similar to: Need to read an Excel File

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Need to read an Excel File"

2011 Jun 23
trying to import xls or xlsx files
library(xlsReadWrite) mydata<-read.xls("file path", header=TRUE) however if I change xls to csv it works just fine. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I have have also using the package gdata with the exact same error. Below is the error that pops up. Error in findPerl(verbose = verbose) : perl executable not found. Use perl= argument to specify the correct path. Error in
2012 Oct 09
Estimados. Encuentro el siguiente error pero no logro darme cuenta de cómo se resuelve o dónde está el inconveniente (el dir está ok): > library(gdata)> redes <- read.xls("Base_EncuentrosRedes.xls", sheet = "CAPS")Error en findPerl(verbose = verbose) : perl executable not found. Use perl= argument to specify the correct path.Error en file.exists(tfn) : argumento
2011 Dec 04
a weird question about gdata:::
Dear R People: If I put in: > findPerl Error: object 'findPerl' not found But if I use: > gdata:::findPerl function (perl, verbose = "FALSE") { errorMsg <- "perl executable not found. Use perl= argument to specify the correct path." if (missing(perl)) { perl = "perl" } perl = Sys.which(perl) if (perl == "" ||
2012 Mar 18
Converting expression to a function
Previously, I've posted queries about this, and thanks to postings and messages in response have recently had some success, to the extent that there is now a package called nlmrt on the R-forge project for solving nonlinear least squares problems that include small or zero residual problems via a Marquardt method using a call that mirrors the nls()
2009 Sep 21
Executing R scripts from another R script
Hello, everyone I run Eclipse Ganymede and R 2.7.2 at work. I have one R script file where I open in memory a new xls file (using xlsReadWritePro), call other R scripts, which are in the same folder as the main R script, which get data from an existing xls file, process data, and output results in the xls file which is in memory. That is the idea. But I cannot make it work. First, I do not
2010 Jun 16
Reading data from xls..........please help
Can anyone help me how to read xls file into R. I have tried following library(gdata) xlsfile <- file.path(.path.package('gdata'),'xls','iris.xls') read.xls(xlsfile) I got following error: Converting xls file to csv file... Error in system(cmd, intern = !verbose) : perl not found Error in file.exists(tfn) : invalid 'file' argument Question *1) What is the way
2010 May 25
how can I read a non-standard XLS file
I have attached a file downloaded from database mirWalk. Apparently it is in XLS format (this is the extension of the downloaded file). However, I cannot open it with OpenOffife spreadsheet program and Excel itself cannot separate the columns as it does when a true XLS file is loaded. I tried to read the attached downloaded file through R function "read.xls" and got the following
2013 Mar 11
Implementation of the PL2 weighting scheme of the DFR Framework
Hello guys.I am working on implementing the PL2 weighting scheme of the DFR framework by Gianni Amati. It uses the Poisson approximation of the Binomial as the probabilistic model (P), the Laplace law of succession to calculate the after effect of sampling or the risk gain (L) and within document frequency normalization H2(2) (as proposed by Amati in his PHD thesis). The formula for w(t,d) in
2010 Jul 30
Ouput several lines of cat
Hello, I am brand new to R. I need to know how to output the contents of cat function into a text file. The cat is used to output several lines of string in the following format: X XXX X XX.XX XXXX-XXXX ( XX.XX XXX ) I need to get the output of all these lines into a text file. I tried to put a file name in the cat function. However the output file only displays single line output. Thanks --
2010 Sep 09
Help on simple problem with optim
Dear all, I ran into problems with the function "optim" when I tried to do an mle estimation of a simple lognormal regression. Some warning message poped up saying NANs have been produced in the optimization process. But I could not figure out which part of my code has caused this. I wonder if anybody would help. The code is in the following and the data is in the attachment. da <-
