similar to: How to building my own datafile

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "How to building my own datafile"

2004 Nov 25
Searching for a string in RSQLite
I'd like to search for a particular string in an SQLite database using RSQLite, but I'm running into problems constructing the query properly, because of embedded quotes and parens in the string. Is there a function that escapes these for me, or some other fixup that would let me do the queries below? In the real situation I don't have control over what strings get searched for.
2011 Oct 19
ar() - AIC and BIC
Hi, I'm slowly working through Tsay's "Analysis of Financial Time Series" 3rd ed. ?I'm trying to replicate Table 2.1 on p.47, which gives PACF, AIC, and BIC for the monthly simple returns of the CRSP value-weighted index. The data: > da <-
2011 Jul 06
Subset creates row_names column when exported to MYSQL
Dear R-helpers, I have a huge dataset and I create a filter selecting only the cases I want using: >data <- subset(data, data$var=='x' | data$var=='y' | data$var=='z' | ... ) The problem is, when i check my new data it doen't show a row_names column but when the data is exported to MYSQL (using RMYSQL) it creates a column row_names. I've already tried
2011 Jan 04
RSQLite to input dataframe
Dear r helpers, At first, I apologize for raising a query which seems to be a stupid interpretation on my part. I am trying to learn SQLite. Following is an example given in the file (Page # 4) drv <- dbDriver("SQLite") tfile <- tempfile() con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = tfile) data(USArrests) dbWriteTable(con, "arrests", USArrests) On the similar
2011 Dec 02
help in dbWriteTable
hi I need some help in dbWriteTable. I'm not able to insert the rows in the table if the column order are not same in the database and in the dataframe which i'm inserting. Also facing issue if the table is already created externally and inserting it thru dbWrite. is there some way that we can sepecify the rownames in the dbwrite..or any method which will solve my problem -- View
2018 Jan 15
sum multiple csv files
Hi, I am pretty new to R and I would apreciatte very much your help to solve my problem. I have 40 csv files that have the same structure, and I want to merge them into a single data frame. I already have load and combined all the cvs files into a large list, and I created two filenames <- list.files('data',full.names=TRUE) All_data <- lapply(filenames,function(i){ ###read cvs
2008 Feb 29
RSQLite error
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt. Name: nicht verf?gbar URL:
2010 Jun 10
HOW to install RSQLite database
Please let me know where i have to type below thing to RSQLite database get installed.Please let me know the solution.Thanks in advance RSQLite -- Embedding the SQLite engine in R (The RSQLite package includes a recent copy of the SQLite distribution from Installation ------------ There are 3 alternatives for installation: 1. Simple installation: R CMD
2010 Jul 11
RSQLite install R x86_64 fail
Hi, On a fresh install of R on mac os x 10.6.4 (snow leopard) RSQLite did not install while running biocLite() $ R R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) Copyright (C) 2010 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 [...] Loading required package: utils BioC_mirror = Change using chooseBioCmirror(). [Previously saved workspace restored] >
2008 May 19
RSQLite and undefined symbol:sqlite3_bind_in
Hi All, I tried to install AnnotationDBI like so: source("") biocLite("AnnotationDbi") and got this error: .... Loading required package: RSQLite Error in dyn.load(file, ...) : unable to load shared library '/RHEL3/local/lib64/R/library/ RSQLite/libs/': /RHEL3/local/lib64/R/library/RSQLite/libs/ undefined
2007 Sep 08
Problem in installing packages on linux machine...
Hi, I am trying to install RSQLite package on my Fedora workstation. I tried to install other packages as well, but each time I got the same error messages saying "compilation error" and "non zero exit status". Do I have to specify "lib="? I never specified the library path before when I was using Fedora Core 6. Warning in install.packages("RSQLite")
2011 Nov 07
RpgSQL row names
Hello, Using the RpgSQL package, there must be a way to get the row names into the table automatically. In the example below, I'm trying to get rid of the cbind line, yet have the row names of the data frame populate a column. > bentest = matrix(1:4,2,2) > dimnames(bentest) = list(c('ra','rb'),c('ca','cb')) > bentest ca cb ra 1 3 rb 2 4 >
2010 Aug 13
64 bit RSQLite
Hi folks, Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit Where can I find 64 bit RSQLite? It seems not there; RSQLite: SQLite interface for R TIA B.R. Stephen L
2009 Mar 16
errors when install RSQLite
Dear all, I am trying to install RSQLite package since I want to install "sqldf", and I used >> install.packages("RSQLite") first, which gave Error message as below: make: *** [RS-DBI.o] Error 1 chmod: cannot access `/usr/lib/R/library/RSQLite/libs/*': No such file or directory ERROR: compilation failed for package 'RSQLite' ** Removing
2017 Aug 29
DBI::dbWriteTable syntax error apparently from quotes
I have been successfully using RODBC for a long time (years) to connect to MS SQL Server from R. This week I wanted to try using odbc but I am seeing some problems which may be related to how I set up my driver and/or connection. The dbWriteTable manual page gives as an example command: dbWriteTable( pDB$con, "mtcars", mtcars[1:5,]) When I try this I get the following error Error:
2018 Jan 15
sum multiple csv files
Your message seems unclear, and as evidence the respondents are giving various answers. You should provide a small sample of input and output data as it would look in R to avoid this kind of thrashing about. See [1][2][3] for guidance. Note that you also really need to figure out how to make sure your email program sends plain text, because HTML formatting WILL be stripped by the mailing list
2011 Apr 26
Install and Configure RSQLite in Ubuntu
Hi Folks, I'm new to the linux world and am having some trouble installing the RSQLite package. SQLite is installed, but some dependencies(?) seem to be missing. Can anyone help? > sessionInfo() R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13) Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit) > install.packages() Installing package(s) into β€˜/home/abraham/R/i686-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.13’ (as β€˜lib’ is unspecified)
2012 Aug 22
loading both RPostgreSQL and RSQLite leads to problems
hello, if i load the RSQLite package in addition to the RPostgreSQL package, i get various errors when trying to use RPostgreSQL functions. here is an example transcript showing one such error: ========================================================== R version 2.15.0 (2012-03-30) [...] > packageVersion('RPostgreSQL') [1] 0.3.2 > packageVersion('RSQLite') [1] 0.11.1
2007 Sep 07
Automatic detachment of dependent packages
Dear All, When one loads certain packages, some other dependent packages are loaded as well. Is there some way of detaching them automatically when one detaches the first package loaded? For instance, > library(sqldf) Loading required package: RSQLite Loading required package: DBI Loading required package: gsubfn Loading required package: proto but > detach(package:sqldf) > >
2006 Mar 15
"\r" with RSQLite
What am I doing wrong, or is the \r that I'm getting in the example below a bug? > a <- (1:10) > b <- (LETTERS[1:10]) > df <-, b)) > > df a b 1 1 A 2 2 B 3 3 C 4 4 D 5 5 E 6 6 F 7 7 G 8 8 H 9 9 I 10 10 J > library(RSQLite) > drv <- dbDriver("SQLite") > con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "Test")