Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Nestad ANOVA with random Factors"
2010 Jul 25
Manage several graphical devices in interactive mode
Dear R-users,
Does anybody know a good way to create and use several graphical devices at
the same time in interactive mode? Ideally, I'd like to open 2 to 3 devices
and assign names to them. This way, I could make any
addition/modification/update to a particular device using its name.
I did not see anything like a name argument in ?X11. Is there an
Thanks in advance for your
2004 Oct 26
Newbie question about the use of lm and anova
Version of R: Windows Version 2.0.0
The experimental design contains two plant lines - a control (C) and a
mutant (M) - grown out three separate times in plots A, B, C.
The design is unbalanced:
In plot A, 9 control plants were grown with 29 mutant plants.
In plot B, 8 control plants were grown with 20 mutant plants.
In plot C, 8 control plants were grown with 22 mutant plants.
2009 Jun 11
formula for degrees of freedom for nonlinear mixed model in nlme
Dear forum members,
What is the formula to calculate denominator degrees of freedom (den df) for nonlinear mixed-effect models with covariates? My model is similar to a CO2 uptake example from Pinheiro and Bates (2000, page 376). In this CO2 dataset, there are two treatments and two types (84 observations in total), but den df for each parameter of the model is 64. Isn’t it too high?
2009 Jan 31
thurston case 5
Hi, I hope some one can help. I need to compute Thurston's case 5 on a large
set of data. I have gotten as far as computing the proportional preference
matrix but the next math is beyond me.
Here us my matrix
0.500 0.472 0.486 0.587 0.366 0.483 0.496 0.434
0.528 0.500 0.708 0.578 0.633 0.554 0.395 0.620
0.514 0.292 0.500 0.370 0.557 0.580 0.615 0.329
0.413 0.422 0.630 0.500 0.783 0.641 0.731
2011 Mar 12
betareg help
Dear R users,
I'm trying to do betareg on my dataset.
Dependent variable is not normally distributed and is proportion (of condom
use (0,1)).
But I'm having problems:
gyl<-betareg(cond ~ alcoh + drug, data=results)
Error in optim(par = start, fn = loglikfun, gr = gradfun, method = method, :
initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite
Why is R returning me error in optim()?
2008 Jul 28
Mixed model question.
I continue to struggle with mixed models. The square zero version
of the problem that I am trying to deal with is as follows:
A number (240) of students are measured (tested; for reading
on 6 separate occasions. Initially (square zero) I want to treat the
test time as a factor (with 6 levels). The students are of course
``random effects''. Later I want to look at
2008 Jul 25
glht after lmer with "$S4class-" and "missing model.matrix-" errors
Hello everybody.
In my case, calculating multiple comparisons (Tukey) after lmer
produced the following two errors:
> sv.mc <- glht(model.sv,linfct=mcp(comp="Tukey"))
Error in x$terms : $ operator not defined for this S4 class
Error in factor_contrasts(model) :
no 'model.matrix' method for 'model' found!
What I have done before:
> sv.growth <-
2013 Nov 28
Relative Cumulative Frequency of Event Occurence
My objective is to calculate "Relative (Cumulative) Frequency of Event
Occurrence" - something as follows:
Sample.Number 1st.Fly 2nd.Fly Did.E.occur? Relative.Cum.Frequency.of.E
1 G B No 0.000
2 B B Yes 0.500
3 B G No 0.333
4 G B No 0.250
5 G G Yes 0.400
6 G B No 0.333
7 B B Yes 0.429
8 G G Yes 0.500
9 G B No 0.444
10 B B Yes 0.500
Please refer to the code below:
2006 Nov 27
NaN with ccf() for vector with all same element
i have been using ccf() to look at the correlation between lightning and electrogamnetic data. for the most part it has worked exactly as expected. however, i have come across something that puzzles me a bit:
> x <- c(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)
> y <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> ccf(x, x, plot = FALSE)
Autocorrelations of series 'X', by lag
-4 -3 -2 -1 0
2013 Oct 18
pamer.fnc y la nueva versión de R
Hola buenas.
al final corri el siguiente código en mi máquina de casa. El problema es
que ha habido algún cambio en la librería lme4, que hace incompatible los
nuevos objetos lmer con la funcioón pamer.fnc. En este tipo de situaciones
imagino que lo propio sería ponerme en contacto con el autor o intentar
corregir yo mismo el código o incluso ambas. ¿Es decortes escribir al
autor reportandole el
2007 Oct 07
Arguments to "personalised" plot()
Hi Folks,
I'm curious for an explanation of the following -- it's a
matter of trying to understand how R parses it.
