similar to: Error using sqldf

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Error using sqldf"

2010 Jul 25
Left Outer Join 2 DF's on Multiple Conditions
Hi, I am trying to execute the following SQL statement using two data frames: tab1, tab2 : Two Tables Select tab1.*, tab2.*, tab1.tobiiTime - tab2.ruiTime as timeDiff, IFNULL(n-m, -9999999) as alwaysIncrement FROM tab1 LEFT OUTER JOIN tab2 On tab1.data1 - tab2.mouseX = 0 And tab1.data2 - tab2.mouseY = 0 I am trying to do the following in R:- *#Getting error here:* data
2010 Jul 22
Updating a Data Frame
Hi, I have a global data-frame in my R script. At some point in my script, I want to update certain columns of this data-frame by calling in an update function. The function looks like this: # get events data. This populates a global event data frame in the R-script events <- getEvents(con, eventsFilePath) # events has columns eventid, timeStamp, isSynchronized, timeDiff; with millions of
2011 Aug 16
Assignment working differently inside ifelse()
Hello all, I need to extract rows and columns from a data frame and put them in a matrix. In some cases, there are no rows in the data frame meeting the selection criteria. For those rows I want to put a row of 0's in the matrix. Here's my clumsy code: tab1.m1 <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=4) tab1.m1[1,] <- ifelse(length(as.matrix(tab1[tab1$comp==the.comp & tab1$schlid==the.schl
2013 Jan 15
SQLDF column errors
I am trying to exclude integer values from a small data frame 1, d1 that have matching hits in data frame 2, d2 (Very big) which involves matching those hits first. I am trying to use sqldf on the df's in the following fashion: df1: V1 12675 14753 16222 18765 df2: head(df2) V1 V2 13647 rd1500 14753 rd1580 15987 rd1590 16222 rd2020.....
2013 Feb 11
How to plot doubles series with different location using plotCI
Dear list members, I would like to create two series of plotted mean values and error bars, yet with different locations along the x-axis. Plotting of first series using plotCI with the standard arguments goes without any problem. However I do not succeed to add the second series in the same plot, which should be horizontally shifted from the first series along the x-axis. The “add=TRUE”
2011 Oct 29
Refresh tab content on click in JQuery UI Tabs
HI Guy''s TAB1 and TAB2 have some radio button, checkbox and dropdown menu. When TAB1 is selected, I have to switch to TAB2 and then back to TAB1 to refresh the loaded content. How to make TAB1 refresh loaded content when click on its tab? *code is something like that* <ul class="tabs"> <li><a *href="#tab1"*>Gallery</a></li>
2005 Jul 27
How to delete rows
Dear R-users, I am very new to R, so maybe my question is very easy to answer. I have the following table: TAB1<-data.frame(Name,Number), "Name" and "Number" are all character strings, it looks like this: Name Number ab 2 ab 2 NA 15 NA 15 NA 15 cd 3 ef 1 NA 15 NA 15 gh 15 gh 15 I want to delete all the rows
2005 Oct 27
F tests for random effect models
Dear R-users, My question is how to get right F tests for random effects in random effect models (I hope this question has not been answered too many times yet - I didn't find an answer in rhelp archives). My data are in mca2 (enc.) : names(mca2) [1] "Lignee" "Pollinisateur" "Rendement" dim(mca2) [1] 100 3 replications(Rendement ~ Lignee *
2003 Aug 25
SetVar on
Hi all!! Does anyone have a short example or even better - a working AGI script that uses "GET VARIABLE' from a /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing call that uses "SetVar"? Here's what I've tried with no luck so far: ================= Channel: SIP/1000 MaxRetries: 2 RetryTime: 60 WaitTime: 30 Application: Agi Data: playTasks.agi Callerid: Nightly Processor
2011 Apr 18
SQLDF syntax
Hi, I am new to R and trying to migrate from SAS. I am trying to use sqldf to create a new table from existed table and change some of the columns. I have table called DataOld with columns commodity, rate and total and I am trying to create new table called DataNew with columns commodity, ratenew and totalNew. > sqldf("create table datanew as select commodity, ratenew as rate * 10, >
