similar to: Sequence from 2 Vectors

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Sequence from 2 Vectors"

2010 Sep 15
Get File Names in Folder, Read Files, Update, and Write
Dear All, Could you please recommend how I can do this? I have several text files in one folder. Let's name them A0801.RSK, A0802.RSK, .... I would like R to 1) Know all file names in this folder 2) Update value in one column of these files 3) Write results in another text file with _xval in the file names Below is R code for read, update, and write one file
2010 Nov 09
Calculate Mean from List
Dear all, I have a list of correlation coefficient matrixes. Each matrix represents one date. For example A[[1]] A B C A 1 0.2 0.3 B 0.2 1 0.4 C 0.3 0.4 1 A[[2]] A B C A 1 0.5 0.6 B
2010 Nov 25
Execute SQL Stored Procedure in R
Dear all, I would like R to retrieve a table resulting from execute sql stored procedures. What function can I use? Can RODBC do it. I tried channel1 <- odbcConnect("ptsecmstqa01-alpha") query <- paste("execute DB.dbo.usp_test") Data<- sqlQuery(channel1, query) However, it returned blank. Best Regards, Suphajak Ngamlak Equity and Derivatives Trading Phatra
2010 Aug 04
SQLDF from Variable Matrix
Dear all, I would like to do sample statistics, e.g. mean, median from very large dataset. This is part of commands I use routinely with several dataset so I would like to make it into function. The simplified examples are Test<-data.frame(A=c('a','b','c','a','b','c'),B=c(1,2,3,4,5,6)) #Create function (This one work)
2011 Sep 07
Weight in Function RM
Dear all, I am trying to do weighted regression using lm function in R. However, I have a question why the results from 1) lm(formula = Y~aX, weight = w) 2) lm(formula = wY~waX) are different. Aren't they supposed to have the exactly same result? Below are the R code to see difference in regression results MatY <- c(0.15,0.42,0.31,0.22) MatX <-
2018 Sep 21
Bias in R's random integers?
Not sure what should happen theoretically for the code in vseq.c, but I see the same pattern with the R generators I tried (default, Super-Duper, and L'Ecuyer) and with with bash $RANDOM using N <- 10000 X1 <- replicate(N, as.integer(system("bash -c 'echo $RANDOM'", intern = TRUE))) X2 <- replicate(N, as.integer(system("bash -c 'echo $RANDOM'",
2018 Sep 20
Bias in R's random integers?
Hello, On Thursday, September 20, 2018 11:15:04 AM EDT Duncan Murdoch wrote: > On 20/09/2018 6:59 AM, Ralf Stubner wrote: > > On 9/20/18 1:43 AM, Carl Boettiger wrote: > >> For a well-tested C algorithm, based on my reading of Lemire, the > >> unbiased "algorithm 3" in is part > >> already of the C standard library in
2008 Sep 11
How to obtain a sequence of dates consisting of only weekdays
Dear R-users, How do I obtain a sequence of dates consisting of only weekdays without the weekends in R? In S, I can do the following: timeSeq(from="12/17/2007", to="8/25/2008", by="weekdays") I tried using looking at timeSequence (fSeries package) and seq.Date (base package) but I do not know if I can specify "weekdays" rather than "day".
2011 Aug 23
Testing Specific Hypothesis
Hi All! I am interested in testing whether the means for the data I am investigating are equal to a specific value - let's say 0.01. I have already run a one-way ANOVA and know that the differences in the means are not significant, so now I want to know what values the means take on. "otestme" is the data I am working with (it would be hard for me to get into a form that would be
2009 Feb 09
"reaper" is not picking up new changes to my application???
Hi, Can anyone shed any light on why "reaper" (whilst seemingly working re restarting my mongrel ruby process) does not pick up changes to my application? (e.g. changing a title in a view for example). It''s like the "mongrel_rails start etc..." is just restarting the current process but ignoring the new details re where the new application directory is. That is
2011 Sep 13
Deleting Rows based on Factor and Time Period
Hi All! I have been messing around with this problem for about a week but to no avail! The following data has been cut down in order to make my question reproducible. The alldat data frame includes 2 columns: 1 date column and 1 factor column (equity names)).
2011 Oct 01
error using ddply to generate means
Dear list, I encounter an error when I try to use ddply to generate means as follows: fun3<-structure(list(sector = structure(list(gics_sector_name = c("Financials", "Financials", "Materials", "Materials")), .Names = "gics_sector_name", row.names = structure(c("UBSN VX Equity", "LLOY LN Equity", "AI FP Equity",
2011 Feb 27
Plotting two lines on a graph when using par(mfrow=)
Basic question but still learning .... How do I plot two lines (f$equity and f$bh.equity) on one of the three graphs under mfrow ? I tried putting brackets around the first plot and lines command but that didn't work. par(mfrow=c(3,1)) {plot(f$Date,f$equity, col="blue", type="l", main="equity") lines(f$bh.equity, col="gray")} plot(f$Date,f$indicator,
2012 May 25
Query about creating time sequences
Hi All, I have a query about time based sequences. I know such questions have been asked a lot on forums, but I couldnt find the exact thing that I was looking for. I want to create a time-based sequence which will mimic the trading window AND would span multiple days. Something like below: "2011-01-03 09:15:00 IST" "2011-01-03 09:15:01 IST" .... .... .... "2011-01-03
2023 Jul 06
Plotting factors in graph panel
On Thu, 6 Jul 2023 at 15:21, Anupam Tyagi <anuptyagi at> wrote: > > Btw, I think "lattice" graphics will provide a better solution than > "ggplot", because it puts appropriate (space saving) markers on the axes > and does axes labels well. However, I cannot figure out how to do it in > "lattice". You will need to convert Income to a
2023 Jul 06
Plotting factors in graph panel
Hi John: Thanks! Below is the data using your suggestion. I used "ggplot" to make a graph. I am not too happy with it. I am looking for something simpler and cleaner. Plot is attached. I also tried "lattice" package, but nothing got plotted with "xyplot" command, because it is looking for a numeric variable on x-axis. ggplot(TrialData4, aes(x=Income, y=Percent,
2023 Jun 29
Plotting factors in graph panel
Anupa, I think your best bet with your data would be to tidy it up in Excel, read it into R using something like the readxl package and then supply some sample data is the dput() function. In the case of a large dataset something like dput(head(mydata, 100)) should supply the data we need. Just do dput(mydata) where *mydata* is your data. Copy the output and paste it here. On Thu, 29 Jun 2023
2023 Jul 06
Plotting factors in graph panel
Btw, I think "lattice" graphics will provide a better solution than "ggplot", because it puts appropriate (space saving) markers on the axes and does axes labels well. However, I cannot figure out how to do it in "lattice". On Thu, 6 Jul 2023 at 15:11, Anupam Tyagi <anuptyagi at> wrote: > Hi John: > > Thanks! Below is the data using your
2023 Jul 07
Plotting factors in graph panel
Hallo Anupam I do not see much difference in ggplot or lattice, they seems to me provide almost identical results when removing theme part from ggplot. library(ggplot2) library(lattice) ggplot(TrialData4, aes(x=Income, y=Percent, group=Measure)) + geom_point() + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~Measure) xyplot(Percent ~ Income | Measure, TrialData4, type = "o", pch = 16, as.table =
2006 Nov 22
RBloomberg Multi-ticker problem
Hi, I am trying to download data from Bloomberg through R. If I try to download intraday data for multiple tickers and only one field, I get the error, written below in red. How do I get rid of this error? > dat<-blpGetData(conn, c("NOK1V FH Equity","AUA AV Equity"), "LAST_PRICE",