similar to: cannot allocate vector of size 381.5 Mb

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "cannot allocate vector of size 381.5 Mb"

2013 Apr 13
how to add a row vector in a dataframe
Hi, Using S=1000 and simdata <- replicate(S, generate(3000)) #If you want both "m1" and "m0" #here the missing values are 0 res1<-sapply(seq_len(ncol(simdata.psm1)),function(i) {x1<-merge(simdata.psm0[,i],simdata.psm1[,i],all=TRUE); x1[]<-0; x1}) res1[,997:1000] #????? [,1]???????? [,2]???????? [,3]???????? [,4]??????? #x1??? Numeric,3000 Numeric,3000
2011 Dec 05
RcppArmadillo compilation error: R CMD SHLIB returns status 1
Dear all, running the example by D. Eddebuettel ( I get an error message. Specifically, the R code I was taking from the above example is ### BEGIN EXAMPLE ### suppressMessages(require(RcppArmadillo)) suppressMessages(require(Rcpp)) suppressMessages(require(inline)) code <- ' arma::mat coeff = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(a); arma::mat
2009 Dec 31
Obtaining partial output from a function that does not run to completion.
I have written a function that contains runs lm() vif() and glm() When the glm() blows up with an error message, I don't get the output from either the lm() or vf() even thought neither lm() nor vif() have any problems . How can I force the function to print sequential results rather than wait for the entire function to complete before listing the functhion's output? Thanks, John
2009 Dec 30
glm error: cannot correct step size
R 2.8.1 windows XP I am getting an error message that I don't understand when I try to run GLM. The error only occurs when I have all independent variables in the model. When I drop one independent variable, the model runs fine. Can anyone help me understand what the error means and how I can correct it? Thank you, John > fit11<-glm(AAMTCARE~BMI+BMIsq+SEX+jPHI+jMEDICAID+factor(AgeCat)+
2009 Dec 09
Why cannot get the expected values in my function
Hi, In the following function, i hope to save my simulated data into the "result" dataset, but why the final "result" dataset seems not to be generated. #Function simdata<-function (nsim) { result<-matrix(NA,nrow=nsim,ncol=2) colnames(result)<-c("x","y") for (i in 1:nsim) { set.seed(i) result[i,]<- cbind(runif(1),runif(1)) }
2006 Mar 16
lme4/Matrix: Call to .Call("mer_update_y"...) and LMEoptimize gives unexpected side effect...
Dear all I want to compute Monte Carlo p-values in lmer-models based on sampled data sets. To speed up calculations, I've tried to use internal functions from the Matrix package (as suggested ealier on the list by Doug Bates). So I did: fm2 <- lmer(resistance ~ ET + position + (1|Grp), Semiconductor,method='ML') simdata<-simulate(fm2,nsim=1) ynew <- simdata[,1] mer
2008 Feb 20
reshaping data frame
Dear all, I'm having a few problems trying to reshape a data frame. I tried with reshape{stats} and melt{reshape} but I was missing something. Any help is very welcome. Please find details below: ################################# # data in its original shape: indiv <- rep(c("A","B"),c(10,10)) level.1 <- rpois(20, lambda=3) covar.1 <- rlnorm(20, 3, 1) level.2
2010 Aug 11
Arbitrary number of covariates in a formula
Hello! I have something like this: test1 <- data.frame(intx=c(4,3,1,1,2,2,3), status=c(1,1,1,0,1,1,0), x1=c(0,2,1,1,1,0,0), x2=c(1,1,0,0,2,2,0), sex=c(0,0,0,0,1,1,1)) and I can easily fit a cox model: library(survival) coxph(Surv(intx,status) ~ x1 + x2 + strata(sex),test1) However, I want to
2010 May 24
Table to matrix
Dear R users, I am trying to make this (3 by 10) matrix A --A---------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------- from "mass.func" --mass.func------------------------------------------- > mass.func $`00` prop 5 1 $`10`
2006 Aug 31
what's wrong with my simulation programs on logistic regression
Dear friends, I'm doing a simulation on logistic regression model, but the programs can't work well,please help me to correct it and give some suggestions. My programs: data<-matrix(rnorm(400),ncol=8) #sample size is 50 data<-data.frame(data) names(data)<-c(paste("x",1:8,sep="")) #8 independent variables,x1-x8; #logistic regression model is
