Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Speeding up prediction of survival estimates when using `survifit'"
2012 Dec 03
Confidence bands with function survplot
Dear all,
I am trying to plot KM curves with confidence bands with function survplot under package rms.
However, the following codes do not seem to work. The KM curves are produced, but the confidence bands are not there.
Any insights? Thanks in advance.
########data generation############
n <- 1000
age <- 50 + 12*rnorm(n)
label(age) <- "Age"
2024 Feb 07
Difficult debug
I haven't done any R memory debugging lately, but
https://www.mail-archive.com/rcpp-devel at lists.r-forge.r-project.org/msg10289.html
shows how I used to have gdb break where valgrind finds a problem so you
could examine the details.
Also, running your code after running gctorture(TRUE) can help track down
memory problems.
On Wed, Feb 7, 2024 at 12:03?PM Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D.
2024 Feb 07
Difficult debug
?I've hit a roadblock debugging a new update to the survival package.?? I do debugging in
a developement envinment, i.e. I don't create and load a package but rather? source all
the .R files and dyn.load an .so file, which makes things a bit easier.
? Running with R -d "valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full" one of my test files
crashes in simple R code a dozen lines
2009 May 04
Nelson-Aalen estimator of cumulative hazard
I am computing the Nelson-Aalen (NA) estimate of baseline cumulative hazard in two different ways using the "survival" package. I am expecting that they should be identical. However, they are not. Their difference is a monotonically increasing with time. This difference is probably not large to make any impact in the application, but is annoyingly non-trivial for me to just
2004 Oct 05
Nelson-Aalen estimator in R
I am taking a survival class. Recently I need to do the Nelson-Aalen
estimtor in R. I searched through the R help manual and internet, but could
not find such a R function. I tried another way by calculating the
Kaplan-Meier estimator and take -log(S). However, the function only
provides the summary of KM estimator but no estimated values. Could you
please help me with this? I would
2004 Apr 21
Boot package
Dear mailing list,
I tried to run the example for the conditional bootstap written in the help file
of censboot. I got the following result:
censboot(data = aml, statistic = aml.fun, R = 499, F.surv = aml.s1,
G.surv = aml.s2, strata = aml$group, sim = "cond")
Bootstrap Statistics :
original bias std. error
2007 Nov 21
survest and survfit.coxph returned different confidence intervals on estimation of survival probability at 5 year
I wonder if anyone know why survest (a function in Design package) and
standard survfit.coxph (survival) returned different confidence
intervals on survival probability estimation (say 5 year).
I am trying to estimate the 5-year survival probability on a continuous
predictor (e.g. Age in this case). Here is what I did based on an
example in "help cph". The 95% confidence intervals
2001 Feb 22
[newbie] Cox Baseline Hazard
Hello everybody.
First of all, I would like to present myself.
I'm a french student in public health and I like statistics though I'm
not that good in mathematics (but I try to catch up). I've discovered R
recently while trying to find a statistical program in order to avoid
rebooting my computer under windows when I need to do some statistical
And here is my first question.
2005 Jun 29
sbrier (Brier score) and coxph
I've decided to try and distill an earlier rather ill focused question to
try and elicit a response. Any help is greatly appreciated. Why does mod.cox
not work with sbrier whilst mod.km does? Can I make it work?
> data(DLBCL)
> DLBCL.surv<-Surv(DLBCL$time,DLBCL$cens)
> mod.km<-survfit(DLBCL.surv)
> mod.cox<-survfit(coxph(DLBCL.surv~IPI, data=DLBCL))
2008 Jan 25
Help Me to Adjust the R Code
The following code, from Angelo Canty article on line "Resampling Methods in R: the boot Package, 2002", works fine for Angelo Canty using R 2.6.0 on Windows XP.
It also works for me using R 1.2.1 and S-PLUS 2000 on Windows XP after installing the S-PLUS bootstrap library, with slight differences in my outputs.
> library(boot)
> library(survival)
2013 Apr 15
Convert results from print(survfit(formula, ...)) into a matrix or data frame
Hello All,
Below is some sample survival analysis code. I'd like to able to get the results from print(gehan.surv) into a matrix or data frame, so I can manipulate them and then create a table using odfWeave. Trouble is, I'm not quite sure how make such a conversion using the results from a print method.
Is there some simple way of doing this?
2006 May 30
position of number at risk in survplot() graphs
Dear R-help
How can one get survplot() to place the number at risk just below the
survival curve as opposed to the default which is just above the x-axis?
I tried the code bellow but the result is not satisfactory as some numbers
are repeated several times at different y coordinates and the position of
the n.risk numbers corresponds to the x-axis tick marks not the survival
curve time of
2006 Mar 07
breslow estimator for cumulative hazard function
Dear R-users,
I am checking the proportional hazard assumption of a cox model for a
given covariate, let say Z1, after adjusting for other relavent covariates
in the model. To this end, I fitted cox model stratified on the discrete
values of Z1 and try to get beslow estimator for the baseline cumulative
hazard function (H(t)) in each stratum. As far as i know, if the
proportionality assumption
2011 Sep 05
SAS code in R
Dear all,
I was wondering if anyone can help? I am an R user but recently I have resorted to SAS to calculate the probability of the event (and the associated confidence interval) for the Cox model with combinations of risk factors. For example, suppose I have a Cox model with two binary variables, one for gender and one for treatment, I wish to calculate the probability of survival for the
2011 Oct 01
Is the output of survfit.coxph survival or baseline survival?
Dear all,
I am confused with the output of survfit.coxph.
Someone said that the survival given by summary(survfit.coxph) is the
baseline survival S_0, but some said that is the survival S=S_0^exp{beta*x}.
Which one is correct?
By the way, if I use "newdata=" in the survfit, does that mean the survival
is estimated by the value of covariates in the new data frame?
Thank you very much!
2013 Jan 31
obtainl survival curves for single strata
Dear useRs,
What is the syntax to obtain survival curves for single strata on many subjects?
I have a model based on Surv(time,response) object, so there is a single row per subject and no start,stop and no switching of strata.
The newdata has many subjects and each subject has a strata and the survival based on the subject risk and the subject strata is needed.
If I do
newpred <-
2009 Feb 25
I am confused when trying the function survfit.
my question is: what does the survival curve given by plot.survfit mean?
is it the survival curve with different covariates at different points?
or just the baseline survival curve?
for example, I run the following code and get the survival curve
2010 Oct 27
coxph linear.predictors
I would like to be able to construct hazard rates (or unconditional death prob) for many subjects from a given survfit.
This will involve adjusting the ( n.event/n.risk)
with (coxph object )$linear.predictors
I must be having another silly day as I cannot reproduce the linear predictor:
fit <- coxph(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ age, data = ovarian)
[1] 2.612756
2012 Nov 26
Plotting an adjusted survival curve
First a statistical issue: The survfit routine will produce predicted survival curves for
any requested combination of the covariates in the original model. This is not the same
thing as an "adjusted" survival curve. Confusion on this is prevalent, however. True
adjustment requires a population average over the confounding factors and is closely
related to the standardized
2012 May 16
survival survfit with newdata
Dear all,
I am confused with the behaviour of survfit with newdata option.
I am using the latest version R-2-15-0. In the simple example below I am building a coxph model on 90 patients and trying to predict 10 patients. Unfortunately the survival curve at the end is for 90 patients. Could somebody please from the survival package confirm that this behaviour is as expected or not - because I