I've written sundry little "helper" variants of functions,
in particular plot(), to save repetitively typing the same
options over and over again.
For example:
plotb <- function(x,...){plot(x,pch="+",col="blue",...)}
This does exactly
2003 Apr 10
Classification problem - rpart
I am performing a binary classification using a classification tree.
Ironically, the data themselves are 2483 tree (real biological ones)
locations as described by a suite of environmental variables (slope, soil
moisture, radiation load, etc). I want to separate them from an equal number
of random points. Doing eda on the data shows that there is substantial
difference between the tree and random
2013 Jan 27
When I look at the summary of an rpart object run on my data, I get 7 nodes but when I plot the rpart object, I get only 3 nodes. Should the number of nodes not match in the results of the 2 functions (summary and plot) or it is not always the same?
Look forward to your reply,
rpart(formula = mydata$class ~ ., data
2024 Aug 02
Good Morning. Below I like statement like
j<-grep(".r\\b",colnames(mydata),value=TRUE); j
with the \\b option which I read long time ago which Ive found useful.
Are there more or these options, other than ? grep? Thanks.
dstat is just my own descriptive routine.
> x
?[1] "age"????????? "sleep"??????? "primary"????? "middle"
2012 Apr 13
Can't read a binary file
Hi, I've read up on readBin() and chapter 6 in the R Data Import/Export manual, but I still can't read a binary file. Here is how the creator of the file described the code that would be needed in Fortran:
"Every record has a return in fortran. The length of each record is nx*ny*4. To read you would use the following:
nlayx = nx*ny*4
do iz=1,nz,4
read(binary file) var(1:nlayx)
2010 Oct 25
question in using nlme and lme4 for unbalanced data
I have an two factorial random block design. It's a ecology
experiment. My two factors are, guild removal and enfa removal. Both
are two levels, 0 (no removal), 1 (removal). I have 5 blocks. But
within each block, it's unbalanced at plot level because I have 5
plots instead of 4 in each block. Within each block, I have 1 plot
with only guild removal, 1 plot with only enfa removal,
2013 Oct 18
pamer.fnc y la nueva versión de R
Creo que aquí aplica la ley de Linus que dice: "Dado un número
suficientemente elevado de ojos, todos los errores se convierten en
obvios". La persona que revisa y encuentra un error no necesariamente
tiene que ser la misma que la que lo escribe. Una motivación muy importante
al compartir un código es la de recibir los beneficios del control de
calidad por parte de tus pares.
2003 Apr 14
categorical variables
Dear helpers
I constructed a data frame with this structure
> str(dados1)
`data.frame': 485 obs. of 16 variables:
$ Emissor : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Marisca.Rio : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Per?odo : int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Reproducao : int 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
$ Estacao : int 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
$ X30cm : int
2006 Aug 20
how to the p-values or t-values from the lm's results
Dear friends,
After running the lm() model, we can get summary resluts like the
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
x1 0.11562 0.10994 1.052 0.2957
x2 -0.13879 0.09674 -1.435 0.1548
x3 0.01051 0.09862 0.107 0.9153
x4 0.14183 0.08471 1.674 0.0975 .
x5 0.18995 0.10482 1.812 0.0732 .
x6 0.24832 0.10059 2.469 0.0154 *
2024 Aug 02
?s 02:10 de 02/08/2024, Steven Yen escreveu:
> Good Morning. Below I like statement like
> j<-grep(".r\\b",colnames(mydata),value=TRUE); j
> with the \\b option which I read long time ago which Ive found useful.
> Are there more or these options, other than ? grep? Thanks.
> dstat is just my own descriptive routine.
> > x
> ?[1]