2008 Dec 28
Random coefficients model with a covariate: coxme function
Dear R users: I'm new to R and am trying to fit a mixed model Cox regression model with coxme function. I have one two-level factor (treat) and one covariate (covar) and 32 different groups (centers). I'd like to fit a random coefficients model, with treat and covar as fixed factors and a random intercept, random treat effect and random covar slope per center. I haver a couple of
2006 Feb 20
var-covar matrices comparison:
Hi, Using package gclus in R, I have created some graphs that show the trends within subgroups of data and correlations among 9 variables (v1-v9). Being interested for more details on these data I have produced also the var-covar matrices. Question: From a pair of two subsets of data (with 9 variables each, I have two var-covar matrices for each subgroup, that differ for a treatment on one
2007 Apr 09
sem vs. LISREL: sem fails
I am new to R. I just tried to recreate in R (using sem package and the identical input data) a solution for a simple measurment model I have found before in LISREL. LISREL had no problems and converged in just 3 iterations. In sem, I got no solution, just the warning message: "Could not compute QR decomposition of Hessian. Optimization probably did not converge. in: sem.default(ram =
2002 Jun 19
best selection of covariates (for each individual)
Dear All, This is not strictly R related (though I would implement the solution in R; besides, being this list so helpful for these kinds of stats questions...). I got a "strange" request from a colleage. He has a bunch (approx. 25000) subjects that belong to one of 12 possible classes. In addition, there are 8 covariates (factors) that can take as values either "absence"
2007 Apr 11
creating a path diagram in sem
Hello, I finally run my measurement model in sem - successfully. Now, I am trying to print out the path diagram that is based on the results - but for some reason it's not working. Below is my script - but the problem is probably in my very last line: # ANALYSIS OF ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, AND FEAR - LISREL P.31 library(sem) # Creating the ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, AND FEAR intercorrelation matrix
2013 Mar 11
How to 'extend' a data.frame based on given variable combinations ?
Dear expeRts, I have a data.frame with certain covariate combinations ('group' and 'year') and corresponding values: set.seed(1) x <- data.frame(group = c(rep("A", 4), rep("B", 3)), year = c(2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2003, 2004, 2005), value = rexp(7)) My goal is essentially to
2010 Jan 07
faster GLS code
Dear helpers, I wrote a code which estimates a multi-equation model with generalized least squares (GLS). I can use GLS because I know the covariance matrix of the residuals a priori. However, it is a bit slow and I wonder if anybody would be able to point out a way to make it faster (it is part of a bigger code and needs to run several times). Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Carlo
2011 Aug 30
Error in evalauating a function
Hi, ? I am very new to R. So, pardon my dumb question. I was trying to write my own function to run a different model (perform an ordered logistic regression) using the example in website But R returns a error `R Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 's' not found' when I run it. What am I doing wrong here? Here's
2006 Feb 22
var-covar matrices comparison
> Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 16:43:55 -0600 > From: Aldi Kraja <aldi at> > > Hi, > Using package gclus in R, I have created some graphs that show the > trends within subgroups of data and correlations among 9 variables (v1-v9). > Being interested for more details on these data I have produced also the > var-covar matrices. > Question: From a pair of two
2009 Jan 13
problem whit Geneland
I do the these passages: library(Geneland) set.seed(1) data <- simdata(nindiv=200, coord.lim=c(0,1,0,1) , number.nuclei=5 , allele.numbers=rep(10,20), IBD=FALSE, npop=2, give.tess.grid=FALSE) geno <- data$genotypes coord <- t(data$coord.indiv) path.mcmc <-