Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Engle Granger Test in R"
2010 Aug 23
Fitting VAR and doing Johansen's cointegration test in R
Could someone please tell me the R codes for fitting VAR(p) (Vector
Auto Regressive) models and doing the Johansen?s cointegration tests.
2003 Jun 10
Regression output labels
Hello to all-
1. When I run a regression which implements the augmented Dickey-Fuller
test, I am confused about the names given to the regressors in the output.
I understand what "xGE" stands for in a standard "lm" test involving an
independent variable GE for instance, but if I lags and or differences are
included in the model, what do the following "output" stand
2010 Aug 23
Fitting a GARCH model in R
I want to fit a mean and variance model jointly.
For example I might want to fit an AR(2)-GARCH(1,1) model i.e.
r_t = constant_term1 + b*r_t-1 + c*r_t-2 + a_t
where a_t = sigma_t*epsilon_t
where sigma^2_t = constant_term2 + p*sigma^2_t-1 + q*a^2_t-1
i.e. R estimates a constant_term1, b, c, constant_term2, p, q
2001 Feb 15
cointegrating regression
Hi all,
Can I run a cointegrating regression, for example
delta Xt=a1(Yt-1-cXt-1)+E1t
delta Yt=-b1(Yt-1-cXt-1)+E2t
with R were
Xt and Yt are non stationary time series at t
a,b,c are parameters and E1t and E2t are error terms at t.
Yt-Xt is stationary
Any suggestions are welcome.
Best regards,
r-help mailing
2011 Apr 14
Automatically extract info from Granger causality output
Dear Community,
this is my first programming in R and I am stuck with a problem. I
have the following code which automatically calculates Granger
causalities from a variable, say e.g. "bs" as below, to all other
variables in the data frame:
log.returns<-as.data.frame( lapply(daten, function(x) diff(log(ts(x)))))
y2<- log.returns[,!(names(log.returns) %in%
2011 Mar 03
Multivariate Granger Causality Tests
Dear Community,
For my masters thesis I need to perform a multivariate granger causality
test. I have found a code for bivariate testing on this page
(http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~econ472/granger.R.txt), which I think would not
be useful for the multivariate case. Does anybody know a code for a
multivariate granger causality test. Thank you in advance.
Best Regards
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2010 Dec 01
Wiener-Granger Causality Test in R
Hello dudes.
I'm developing VAR analysis based on suggestions made by Horváth in its
paper Canonical Correlation Analysis and Wiener-Granger Causality Tests.
That's the reason I'm looking for if there's any R package to develop Wiener
- Granger Causality Test.
Thanks a lot for your unvaluable help.
Regards from Mexico
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2011 Apr 04
Granger Causality in a VAR Model
Dear Community,
I am new to R and have a question concerning the causality () test in
the vars package. I need to test whether, say, the variable y Granger
causes the variable x, given z as a control variable.
I estimated the VAR model as follows: >model<-VAR(cbind(x,y,z),p=2)
Then I did the following: >causality(model, cause="y"). I thing this
tests the Granger causality of
2008 Jul 02
Optimal lag selection in Granger Causality tests
Dear R Users,
Can someone point me to a R package which will help me optimally choose a
lag for Granger Causality testing ?
Many thanks in advance,
Generally, this communication is for informational purposes only
and it is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase
or sale of any financial instrument or as an official confirmation
of any transaction. In the event you are
2010 Aug 23
Fitting a regression model with with ARMA error
I want to fit a regression model with one independent variable. The error
part should be fitted an ARMA process.
For example,
y_t = a + b*x_t + e_t where e_t is modelled as an ARMA process.
Please let me know how do I do this in R. What code should I use?
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2010 Aug 23
Dickey–Fuller test in R
While doing the adf test using ur.df
?price.df2=ur.df(y=log(price),type = "drift", selectlags="AIC")
It gives two values for ?value of test statistic is: -1.5992?? 2.32?
one value is the t-test (or t-ratio), what is the other one?
Please help.
2008 Jun 28
Converting the results of granger.test into a matrix
Dear R Users,
The granger.test command in the MSBVAR package estimates all possible
bivariate Granger causality tests for m variables. If one passes a data
frame with 3 rows, it returns 6 granger tests in two rows, one for the
F-statistic and another for the p-value.
For example:
> a<-rnorm(1:10)
> b<-c(lag(a),rnorm(1))
> c<-c(lag(b),rnorm(1))
2010 Aug 06
R code for EGARCH
Can we run EGARCH in R. If yes, I would be grateful if someone could tell me
the R codes for running EGARCH model.
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2008 Aug 12
VAR question
Hi all,
I got another VAR question here and really appreciate if somebody would help me out :)
I have five time series, say A,B,C,D,E. My objective is to predict the series A using the rest, that is, B, C, D and E. A Vector Autoregression Model should work here. But first of all, I should select which series of B, C, D and E to be include in the VAR model, as well as the number of lags. I wonder
2005 Feb 22
Having problems with quantreg
Hi All,
I'm still having significantly difficulty getting the quantreg library
running in R. I'm running R on MEPIS using the debs created by Dirk
Eddelbuettel and placed in apt testing. When I try to install quantreg using
the install.packages() function it fails with: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find
Dirk was nice enough to send me a .deb for quantreg which installs without
2009 Aug 01
R book for economists
Dear Group,
I am an economics student starting with PhD work in London. As preparation I
would like to get to know R a little bit better. For Stata there are tons of
books, however, can you recommend a book for R?
I have some substantiated econometrics knowledge, so it should be more a
how-to book.
Best regards
Thiemo Fetzer, Economist
2011 Sep 28
cointegration test
Dear All,
I am looking for a cointegration relationship between Spot and Future Price
of commodites. The problem i am facing follows:
1. After estimating by Engle-Grranger Method, i found that the residuals are
stationary at their level I (o), which is required to fulfill the
cointegration test. But the autocorrelation problem arises, as DW statistics
is signficantly low 0.50-0.88 for various
2010 Nov 03
Granger causality with panel data (econometrics question)
Hi folks,
I am trying to perform a Granger causality analysis with panel data. There
are some packages around for panel data analysis and Granger causality.
However, I have found neither a package for both panel data and Granger
causality nor any R procedures (homogenous/heterogenous causality
hypotheses, related tests such as Wald, unit root tests etc.).
Of course, someone must have
2013 Apr 30
Panel Granger Causality Tests
I was wondering if there is a package/function for Panel Granger
non-causality tests? I am interested in Toda-Yamamoto procedure in panel
data setting.
Thank you,
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2013 May 04
Panel Granger Non-Causality Tests in R
I was wondering if there is a package/function for Panel Granger
non-causality tests? I am interested in Toda-Yamamoto like procedure for
panel models.
Thank you,
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Panel-Granger-Non-Causality-Tests-in-R-tp4666316.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.