Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Exporting NMDS distance matris to csv"
2012 May 23
procrustes (vegan) plot of residual differences
This is a simple question but I couldn't google an answer.
In the procrustes function of the vegan package, one uses
plot(procrustes_object, kind=2) to obtain a plot of the residual
differences. For instance:
vare.dist <- vegdist(wisconsin(varespec))
mds.null <- isoMDS(vare.dist, tol=1e-7)
mds.alt <- isoMDS(vare.dist,
2008 Aug 07
panel.arrows problem in custom panel function
Dear List,
I am writing a custom panel function and xyplot method to plot the
results of a procrustes analysis from the vegan package.
I am having trouble getting the call to panel.arrows to work as I wish
when conditioning. The attached file contains the function definitions
for the xyplot method and the custom panel and prepanel functions I am
using. This example, using data and functions from
2010 Apr 27
cca standard error species
Dear all,
I realised a correspondence analysis with function cca() of vegan library.
Just like in Okansen (2010) in the example of R help:
vare.cca<-cca(varespec~ Al + P + K, varechem)
With plot.cca() function I represented the species matrix in the next way:
Being similar to:
2008 Sep 26
cca constraining variables table
I performed canonical correspondence analysis (cca) with the example data of
vegan, but I'm not able to obtain a table like scores() for the constraining
variables. I can see them in the summary() mode, but it would be great to
have in a separate table. Any suggestion?, thanx Gianandrea
2010 Apr 13
vegan (ordisurf): R² for smoothed surfaces
Dear r-helpers,
I just read in an article by Virtanen et al. (2006) where vegetation-environment relationships are studied by fitting smoothed surfaces on an NMDS ordination using GAMs (Wood 2000). The authors describe, that they used R? as goodness-of-fit statistic, which they compare to the R? of fitted vectors. Calculations were carried out using the package vegan (Oksanen).
I know that I can
2006 Oct 21
Problems running IsoMDS using vegdist with pres-abs data and two sites with zero distance
I have just (finally) started to poke around in R and wanted to analyse
a stream fish dataset with 28 sites and 18 species. When trying to
follow the Vegan manual to run nmds from distance measures calculated by
the vegdist function it turns out that I have two sites (streams) with
the exactly the same four species (I have used pres-abs data in this
case). When I try to run isoMDS I get an
2006 Nov 16
question about capscale (vegan)
I am interested in using the capscale function of vegan package of R. I
already have a dissimilarity matrix and I am intended to use it as
'distance' argument. But then, I don't know what kind of data must be in
'comm' argument. I don't understand what type of data must be referred
as 'species scores' and 'community data frame' since my data refer to
2009 Oct 14
metaMDS NMDS: use of alternative distances?
Dear r-helpers!
How can I integrate other distances (in the form of a dist object) into function metaMDS? The problem: metaMDS needs the original data.frame for the calculation and only the default distances of function vegdist are allowed.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
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2010 Dec 08
on NMDS graphics
I have used Vegan to construct an NMDS ordination plot. I plotted sites of
three forest types with the site number in it. My reviewer has asked me to
use different symbols for each of the forest types.
Can anyone send me how I can do this in R in simple steps. I have used the
options like ordiplot, sel and pl syntaxes that are not working for the
question that I asked for.
2011 Sep 09
NMDS plot and Adonis (PerMANOVA) of community composition with presence absence and relative intensity
Thanks for providing great help in R-related statistics. Now, however I'm
stuck. I'm not a statistics person but I was recommended to use R to perform
a nmds plot and PerMANOVA of my dataset.
Sample(treatment) in the columns and species (OTU) in the rows. I have 4
treatments (Ambient Temperature, Ambient temperature+Low pH, High
temperature, High temperature+low pH), and I have 16
2012 Nov 27
CCA plot
Hi, I have a couple questions about fitting environmental (land use
factors, plant species presence-absence, and soil variables) constraints to
my CCA biplot. 1. After successfully plotting species and site scores in my
CCA, I have been trying to insert the biplot arrows of the environmental
constraints in my data set using the text() function. When I do that, the
plot changes completely. Is there
2007 Nov 14
label plotting on nmds diagram
I'm using nmds command (library vegan) to analyze some fishing data.
I'd like to plot not only points, but also the names of species and stations in
a specified position.
I used the command
text(nmds$points[,1], nmds $points[,2],labels=row.names(nmds
But the labels are sometimes overlapped.
Is there any way to use identify, or a similar command, to plot the
2016 Sep 05
Tests of all canonical RDA axes
Buenas Tardes,
Estoy teniendo problema para testar la significancia de los ejes del RDA. NO se cual seria el error.
Alguien me podría ayudar? Desde ya muchas gracias.
Saludos, Luis
# Tests of all canonical axes
anova.cca(ssp.rda.hel, by="axis", step=1000)#Para saber la significancia de cada eje
Error in anova.cca(ssp.rda.hel, by = "axis", step = 1000) :
2018 Apr 17
nMDS with R: missing values
Dear All,
I was wondering whether anyone might be able to provide some advice with an nMDS / R problem. I?m trying to run nMDS on a dataset that contains many missing values and was wondering how I can account for the missing values when running nMDS? It seems as though the data are being grouped depending on where the zero values appear. Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thank you very much
2004 May 13
BIO-ENV procedure
I've been unable to find a R package that provides the means of
performing Clarke & Ainsworth's BIO-ENV procedure or something
comparable. Briefly, they describe a method for comparing two separate
sample ordinations, one from species data and the second from
environmental data. The analysis includes selection of the 'best'
subset of environmental variables for explaining
2010 Jul 22
interpretation of stress in NMDS
Among those users of Primer, stress values greater than 0.3 are
interpreted as "questionable". Using both isoMDS and metaMDS (vegan
package), the stress values returned are much higher using my own data
and using examples provided in R Help. For example Rstress = 8.3, and
the stressplot r2 = 0.99 indicating (to me) that the ordination is OK.
I am guessing that the "stress"
2007 Nov 07
creating a dynamic output vector
Let's say I have a program that returns variables whose names may be any
string within the vector
NAMES=c("varA","varB","varC","varD","varE","varF"..."varZ"), but I do
not ever know which ones have actually been created. So in one example
output, "varA", "varC", and "varD" could exist, but
2010 Mar 23
Problem installing package
Dear r-help users,
I have just downloaded the package vegan and I have problems accessing
the data to go through the examples in the tutorial. I can see the data
when I type "data()" but I am told that the data doesn't exist when I
type the name of one of the variables e.g.:
> varespec
Error: object 'varespec' not found
I suspect this could be a way I have my
2007 Mar 09
dendrogram again
Hi all,
ok, i know i can cut a dendrogram, which i did.
all i get is three objects that a dendrograms itself.
for example:
myd$upper, myd$lower[[1]], myd$lower[[2]]
and so on. of course i can plot them seperately now.
but the lower parts still have hundreds of branches. i?ll need a 30 "
widescreen to watch the whole picture.
what i?d like to is group the lower branches , so that i get a
2011 May 10
metaMDS and envfit: Help reading output
Hello R experts,
I've used metaMDS to run NMDS on some fish abundance data, and am also working on correlating environmental data to the NMDS coordinates. I'm fairly new to metaMDS and NMDS in general, so I have what are probably some very basic questions. My fish abundance data consists of 66 sites for which up to 20 species of fish were identified and counted. I ran metaMDS on this data