2006 Jan 02
RODBC help
Dear Prof. Ripley et al., I have a data frame with some variable names that contain the underscore character ('_'). It seems that RODBC is not converting them to a suitable variable name for MySQL. > sqlSave(channel, zz, addPK = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) Query: CREATE TABLE zz (rownames varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY, NAME varchar(255), ID varchar(255), GROUP varchar(255), OAC_RT double,
2009 Apr 30
Sto imparando ora ad utilizzare R. Ho un problema: devo caricare i dati da un file xls creato da me, utilizzando la funzione "read.xls" produce il seguente errore: Errore in xls2csv(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., perl = perl) : Unable to read xls file 'indagineUSA.xls'. Errore in file.exists(tfn) : argomento 'file' non valido Cosa c'è che non va? La directory
2009 May 26
R-windows unsuccessful
To whom it may concern We are currently trying to utilize your software on windows. We have downloaded all necessary packages and followed instructions as to how to perform the model. Thus the installation has worked perfectly, however when trying to run the program an error message appears "Converting xls file to csv file... Error in system(cmd, intern = !verbose) : perl not found Error in
2011 Mar 14
read.xls can't read some .xls files
Hi, I am having problem with the read.xls function. I am trying to read a .xls file but it's giving me error. > read.xls("XXX.xls") Error parsing file 'XXX.xls'. Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, : Intermediate file '/tmp/Rtmp5QQjSI/file1665315c.csv' missing! In addition: Warning message: running command
2009 Aug 18
(no subject)
Dear all, I have a problem with the function read.xls from the gdata package, error message see below. Two examples: First, I try to read my data, which does not work; Secondly, I tried the example code/data with the Iris data, which worked Any idea? Thanks, Lars > path<-"I:/subProjects/bh/HPGD/" > > setwd(path) > > xls <- "Platten_Liste_090421.xls"
2011 May 26
Using read.xls
I am using read.xls command from the gdata package. I get the following error when I try to read a work sheet from an excel sheet. Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, : Intermediate file 'C:\Tmp\RtmpYvLnAu\file7f06650f.csv' missing! In addition: Warning message: running command '"C:\Apps\Perl\bin\perl.exe" "C:/Program
2010 Feb 11
Hi Using R 2.10.1 on a mac os 10.6.2, I have have a problem with gdata package. When I use the command read.xls, I get this error-message: Erreur dans xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, : Unable to read translated csv file '/var/folders/gb/gbzQ4sqTF-KK3D5m6v-IJE+++TI/-Tmp-//Rtmp3Hprw9/file10d63af1.csv'. Erreur dans file.exists(tfn) : argument 'file'
2010 Jul 29
Hi, Is this method broken in R? I am using it to find roots of the following function: f(x) = 2.5*exp(-0.5*(2*0.045 - x)) + 2.5*exp(-0.045) + 2.5*exp(-1.5*x) - 100 It is giving an answer of -38.4762403 which is not even close (f(x) = 2.903809e+25 for x=-38.4762403). The answer should be around 0.01-0.1. This function should converge.. Even for a simple function like f(x) = exp(-x) * x, it gives
2011 Sep 06
read.xls (gdata) problem
I've suddenly started seeing a consistent problem with read.xls. No matter what xls file I try I always get an error message of this type: Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, : Intermediate file '/var/folders/cb/vvshkpm90lx_y2n69qlyw4z40000gn/T//RtmpK50r4g/file546a2722.csv' missing! In addition: Warning message: running command
2010 Apr 07
behaviour of xls2sep when running read.xls (package gdata) sinceupgrade of R
Hello eveRybody (and probably special regards to Gabor G....), I recently upgraded from R-2.9.2-win32 to R-10.1.0-win32, and I'm using Windows XP Professional 2002 with service pack 3 on a PC with IntelCore Duo CPU@ 3.00 GHz. Last time I used it (some weeks ago, before upgrading), one of my scripts (including the two lines cited below) used to run OK. When I ran it yesterday evening (after