2005 Oct 28
Random effect models
Dear R-users, Sorry for reposting. I put it in another way : I want to test random effects in this random effect model : Rendement ~ Pollinisateur (random) + Lignee (random) + Pollinisateur:Lignee (random) Of course : summary(aov(Rendement ~ Pollinisateur * Lignee, data = mca2)) gives wrong tests for random effects. But : summary(aov1 <- aov(Rendement ~ Error(Pollinisateur * Lignee), data =
2010 Apr 24
table command
Hi, Let s be a dataframe. > s A B C 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 > tab1=table(s[,c(1,2)]) > tab1 B A 0 1 0 3 3 1 3 0 > tab2=table(s[,c(1,3)]) > tab2 C A 1 0 6 1 3 The problem is I need to access frequency corresponding to (0,0). tab1[1] will give me the correct value
2010 Jul 14
count - help
Hi, I have a data frame with several factors and I want to count the occurrences of an event resulting from an interaction of some factors. I tried to do several tables (and then converting to d.f and then merge them by one factor and the freq Tab1 <- merge (BPorAmost,BPorSector,by=c('Sample','Freq')) Tab1 <- merge (Tab1,BPorDist,by=c('Sample','Freq')) Tab1
2009 Dec 22
Nested For loops
Dear R experts, Might be very simple question to ask but would be insightful. As the same story of nested "for loops". following is the code that I am using to get the autocorrelation function of the sample data. I have tried to get rid of for loops but since I am touching R after such a long time that I need to practice more but I need help to revive my skills. I know that apply() or
2008 Apr 03
sqldf file specification, non-ASCII
Dear R-Listers, I am a Windows user (R 2.6.2) using the development version of sqldf to try to read a 3GB file originally stored in .sas7bdat-format. I convert it to comma-delimited ASCII format with StatTransfer before trying to import just the rows I need into R. The problem is that I get this error: > f <- file("hugedata.csv") > DF <- sqldf("select * from f where
2012 Mar 21
Using extract function for dates in sqldf
I'm trying to use sqldf to query for the earliest date of a blood test when patients have had multiple tests in a given year. My query looks like this: test11 <- sqldf("select CHILD_ID, min(SAMP_DATE) from lab group by CHILD_ID having extract (year from SAMP_DATE) = 2011") SAMP_DATE has class "date." I get the error
2010 Jan 25
question on sqldf syntax
trying to structure sql to merge two datasets. structure follows: dbs.possible.combos (all possible combinations of dates and places) Date Place 1/1/10 N-01 1/1/10 S-02 1/2/10 N-01 1/2/10 S-02 etc... dbs.aggregate (the raw data aggregated by date and location) Date Place Days 1/1/10 N-01 6 1/1/10 S-02 10 1/2/10 S-02 5 Trying to merge so I look-up the values for each possible combo
2006 Oct 27
How to best divide table by table
Hi all, how can I divide two tables of the same dimension so that all names are preserved, ie do not become NA? I have "tab1" and "tab2", each having names in the first column. I want "tab3" with the same names and values "tab1/tab2". Thanks, Serguei
2008 Sep 12
Fw: Complex sampling survey _ Use of survey package
-------------------------------------------------- From: "Ahoussou Sylvie" <sylvie.ahoussou at> Sent: Friday, September 12, 2008 9:48 AM To: "Thomas Lumley" <tlumley at> Subject: Re: [R] Complex sampling survey _ Use of survey package > Thanks for your answer > > I think I made a mistake when I recopied the 5 first rows of
2010 May 26
Hi, I am not so sure about an error note I got when using shapiro.test. I imported some data into R by wrinting it into a .txt file via > tab1<-read.table("etc....txt",header=T) > attach(tab1) The following object(s) are masked _by_ .GlobalEnv : ozon > ozon$V1 [1] 2.5 3.0 5.6 4.7 6.5 6.7 1.7 5.3 4.6 7.4 5.4 4.1 5.1 5.6 5.4 6.1 7.6[18] 6.2 6.0 5.5 5.8 8.2 3.1 5.8 2.6 Now