Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Servreg $loglik"
2009 Feb 06
MLE for right-censored data with covariates
I am a student (and very to new to R) working on a senior design project that
is attempting to determine the demand distributions for single copy
newspaper draws at individual sales outlet locations. Our sales data is
right-censored, because sell-outs constitute a majority of the data, and we
are also testing the relevance of including covariates (weather,
seasonality, economic condition, etc.).
2004 Nov 09
Data Censoring and Normality Tests
I would like to know if there is a function in R that will test for
normality and handle censored data sets. Currently, I evaluate each
censored data set by the extent to which a normal scores plot
approximate a straight line. For complete data sets I use
Below is an example of a censored data set.
data1<-c(0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 5.86, 5.17, 8.17, 5.12, 4.92, 7.08,
2006 Feb 13
Survreg(), Surv() and interval-censored data
Can survreg() handle interval-censored data like the documentation
says? I ask because the command:
survreg(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ 1, data = heart)
fails with the error message
Invalid survival type
yet the documentation for Surv() states:
"Presently, the only methods allowing interval censored data are
the parametric models computed by 'survreg'"
2007 Jun 08
Escobar&Meeker example survreg
Dear all,
I am new to R and may make beginner mistakes. Sorry.
I am learning using R to do survival analysis. As a start I used the
example script code provided in the documentation of predict.survreg of
the survival package:
# Draw figure 1 from Escobar and Meeker
fit <- survreg(Surv(time,status) ~ age + age^2, data=stanford2,
plot(stanford2$age, stanford2$time,
2011 May 04
two-way group mean prediction in survreg with three factors
I'm fitting a regression model for censored data with three categorical
predictors, say A, B, C. My final model based on the survreg function is
Surv(..) ~ A*(B+C).
I know the three-way group mean estimates can be computed using the predict
function. But is there any way to obtain two-way group mean estimates, say
estimated group mean for (A1, B1)-group? The sample group means don't
2006 Mar 01
Drop1 and weights
If I used drop1 in a weighted lm fit, it seems to ignore the weights
in the AIC calculation of the dropped terms, see the example below.
Can this be right?
> unweighted.model <- lm(trSex ~ (river+length +depth)^2-
length:depth, dno2)
> Anova(unweighted.model)
Anova Table (Type II tests)
Response: trSex
Sum Sq Df F value
2007 Aug 23
degrees of freedom question
R2.3, WinXP
Dear all,
I am using the following functions:
f1 = Phi1+(Phi2-Phi1)/(1+exp((log(Phi3)-log(x))/exp(log(Phi4)))
f2 = Phi1+(Phi2-Phi1)/(1+exp((log(Phi3)-log(r)-log(x))/exp(log(Phi4)))
subject to the residual weighting
Var(e[i]) = sigma^2 * abs( E(y) )^(2*Delta)
Here is my question, in steps:
1. Function f1 is separately fitted to two different datasets
corresponding to
2008 Jun 25
weighted inverse chi-square method for combining p-values
This is more of a general question than a pure R one, but I hope that is OK.
I want to combine one-tailed independent p-values using the weighted version
of fisher's inverse chi-square method. The unweighted version is pretty
straightforward to implement. If x is a vector with p-values, then I guess
that this will do for the unweighted version:
statistic <- -2*sum(log(x))
comb.p <-
2012 Mar 25
Accessing more than two coefficients in a plot
I've successfully plotted (in the plot and abline code below) a simple regression of Lambda1_2 on VV1_2. I then successfully regressed Lambda1_2 on VV1_2, VV1_22 and VV1_212 producing lm2.l. When I go to plot lm2.l using abline I get the warning:
"1: In abline(lm2.l, col = "brown", lty = "dotted", lwd = 2) : only using the first two of 4 regression coefficients"
2000 Sep 17
Weighted Histogram
I'm having trouble finding a simple way to calculate a weighted
histogram where there may be zero raw counts in a given interval.
Given equal-length vectors of data 'data' and weights 'w', and breaks
(intervals) for the histogram, I calculate a weighted histogram as
follows (see MASS's 'truehist' for an unweighted histogram):
bin <- cut(data,
2007 Mar 22
Cohen's Kappa
im little bit confused about Cohen's Kappa and i should be look into the
Kappa function code. Is the easy formula really wrong?
many thanks
2011 Oct 21
lattice::xyplot/ggplot2: plotting weighted data frames with lmline and smooth
In the HistData package, I have a data frame, PearsonLee, containing
observations on heights of parent and child, in weighted form:
> str(PearsonLee)
'data.frame': 746 obs. of 6 variables:
$ child : num 59.5 59.5 59.5 60.5 60.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 ...
$ parent : num 62.5 63.5 64.5 62.5 66.5 59.5 60.5 62.5 63.5 64.5 ...
$ frequency: num 0.5 0.5
2006 Mar 01
Weighted networks and multigraphs
I would like to apply network measures (such as betweenness centrality,
upper boundedness, etc.) to a weighted graph with non-integer weights,
defined by a euclidean distance matrix. The package sna provides the
measures that I want to use, but seems only to operate on binary graphs.
I have read work by Mark Newman
(http://aps.arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0407503/), who suggests that a
weighted graph
2015 Jan 12
Polycom instant messages
Hash: SHA1
Is it possible to use the instant messaging feature of Polycom phones in
Asterisk? At the moment I'm seeing this in the SIP messaging when I try
to send one from a Polycom 450.
<--- SIP read from UDP:<CENSORED POLYCOM IP>:5060 --->
INVITE sip:0100@<CENSORED>:5060;user=phone SIP/2.0
2012 Feb 06
Simple lm/regression question
I am trying to use lm for a simple linear fit with weights. The results
I get from IDL (which I am more familiar with) seem correct and
intuitive, but the "lm" function in R gives outputs that seem strange to me.
Unweighted case:
> x<-1:4
> y<-(1:4)^2
> summary(lm(y~x))
lm(formula = y ~ x)
1 2 3 4
1 -1 -1 1
2005 Jun 16
Survey - Cluster Sampling
Dear WizaRds,
I am struggling to compute correctly a cluster sampling design. I want
to do one stage clustering with different parametric changes:
Let M be the total number of clusters in the population, and m the
number sampled. Let N be the total of elements in the population and n
the number sampled. y are the values sampled. This is my example data:
clus1 <-
2006 Aug 25
R.squared in Weighted Least Square using the Lm Function
Hello all,
I am using the function lm to do my weighted least
square regression.
model<-lm(Y~X1+X2, weight=w)
What I am confused is the r.squared.
It does not seem that the r.squared for the weighted
case is an ordinary 1-RSS/TSS.
What is that precisely?
Is the r.squared measure comparable to that obtained
by the ordinary least square?
<I also notice that
model$res is the unweighted
2010 Feb 25
Minimum Spanning Trees
I need to find all minimum spanning trees of an unweighted graph.
Is there a way in R to do that?
View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/Minimum-Spanning-Trees-tp1569351p1569351.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2007 May 31
Factor analysis
is there any other routine for factor analysis in R then factanal?
Basically I'am interested in another extraction method then the maximum
likelihood method and looking for unweighted least squares.
Thanks in advance
Sigbert Klinke
2011 Feb 23
Weighted Mean By Factor Using "BY"
Hello R folks,
Reproducible code below - I'm trying to do a weighted mean by a factor and
can't figure it out. Thanks in advance for your assistance.