similar to: ggplot qplot bar removing bars when truncating scale

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "ggplot qplot bar removing bars when truncating scale"

2009 Jan 24
ggplot2 - how to change location / position of wind rose axis labels?
Dear R users, First just want to say thank you to all for developing such a wonderful software and packages. I need to produce a wind rose plot. Tried with packages circular and plotrix and couldn't quite get what I want. Moved to package ggplot2 and it's going great. However stuck in how to move axis labels. I am using the wind rose from the help to learn how to do what I need (code
2011 Dec 04
Polishing my geom_bar for publication
Dear list, I am new with ggplot2 and I have spend quiet some time putting together the following code to create the attached plot. However there's still a few things that I'm having trouble with! I would be grateful if someone can tell me how to fix (1) the colour of my bars into grey scales (2) removing the y-axis (species name) on the right figure to avoid duplication, and (3) fix the
2012 Feb 06
ggplot2 geom_polygon fill
Hi everyone, i've been trying to make a special plot with ggplot2, but I can't get it to fill the polygon I'd like to see filled so very very much. I want to display the difference or change in the distribution of the modified Rankin Scale between two groups. mRS is a scale for disability or daily activities competence. It looks like this.
2009 Mar 05
is there any option like cex.axis in ggplot2?
Dear list,   I made boxplots using ggplot and want to control for x- and yaxis. Using "plot" I can do it by setting cex.axis equally to any size but can't figure out how to do it with ggplot.     ggplot(dat, aes(x = factor(time), y = volume)) + opts(axis.title.x=theme_text(size=8),axis.title.y=theme_text(size=8)) + geom_boxplot() + geom_jitter(aes(colour = id))+labs(x =
2011 Aug 24
Scatter plots, linear regression in ggplot2
Hi, Based on some modification that I did to the R Cookbook Graphs Scatterplots code, link: I have some questions and I will appreciate a help: - How do I change the legend title? - How can I change the for each linear regression its color and linetype? - How can I add for both the linear regression lines their equations and Rseq
2011 Oct 18
Ordering of stack in ggplot (package ggplot2)
I'm trying to reproduce the 3rd graph on the page of this site: . However, the data below produces a ggplot with the stacks sorted in alphabetical order from the bottom up. I'd like the stacks to be in the order "Europe", "Asia", "Americas, "Africa", "Oceania". Is there an easy way to
2010 Aug 11
help to polish plot in ggplot2
Hi, I wanted to generate a plot which is almost like the plot generated by the following codes. category <- paste("Geographical Category", 1:10) grp1 <- rnorm(10, mean=10, sd=10) grp2 <- rnorm(10, mean=20, sd=10) grp3 <- rnorm(10, mean=15, sd=10) grp4 <- rnorm(10, mean=12, sd=10) mydat <- data.frame(category,grp1,grp2,grp3,grp4) dat.m <- melt(mydat) p <-
2011 Nov 08
ggplot2 reorder factors for faceting
Dear List I am trying to draw a heatmap using ggplot2. In this heatmap I have faceted my data by 'infection' of which I have four. These four infections break down into two types and I would like to reorder the 'infection' column of my data to reflect this. Toy example below: library(ggplot2) # test data for ggplot reordering genes <- (rep (c(rep('a',4),
2011 Aug 16
ggplot - some questions concerning histograms
Hello, I am a beginner with ggplot and after doing simple graphs (histogram, segments etc.) some questions came up: 1) I tried to do a histogram, but nothing is displayed although it works with another vector. I think it is because of the very small values (n=1000, min=1.222e-24 max, 1.890e-20). I used qplot(variable,geom="histogram")... If do it with the standard plot function it
2010 Jun 18
ggplot2 boxplot: horizontal, univariate
In ggplot2, I would like to make a boxplot that has the following properties: (1) Contrary to default, the meaningful axis should be the horizontal axis. Lattice does this, for instance, by library(lattice);bwplot(~mtcars$mpg) (2) It is *univariate*, i.e., of a single vector, say mtcars$mpg. I do not wish to make separate plots for the different values of mtcars$cyl. (3) Nothing on the
2010 Dec 06
ggplot2: Controlling line width of panel borders
Dear R-users, i encountered some problems when trying to adjust the line width of the axes and stripes in a plot created with ggplot2. I use the "barley" dataset of the lattice package to illustrate my problem: library(ggplot2) library(lattice) barley[["SD"]] <- 5 limits <- aes(ymax=barley$yield + barley$SD,ymin=barley$yield - barley$SD) p1 <-
2012 Aug 27
Font size in geom_dl (using ggplot2)
Hey everyone, I am an R-newby... so sorry for bothering you with simple-to-solve questions;) I have the following issue: trying to add labels to my scatterplots (with geom_dl in ggplot2). Everything works fine, but after checking every resource I do not find a way to change the font size of my labels. I tried size, cex, fontsize at every position... but it always stays the same. ggplot()+
2011 Jun 21
qplot/ggplot2 Questions
I took some data from an online poll about which R GUI people used most and I am messing around with it to learn how to use qplot. Specifically I am making a horizontal bar graph and I have two questions. 1. The categories are ordered in rather strange way at least to me. It is not alphabetical or ascending/descending order of votes cast so i had to manually state the order I wanted which is
2009 Dec 11
ggplot: Problem with legend background
Dear R-users, I am preparing graphs for an upcoming article using the different functions of the ggplot2 package and I've been having problems with the legend background. It doesn't seem to scale when the text size is increased. Here's the mandatory reproducible example: library(ggplot2) repFrame <- data.frame(A= 1:10, B= rnorm(1:10), groupNum = rep(c("First group",
2012 Feb 01
Plotting bar graph over a geographical map
Hi, I am looking for a way to plot bar on a map instead of the standard points. I have been using ggplot2 and maps libraries. The points are added with the function geom_point. I know that there is a function geom_bar but I can't figure out how to use it. Thank you for your help, Simon ### R-code library(ggplot2) library(maps) measurements <-
2012 Jun 28
neatmap - draw.dendrogram - help!
Hi all, I'm having a problem where by I'm trying to use the NeatMap draw.dendrogram function as it is more versatile in placement/direction of dendrograms, instead of the limited plot function. Using plot I can get my dendrograms to display the species name for each leaf of the tree. But I cannot figure out how to make this happen using draw.dendrogram.. genetic<-
2010 Sep 26
Changing x-axis on boxplot
Dear List, ? I am creating a boxplot with two subsets, very similar to the example by Roger Bivand at ?boxplot (reproduced below).? I am trying to change the labels on the x-axis to have one number to cover both subsets.? I can do this in other plots by using axis=FALSE followed by a separate axis() command.? I have also tried variations in the names= argument but can't get it to work.?
2009 Dec 15
for loop for automatic pdf generation
I know this is not reproducible, but I don't want to clog up mail boxes with the data frame. I would be happy to send this off list. I am sure that I am missing something simple. The plotting works if I just paste the call to qplot into R and replace the [i] with a number. Thanks for all of your help in advance. #loop to spit out PDFs list.names <-
2010 Oct 19
plot CI and mortality rate
Dear R Users: I have the individual mortality rate and 95% CI of 100 hospitals, how to do the plot with the individual hospital in the Yaxis, and the mortality rate and 95% CI in the Xais and a overall mean as a reference line? Thanks and regards, Xin [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Oct 09
Placing text in a ggplot
I am attempting to graph 12 months of temperatures, delineate the months with a vline and place the names of the months at the top of the graph. So far I have gotten everything to work except the names, despite getting a similar graph to work yesterday the day before yesterday with Baptise A's help. Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong. Data set is below code. Thanks. Code