Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Calculating p and q values with R"
2006 Sep 07
Memory allocation
Dear list,
I have been trying to run the function "qvalue" under the package qvalue
on a vector with about 20 million values.
> asso_p.qvalue<-qvalue(asso_p.vector)
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 156513 Kb
> sessionInfo()
Version 2.3.1 (2006-06-01)
attached base packages:
[1] "methods" "stats" "graphics"
2011 Oct 28
Downloading Error
I am trying to install qvalue, however its giving installation error ->
Error : package 'tcltk' does not have a name space
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ?qvalue?
* removing ?/home/sbw/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/2.12/qvalue?
The downloaded packages are in
Warning message:
In install.packages(pkgs = pkgs, repos = repos, ...)
2011 Apr 18
I am using storey's qvalue package but I keep on getting errors. Why is
> qvalue(p, lambda=0.5)$pi0
[1] "ERROR: p-values not in valid range."
Error in qvalue(p, lambda = 0.5)$pi0 :
$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
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2018 Jul 10
Updating qvalue and xtable
Good Morning Everyone,
I was going through my list of FTBFS packages today and I fixed all my R
packages but 2: qvalue and xtable.
qvalue requires ggplot2
xtable requires: lsmeans, spdep, splm, sphet, plm
I am not doing any R anymore these days and in fact spot has been the one
maintaining most of my R packages these days (thanks spot!!), so I am not really
interested in maintaining more R
2010 Oct 30
'tcltk' does not have a name space
Hi, All
I got trouble on installing the qvalue package. Error message: package
'tcltk' does not have a name space
[cchen1 at ibibmem Yale_CB]$ R CMD INSTALL qvalue.tar.gz
* installing to library '/cchome/cchen1/R/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-library/2.10'
* installing *source* package 'qvalue' ...
** R
** data
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Error : package
2006 Oct 02
Dear colleagues,
This is not strictly a R question, but I hope it is ok to ask on the
I fed a vector of p-values from about 20 million anova tests to the
package q-value and obtained this output:
> qsummary(asso_p.qvalue)
qvalue(p = asso_p.vec)
pi0: 1
Cumulative number of significant calls:
<1e-04 <0.001 <0.01 <0.025 <0.05 <0.1 <1
2011 Apr 19
How to get the tuning parameter lamda in storey's qvalue package
Dear All,
In Storey's estimator of the proportion of true nulls, the estimator depends on the tuning parameter lamda.
Suppose now that an estimator of this proportion has been obtained by the qvalue package, what is the lamda that
corresponds to the estimate? How to get this lamda?
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2004 Dec 20
Re: [BioC] limma, FDR, and p.adjust
there is a fdr website link via Yoav Benjamini's homepage which is: http://www.math.tau.ac.il/%7Eroee/index.htm
On it you can download an S-Plus function (under the downloads link) which calculates the false discovery rate threshold alpha level using stepup, stepdown, dependence methods etc.
Some changes are required to the plotting code when porting it to R. I removed the
2004 Dec 19
limma, FDR, and p.adjust
I am posting this to both R and BioC communities because I believe there
is a lot of confusion on this topic in both communities (having searched
the mail archives of both) and I am hoping that someone will have
information that can be shared with both communities.
I have seen countless questions on the BioC list regarding limma
(Bioconductor) and its calculation of FDR. Some of them involved
2004 Dec 19
limma, FDR, and p.adjust
I am posting this to both R and BioC communities because I believe there
is a lot of confusion on this topic in both communities (having searched
the mail archives of both) and I am hoping that someone will have
information that can be shared with both communities.
I have seen countless questions on the BioC list regarding limma
(Bioconductor) and its calculation of FDR. Some of them involved
2007 Sep 20
packages MANOR, qvalue, and tkWidgets fail install on Fedora 7 with latest R-beta build
Had some packages fail install so I updated to today's R-beta release.
On updating packages the following packages still fail. sessionInfo
follows. Mark
Warning messages:
1: In install.packages(update[instlib == l, "Package"], l, contriburl =
contriburl, :
installation of package 'MANOR' had non-zero exit status
2: In install.packages(update[instlib == l,
2004 Dec 20
[BioC] limma, FDR, and p.adjust
You asked the same question on the Bioconductor mailing list back in August. At that time, you
suggested yourself a solution for how the adjusted p-values should be interpreted. I answered
your query and told you that your interpretation was correct. So I'm not sure what more can be
said, except that you should read the article Wright (1992), which is cited in the help entry for
2009 Sep 15
trouble installing qvalue package
Hello all,
I'm trying to use the package qvalue. Upon trying to install it I'm running
into trouble. I re-downloaded and installed the most recent CRAN
distribution of R which announced itself to have tcltk included. Now when I
try to load qvalue I'm getting errors that seem to indicate that I need
tcltk2. I tried going to get that package and loading it but both qvalue and
tcltk seem
2010 Jun 09
Problem with library(SSPA)
I have the fellowing problem and I am thankful for any advice!
> source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
BioC_mirror = http://www.bioconductor.org
Change using chooseBioCmirror().
> biocLite("SSPA")
Using R version 2.11.0, biocinstall version 2.6.7.
2010 May 24
"Optional" package dependency
Hi all,
apologies if this has been answered before, I didn't find the answer
in the archives. I am putting together a package that I would like to
have optional functionality if another package is installed. In
normal, non-package code, I would simply write something like
if (require(qvalue))
# use package qvalue
} else {
# do not use package qvalue
If I do something like that in a
2008 Feb 20
Unicode Support for MS SQL Server
In order to coerce Rails 1.2.x into supporting Unicode values for an
attribute in a model, I found I had to do the following:
1) Change the underlying column type from varchar to nvarchar.
2) Prepend any quoted values going into nvarchar columns with a
capital-letter-N, e. g. ''unicode'' becomes N''unicode'' In order to
accomplish this, I modified
2004 Dec 18
Setting up asterisk for one user in private ip NAT.
I've just bought SIP telephony service from a Swedish telco.
I've managed to make and receive calls with kphone.
Now I want to set up asterisk to be able to add fancy features like
voice mail and recording conversations. But first I
have to get the basic setup right. I'm running asterisk and kphone on
the same machine, behind at NAT-router.
When I make a call (from my regular
2010 Jan 22
Help on tcl/tk package installation
Hi, Dear all,
i encounted a problem with tcl/tk installation
actually i want to install q-value package
i use the R CMD INSTALL command:
[root@bioinfo ~]# R CMD INSTALL qvalue_1.20.0.tar.gz
* Installing to library �usr/local/lib64/R/library�
* Installing *source* package ‘qvalue�...
** R
** data
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Error in firstlib(which.lib.loc, package) :
2011 Sep 27
problem with switch function across R versions 2.10 and 2.13
The following piece of code works fine in R.2.10 (ubuntu):
normal = {if (is.infinite(param["desv"]))
n <- c(n,"La desv. estándar no puede ser Inf.")
if (param["desv"]<0)
n <- c(n,"La desv. estándar no puede ser <0.")
2009 Jul 27
calculating p-values from t-values for a Bonferroni adjustment
I am performing a sequential bonferroni adjustment on the results of an
ANCOVA but the equation I have for calculating p-values from the t-values is
not working. I can't seem to find it anywhere else. This is the code I have
now: 2*(1-pt(t,df)) where t=t-value and df=degrees of freedom from the
ANCOVA. Is there an error in the code? maybe another way to find the
p-values? Help!
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