grDevices::window? My
2010 Jul 26
HowTo get callback on destroy of grDevices::windows()
I'm build with the usage of the tcltk/tcltk2 package a gui which is started with rscript.exe. At this gui the user is able to open and close plot windows. Now I'm looking for a way that a r function is called when a grDevices::windows window is closed. Is there a way to attach a callback function or so, which would be triggert if the user click at close of the grDevices::window? My
2008 May 05
[R-SIG-Mac] Starting tcltk without Tk
It turns out that the behavior of starting just Tcl was actually a bug. Apparently the intention was to attempt to start Tk regardless of the DISPLAY variable, because some TclTk implementation such as Aqua Tcl/Tk don't require DISPLAY and thus would not be loaded. Due to a bug (HAVE_AQUA was not included in Rconfig.h before R 2.7.0), though, this was not the case. I'll leave it
2001 Sep 19
tcltk: Difficulties creating menus
I am struggling with adding menus to a tcltk application. The following example (from the O'Reilly book on Perl/Tk) works fine: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use Tk; my $mw = MainWindow->new; $menub = $mw->Menubutton(-text => "Color")->pack(); foreach (qw/red yellow green blue grey/) { $menub->radiobutton(-label => $_, -command => \&set_bg,
2005 Nov 11
undefined symbol in
Hello I'm trying to use rpy with latest R (2.2.0), but unfortunately it seems there is some kind of undefined symbol in (utf8locale) Within python, this message appears: >>> import rpy Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) : unable to load shared library '/usr/local/lib/R/library/grDevices/libs/':
2009 Oct 10
installing any package fails using 'install.packages()' (PR#13993)
Dear all, I installed my R-2.9.2 on my ubuntu version 9.04 successfully using the command sudo apt-get install r-base-dev The problem is that I cannot install any package. See my details below: > install.packages("epicalc") Warning in install.packages("epicalc") : argument 'lib' is missing: using '/home/lmramba/R/i486-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.9'
2018 Jul 30
Fwd: help building very old R
Hi guys, Perhaps someone here can help. I am trying to build versions of R 1 for the rcheology package (just arrived on CRAN). For R prior to 1.5.0, I cannot configure support for tcl-tk. I am building on Debian Woody (provided by Docker debian/eol) and have the following packages installed: r-base-dev tclx8.3-dev tk8.3-dev xvfb xbase-clients x-window-system-core I download R source from
2008 May 04
Change in the Tcl/Tk loading in R 2.7.0 (under Unix/Mac OS X)?
Hello, Up to R 2.6.2, I used to start Tcl *without Tk* (I need only Tcl for some part of my work, like a socket server written in Tcl only, for instance) with this code under Mac OS X (particularly on this system, because I don't want to start X11 just to use Tcl code, which is required for Tk!): > Sys.unsetenv("DISPLAY") > library(tcltk) I got then the message
2017 Dec 26
Rscript fails with some packages (for example, h5)
Consider this script (with h5 installed): $ cat test.R library(h5) name <- tempfile() f <- h5file(name) file.remove(name) $ Rscript test.R Error in initialize(value, ...) : cannot use object of class "character" in new(): class "H5File" does not extend that class Calls: h5file -> new -> initialize -> initialize Execution halted $ /usr/lib64/R/bin/R --slave
2024 Nov 20
grDevices::bringToTop is documented but not available: A bug?
There is help for grDevices::bringToTop but the function is not present. > bringToTop() Error in bringToTop() : could not find function "bringToTop" > grDevices::bringToTop() Error: 'bringToTop' is not an exported object from 'namespace:grDevices' > getAnywhere(bringToTop) no object named ?bringToTop? was found # help output: > ?bringToTop bringToTop
2010 Aug 12
Where the data file is stored?
Hi folks, OS - Ubuntu 10.04 On R I create a datafile named "data". I can evoke it on R with; > data On R Commander Data -> Active data set -> Select active data set -> (data) OK only one data set there "data" -> View data set I can read it -> Edit data set showing 25 rows of data. Clicking the box shows a thick border around it. But I couldn't
2024 Nov 21
grDevices::bringToTop is documented but not available: A bug?
It's a Windows-only function. It looks like revision r75103 moved it out of the Windows section of the help pages six years ago. Some other help pages were similarly moved, e.g. - ?windows and ?windowsFonts, document the functions as being Windows-only. - ?msgWindow and ?windows.options have the same issue as ?bringToTop. Maybe someone remembers the intention of that move...
2012 Sep 11
ubuntu 12.04 install issues
Hello: I have a new install of Ubuntu 12.04. I have tried to install R via source, apt-get, and the deb packages from a cran mirror. Each of these had issues. I followed the secure apt key install. The apt-get and deb installs each have the same error. So, let's ignore the source install for now. This is the error: >> sudo dpkg -i r-base-core_2.15.1-1precise2_i386.deb (Reading
2012 Dec 11
library(tcltk) v. SIGPIPE BUG (?!?)
Hi R-devel, tcltk devel, and sqldf devel, The transcript below shows how loading the tcl/tk library in under R causes subprocesses to ignore SIGPIPE. I am including the developer of the (wonderful) sqldf package since it requires tcltk and you might like to make this dependence optional to the user (at least until this is fixed in tcltk). Am I mistaken in calling this a 'bug'? Any
2010 Mar 03
why no in ubuntu packages on CRAN?
Hi, everybody. I notice debian packages for Ubuntu on CRAN are missing "" and I'm trying to find out why. Why do I care? We are working in an hpc project in a CentOS Linux cluster. That led me to the question of "which BLAS is fastest?" Dirk E referred me this morning to the R admin manual. The standard R compilation creates a shared blas library
2010 Sep 06
How to run R on Emacs+ESS
Hi folks, Debian 504 64-bit I found following document; Whether it is the right document for installing Emacs+ESS and R so that R can run on Emacs? TIA B.R. Stephen L
2020 Feb 29
tcl problem with R-3.6.3?
I knew I could work around. But this shouldn't happen. And yes. Same problem with your example. blurfle$ R --vanilla R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29) -- "Holding the Windsock" Copyright (C) 2020 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain