Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "reliability of R-Forge?"
2008 May 07
Windows binary packages & R-Forge
Hi room,
There seems to be a problem with the Windows building machines of
R-Forge. All our packages with Fortran source code cannot be compiled
for Windows. The error in the log file is
make[3]: gfortran: Command not found
It seems that gfortran is not installed. Is there any plan to fix this
or am I doing something wrong on R-Forge?
thanks in advance for your advises.
2011 Feb 17
Dependency on R-Forge Package
In building a package, is it possible to make the package depend upon another package that is only available on R-Forge (not CRAN). For example, by doing something in the DESCRIPTION file
I'd like to add a dependency to my package such that when the user install my package it will automatically install this other package from R-forge as well.
Any help greatly appreciated.
2017 May 10
registering Fortran routines in R packages
Have you tried using tools:::package_native_routine_registration_skeleton()? If you don't like its output, you can easily edit its results and still avoid most pitfalls.
Cheers, Jari Oksanen
From: R-devel <r-devel-bounces at r-project.org> on behalf of Berend Hasselman <bhh at xs4all.nl>
Sent: 10 May 2017 09:48
To: Christophe Dutang
2005 Aug 10
invalid 'mode' of argument?
Dear Colleagues,
As a novice I was trying to calculate Shannon diversity index using
diversity function in vegan package and kept having same error message.
Error in sum(..., na.rm = na.rm) : invalid 'mode' of argument
My dataset is from microarray and have abundant missing values, so I
tried labeling them as NA and 0, but still same error message.
Shannon index is negative
2014 Sep 13
vegan moved to GitHub and vegan 2.2-0 is coming (are you ready?)
Dear vegan team,
Vegan development happens now completely in github. R-Forge repository is no more in sync with github. I tried to commit all github changes to R-Forge, but a week ago I got a conflict in file and I haven't had time to resolve that conflict. You can follow vegan development and vegan discussion also without signing to github. The system seems to be completely open and does not
2006 Jun 15
MDS with missing data?
I will be applying MDS (actually Isomap) to make a
"concept map" of the similarities between N concepts.
I would like to scale to a large number of concepts,
however, the
resulting N*(N-1) pairwise similarities is prohibitive
for a user survey.
I'm thinking of giving people random subsets of the
Does anyone have recommendations for this
2006 Jun 14
Package naming best practices
I'm in the process of choosing a name for a new package. I've already
decided that the name will have two parts, 'portfolio' and 'sim', but
can't decide between 'portfolioSim' and 'portfolio.sim'. Is there any
good reason to choose one over the other?
Thanks in advance,
Jeff Enos
Kane Capital Management
jeff at kanecap.com
2009 May 27
vegan metaMDS question
The design decision in metaMDS says that it uses:
Minchin, P.R. (1987) An evaluation of relative robustness of
techniques for ecological ordinations. Vegetatio 71, 145-156.
This is the paper that I found by the same name. Is this the correct reference?
Minchin, Peter R.1987. An Evaluation of the Relative Robustness of
Techniques for Ecological Ordination. Vegetatio. Vol. 69, No. 1/3:
2010 Jan 09
parsing pdf files
I have a pdf file that I would like to parse into R:
For now, I open the file in Acrobat by hand, then save it "as text"
and then use readLines(). That works fine but a) I am concerned that
some information may be lost and b) I may be doing this a lot, so I
would rather have R grab the information from the pdf file directly.
So: is
2005 Apr 18
citation() chops "Roeland " (PR#7797)
Full_Name: Jari Oksanen
Version: 2.0.1, 2.1.0 beta (2005-04-17)
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (
If name ends with "and", such as "Roeland Lastname", citation() will chop "and"
as a separate word giving "Roel and Lastname". This is the case in the upcoming
release of vegan (1.6-8) just submitted to CRAN. Basically, this seems to happen
2001 Mar 05
Canberra dist and double zeros
Canberra distance is defined in function `dist' (standard library `mva') as
sum(|x_i - y_i| / |x_i + y_i|)
Obviously this is undefined for cases where both x_i and y_i are zeros. Since
double zeros are common in many data sets, this is a nuisance. In our field
(from which the distance is coming), it is customary to remove double zeros:
contribution to distance is zero when both x_i
2001 Mar 05
Canberra dist and double zeros
Canberra distance is defined in function `dist' (standard library `mva') as
sum(|x_i - y_i| / |x_i + y_i|)
Obviously this is undefined for cases where both x_i and y_i are zeros. Since
double zeros are common in many data sets, this is a nuisance. In our field
(from which the distance is coming), it is customary to remove double zeros:
contribution to distance is zero when both x_i
2005 Jun 09
My code:
data<-matrix(data=c(0.425,0.5,0.75,0.125,0.25,0.475,0.375,0.25,0.625,0.5,0.1,0.125,0,0.25,0.25),nrow=3,ncol=5,byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list(c("Good","Medium","Bad"),c("Content","Logistic","Trainer","Supply","User contribution")))
The plot is
2004 Dec 01
can't install r package on debian due to linker problem
my attempt to install the package Hmisc v3.0-1 fails with the message:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfrtbegin
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Hmisc.so] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'Hmisc'
i'm at a loss here. any hints will be very much appreciated.
i'm running:
debian stable
R version 2.0.1
gcc 2.95.4-14
g77 2.95.4-14
2003 Mar 27
Plot of Canonical Correlation Analysis
Dear all,
I didn't find any graphical solution in the package "mva" to plot the
canonical scores from a CCA (canonical correlation analysis).
Does anybody knows how to plot or has anybody already programmed :
- the map of the canonical scores,
- the graph of the canonical weights,
- the correlation circle i.e. the canonical loadings ?
Thank you for help ...
2002 Oct 30
Sweave in packages
Dear R folks,
One of the fantastic new tools in R is `Sweave'. I have tested it so much that I
know it works and produces fine documentation, and with (GNU) Emacs/ESS it is
nice to work with, too. I started to have a look at including some Swoven (is
that a strong verb?) documentation with my R package, but it seems that there is
no model to copy among those packages that I have installed in
2011 Nov 07
ordination in vegan: what does downweight() do?
Can anyone point me in the right direction of figuring out what downweight()
is doing?
I am using vegan to perform CCA on diatom assemblage data. I have a lot of
rare species, so I want to reduce the influence of rare species in my CCA. I
have read that some authors reduce rare species by only including species
with an abundance of at least 1% in at least one sample (other authors use
5% as a
2005 Apr 20
results from sammon()
Dear all,
I'm trying to get a two dimensional embedding of some data using different
meythods, among which princomp(), cmds(), sammon() and isoMDS(). I have a
problem with sammon() because the coordinates I get are all equal to NA.
What does it mean? Why the method fails in finding the coordinates? Can I do
anything to get some meaningful results?
Thank you very much
2012 May 23
prcomp with previously scaled data: predict with 'newdata' wrong
Hello folks,
it may be regarded as a user error to scale() your data prior to prcomp() instead of using its 'scale.' argument. However, it is a user thing that may happen and sounds a legitimate thing to do, but in that case predict() with 'newdata' can give wrong results:
x <- scale(USArrests)
sol <- prcomp(x)
all.equal(predict(sol), predict(sol, newdata=x))
## [1]
2005 Aug 08
INDVAL and mvpart
I'd like to perform Dufrene-Legendre Indicator Species Analysis for
a multivariate regression tree. However I have problems with arguments
of duleg(veg,class,numitr=1000)function. How to obtain a vector of
numeric class memberships for samples, or a classification object
returned from mvpart?
thanks in advance
Best regards,
Agnieszka Strzelczak