similar to: multiple graphics windows open

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "multiple graphics windows open"

2010 Jul 29
multiple graphics windows open with sessionInfo
Dear R People: Hello again. I'm trying to have 3 graphics windows visible simultaneously. I set up a zoo series. Then I plot the original series. I use the locator function to select 2 values from the original series, which generates a subset of the original series. Next, I plot the subset. The last step is to produce an EWMA chart from the subset series. Fair enough. I've tried
2010 Aug 01
aggregating a daily zoo object to a weekly zoo object
Dear R People: I'm trying to convert a daily zoo object to a weekly zoo object: xdate <- seq(as.Date("2002-01-01"),as.Date("2010-07-10"),by="day") library(zoo) length(xdate) xt <- zoo(rnorm(3113),order=xdate) xdat2 <- seq(index(xt)[1],index(xt)[3113],by="week") xt.w <- aggregate(xt,by=xdat2,mean) Error: length(time(x)) ==
2013 Sep 17
strange behavior for RcmdrPlugin.qual
Hello! Over the weekend, I updated my RcmdrPlugin.qual package. It works fine on a 64 bit Windows machine but not a 32 bit. This is very strange. The new menu with all of the Quality Control stuff does not appear. Have any of you run into this sort of thing before, please? Thanks, Sincerely, Erin Erin M. Hodgess, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
2009 Mar 25
Creating date seq in data frame
Hi, I have the following type of data: myData <- data.frame(x = 1:5, y = letters[1:5], xDate = seq(as.Date("2001/2/1"), as.Date("2005/2/1"), by="year") ) > myData x y xDate 1 a 2001-02-01 2 b 2002-02-01 3 c 2003-02-01 4 d 2004-02-01 5 e 2005-02-01 What I need is a new column, say xDate2, that for each xDate (or for each unique combination of
2009 Nov 21
MASS loading error
Dear R People: I just installed R-2.10.0 on Karmic Koala Ubuntu, via the sudo apt-get install r-base, etc. However, when I try to install an Rcmdr Plugin package, I get the following: > install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.qual",depen=TRUE) Warning in install.packages("RcmdrPlugin.qual", depen = TRUE) : argument 'lib' is missing: using
2009 Apr 21
Quality control and possible QC in R book?
Dear R People: Is there a Quality Control in R book that would be accessible for undergraduates, please? I'm teaching a QC course in the fall semester and would be happy to have a Use R book or something like that, please. Thanks in advance, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Houston - Downtown mailto: erinm.hodgess at
2004 Jul 26
qcc package & syndromic surveillance (multivar CUSUM?)
Dear R Community: I am working on a public health early warning system, and I see that the qcc package allows for CUSUM and other statistical quality tests but I am not sure if my project is a good match for qcc functions as written. Any advice you may have is very much appreciated. I have four years worth of daily counts of emergency room admissions for different conditions (e.g. respiratory,
2007 Jun 13
Confusion with sapply
Hi, I have some confusion in applying a function over a column. Here's my function. I just need to shift non-March month-ends to March month-ends. Initially I tried seq.dates, but one cannot give a negative increment (decrement) here. return(as.Date(seq.dates(format(xdate,"%m/%d/%Y"),by="months",len=4)[4]) ) Hence this simple function: > mydate <-
2007 Jul 03
EWMA procedure to forecast variance
Hello, I would like to use the Exponential Weighted Moving Average procedure to get the variance. Is there any R function for doing this? Many thanks. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2015 Nov 06
Puzzled by eval
I am currently puzzled by a seach path behavior. I have a library of a dozen routines getlabs(), getssn(), getecg(), ... that interface to local repositories and pull back patient information. All have a the first 6 arguments in common, and immediately call a second routine to do initial processing of these 6. The functions "joe" and "fred" below capture the relevant
2014 Jul 04
1 file causes R CMD check to fail?
hi. i'm building a package using autotools. to propagate the package version number from to DESCRIPTION, i'm using a file. both of these files are "shar"'d below. i need to distribute the file, as ./configure will need it. but, "R CMD check" wants to look at DESCRIPTION, so i've let that also come into the package
2010 Jan 13
plotting moving range control chart
I have been having the same problem as poster Hodgess, below. It appears that her question was never answered, so I would like to share a solution with the community. The problem is the (apparent?) inability to produce moving range process behavior (a.k.a. "control") charts with individuals data in the package "qcc" (v. 2.0). I have also struggled with the same limitation in
2002 Apr 11
extract week from date
Hello R-users, Does anyone know how obtain the week of a date? (in SPPS the instruction is "xdate.week") Thanks, Juan Ramon -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the
2011 Jun 21
omitting columns from a data frame
Dear R People: I have a data frame, xm1, which has 12 rows and 4 columns. If I put is xm1[,-4], I get all rows, and columns 1 - 3, which is as it should be. Now, is there a way to use the names of the columns to omit them, please? Thanks so much in advance! Sincerely, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences University of Houston - Downtown
2013 Oct 31
an rpy2, R cgi type question
Hi again. I'm putting together a little project with R, python, and a website. So I have an HTML file, a py file, an R file. Here is the HTML file: <form action="/cgi-bin/" method="post" target="_blank"> <input type="radio" name="subject" value="Integrate" /> Integrate <input type="radio"
2012 Aug 13
named character question
Dear R People: Here is a goofy question: I want to extract the zip code from an address and here is my work so far: > add1 results.formatted_address "200 W Rosamond St, Houston, TX 77076, USA" > add1[1][32:36] <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> NA NA NA NA NA > str(add1) Named chr "200 W Rosamond St, Houston, TX 77076,
2008 Oct 29
substring/strsplit question
Dear R People: Here is a toy example: > x <- c("2E","5W","12H") > substr(x,2,2) [1] "E" "W" "2" > Sometimes x has 3 elements, sometimes 2. I want to extract the last element, and then extract the other 1 or 2 elements. How can I do this, please? TIA, Sincerely, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of
2010 Jun 21
Dear R People: I have generated the following table: > table(zza$DEATH,zza$GENDER) F M 2009-04-21 0 1 2009-04-22 4 2 2009-04-24 6 0 2009-04-25 1 3 2009-04-26 2 0 2009-04-28 3 0 2009-04-29 2 2 However, instead of total counts in the F and M columns, I would like percents. How would I do this, please? thanks, Erin -- Erin
2017 Dec 21
Building R from source with the PGI compiler
Hello I would like to build R from source and use the PGI compiler, rather than the GCC compiler. I saw the instructions for the Intel compiler in the R Installation Manual, but I didn't see the PGI. I tried a few times without instructions, but without success. Any suggestions would be most welcome. Also, I hope this is the right group for the question. Sincerely, Erin -- Erin
2011 Mar 07
attr question
Dear R People: When I want to produce a small sample confidence interval using t.test, I get the following: > t.test(buzz$var1, conf.level=.98)$ [1] 2.239337 4.260663 attr(,"conf.level") [1] 0.98 How do I keep the attr statement from printing, please? I'm sure it's something really simple. Thanks, Sincerely, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department