Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "loop through files and create object"
2012 Jun 24
Defining multiple variables in a loop
Good day,
For lack of a better solution (or perhaps I am ignorant to something
more elegant), I have been bootstrapping panel data by hand so to
speak and I would like to know if there is a way to define multiple
variables in a loop using the loop variable. I found a post (here:
https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2002-October/026305.html ) that
discussed naming multiple variables but it
2012 Apr 22
Assignment problems
The text below is a part of, some work I have to do, which is due in 2 days
and I am strung up with a lot of other stuff, so I was hoping someone would
take 5 mins and help me ??
Here is a part of my data.frame:
year country1 country2 contig comlang pop1 gdp1
pop2 gdp2 rta dist avgflow
1 1992 AUS AUT 0 0 17.4950008 321708.281
2012 Apr 17
How to add specific column to data.set?
I have a data.set with 7 lists, with over 7000 observations in each list. to
of the lists contain country names.
aus dnk
fra aus
usa aut
itl usa
My dilemma is that I want to add an extra column/list to my data.set. If the
countries are both european it should be assigned 1 or true AND if one or
both the countries are non-european it should be assigned 0 or false.
2013 Apr 09
quotes in cat() within function
Hello all,
Sorry if this question has been answered in the past, but I could not find
an answer.
I am trying to print quotes within a cat output. The arguments are:
file= "Data labels"
directory= "/home/mylaptop/"
The function returns:
cat("The file", file, "is located in directory", directory, sep=" ")
The output R prints is
The file Data
2012 Aug 27
looping through numbered variables
This is a beginner question. I am trying to loop through numbered
variables with "apply" to calculate weighted means. My data is "data",
the variables are "var1" to "var100", the weight is "weight". The
command works using
sapply(paste('data$var', 1:100, sep=''), function(x)
weighted.mean(eval(parse(text=x)), data$weight))
2009 Dec 01
LMER: How to specify Random Effects
I saw different specifications for Random Effects and I'm confused about
the use of "/" and the use of "(0+...|)" .
Let say we have a nested structure where some countries have some
several plants in different states and we measure the reaction to a drug.
The list of Countries = USA, France, Italy
The States for USA = Michigan, Florida, California
The States for France
2013 Feb 05
lmer - BLUP prediction intervals
Dear all
I have a model that looks like this:
m1 <- lmer(Difference ~ 1+ (1|Examiner) + (1|Item), data=englisho.data)
I know it is not possible to estimate random effects but one can
obtain BLUPs of the conditional modes with
re1 <- ranef(m1, postVar=T)
And then dotplot(re1) for the examiner and item levels gives me a nice
prediction interval. But I would like to have the prediction
2010 Mar 30
Create a new variable
Dear R-list,
Sorry for spamming the list lately, I am just learning the more advanced
aspects of R!
I have some data that looks like this:
Out Country1 Country 2 Country 3 ... CountryN
1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 0
I want to create a new variable that counts the number of zeros in every
row whenever Out is equal to 1, and else it is a zero, so it would look
like this:
2007 Aug 07
lmer() : crossed-random-effects specification
Dear all,
I want to estimate a crossed-random-effects model (i.e., measurements,
students, schools) where students migrate between schools over time.
I'm interested in the fixed effects of "SES", "age" and their
interaction on "read" (reading achievement) while accounting for the
sample design. Based on a previous post, I'm specifying my model as:
fm1 <-
2006 Sep 13
recursive methods for concatenating sets of files
I would like to read sets of files within a folder, perhaps using recursive
Right now, I rename the files before import.
It would be even better to do this without renaming files, without providing
explicit filenames, perhaps by importing files based on chronology,
and translating each filename into a header?
Please excuse my ignorance, and help cure my clunky programming
2003 Mar 06
Sorry, my question is if exists a command tkexit in R, i need a command how
exit of tcl for close an aplication. How to use him. Thank
2009 Apr 06
political maps world maps in R, wrld_simpl
dear all,
I'm a newbie in map tools. I was asking to perform an apparently very
simple task.
I have a list of countries (about fifty all over in the world) scored
with a real positive value. Eg
Country score
Italy .56
UK .58
Korea .41
Mexico .63
I wish to plot geographical maps where every country is filled with a
color depending on his score.
Using maptools library and
2004 Jul 12
.Platform addition (was Re: where does R search when source()?)
On Sun, 11 Jul 2004, Gabor Grothendieck wrote:
> search.path <-
> function(fn,
> paths = strsplit(Sys.getenv("PATH"), split = ";")[[1]],
> fsep = "\\") {
> for(d in paths) {
> f <- file.path(d, fn, fsep = fsep)
> if (file.exists(f))
> return(f)
> }
> return(NULL)
> }
2012 Oct 20
Help with programming a tricky algorithm
Hi All,
I'm a little stumped by the following problem. I've got a dataset with
the following structure:
idxy ix iy country (other variables)
1 1 1 c1 x1
2 1 2 c1 x2
3 1 3 c1 x3
. . . . .
3739 55 67 c7 x3739
3740 55 68 c7 x3740
where ix and
2009 May 22
Returning only a file path on Windows
I am choosing a file like this:
#Bring up file selection box
Unfortunately, the file path contains the short file name and extension as
well. I had hoped to get only the path so I could make my own long
filenames (for output graphs) by concatenation with this file path.
Of course I can split the string and assemble the components from
2018 Apr 13
Fwd: R Timeseries tsoutliers:tso
Writing to seek help in regard to some unexpected performance anomaly i am
observing in using tsoutlers:tso on the mac vs on an AWS cloud server..
I am running the following code with very small dataset of about 208
d.dir <- '/Users/darshanpandya/xxxxxx'
FNAME <- 'my_data.csv'
d.input <- fread(file.path(paste0(d.dir,"/zzz/"),FNAME,fsep =
2013 Sep 10
Normalidad para datos multivariados
Hola! Estoy teniendo un problema para testar la normalidad y la homogeneidad de varianzas para mi modelo de manova
Es este mi modelo: m1<-manova(cbind(pred,fit,oniv)~tratamento/parcela+bloco,data.vegetacao)
Aparte de tener tres variables respuestas (predador, fitófago, omnívoro), también es un diseño anidado.
Alguien sabría responder esto? Gracias!
[[alternative HTML version
2013 Feb 08
vegdist Error en double(N * (N - 1)/2) : tama?o del vector especificado es muy grande
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <r-help-owner@r-project.org>
Date: 2013/2/8
Subject: vegdist Error en double(N * (N - 1)/2) : tama?o del vector
especificado es muy grande
To: caro.bello58@gmail.com
Message rejected by filter rule match
---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
From: caro bello <caro.bello58@gmail.com>
To: r-help@r-project.org
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2013
2007 Jun 15
how to plot two graphics in one window
Hello ,
Maybe this question you answered before, but i couldnt find something
indicated in the mailing list.
I wish to plot two graphics in one window, for example y=sinx and y=exp(x)
in the same windows, (the same interval for x).
Thanks .
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/how-to-plot-two-graphics-in-one-window-tf3929594.html#a11145186
Sent from the R help
2014 Dec 18
Joining the SIG - oVirt project
On 16/12/14 16:04, George Dunlap wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 7:30 AM, Sandro Bonazzola <sbonazzo at redhat.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just joined the CentOS-virt call yesterday for the first time and it was a pleasure to meet you there.
>> My name is Sandro Bonazzola[1] and I'm a member of the integration team and the release engineering manager for oVirt