similar to: Locale not set error when trying to use C version in a rails app

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Locale not set error when trying to use C version in a rails app"

2006 Apr 19
How to do case-sensitive searches
Forgive me if this topic has already been discussed on the list. I googled but couldn''t find much. I''d like to search through text for US state abbreviations that are written in capitals. What is the best way to do this? I read somewhere that tokenized fields are stored in the index in lowercase, so I am concerned that I will lose precision. What is the best way to store a
2006 Aug 24
acts_as_ferret for Ferret 0.10
Hi all, the current acts_as_ferret trunk is now ported to Ferret 0.10. Get it while it''s hot at svn:// Nearly everything works, besides this: - all queries are ORed (no way to tell the QueryParser to build AND queries by default) - more_like_this is broken I''m working with Dave to fix these things soon. The last Ferret 0.9.x
2006 Sep 20
acts_as_ferret limit on multi_search not working?
I''m using acts_as_ferret to do a query like this: Model1.multi_search("my query",[Model2,Model3], :limit => 2) No matter what number i set limit to I get 10 items in the resultset. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks/David -- Posted via
2007 Jan 22
Just curious, is there anyway to use memcache with a ferret index? Thanks, Ray -- Posted via
2006 Aug 30
Hi there, I''m working with some legacy data where customer phone numbers are stored with hyphens between the area code, exchange, and number (e.g. 555-555-5555). Is this the best way to store a phone number? Perhaps not, but it''s the way they were being stored, so I have to work with this format. Right, so when I save a record the log tells me acts_as_ferret indexed the
2006 Jul 07
Search on data accross many tables, linked by belongs_to
I am using Ferret and acts_as_ferret, as my search back-end for my Rails project. I have a question about using acts_as_ferret on a main table that is linked to other tables by foreign keys. Is there a way to include the information linked by the belongs_to keyword in the search results ? As an example, let''s say I have a main table ''posts'':
2006 Jun 29
find_by_contents not returning SearchResults?
The acts_as_ferret documentation says find_by_content returns an instance of SearchResults, but I see this error when I try to use the results. undefined method `total_hits'' for []:Array Here is the link to the documentation: But here is the actual code: result =
2007 Sep 02
ferret for professionals
Hello, I''m trying to setup ferret search engine(what i did successfully for searching english phrases, words) But i doesn''t work for UTF-8 symbols!!! I tried to find the solution for this problem: 1) i add to enviroment.rb followinf lines: ENV[''LANG''] = ''de_DE.UTF-8 at euro'' ENV[''LC_TIME''] = ''C''
2006 May 22
how to index the result of any instance method
Hi, One of the AAF features is to be able to index results of methods, but I haven''t seen anywhere how to do this. I have a method that returns the full text of a file and I''d like for this to be indexed. Can anyone out there help me out on this one? Tom -- Posted via
2006 Apr 03
Installing Ferret locally on TextDrive
I would like to give the 0.9.0 version of Ferret a try on my application hosted on TextDrive. I am currently running on the 0.3.2 version there. Does anyone have any tips on installing it locally there? I know just enough about Ruby gems to get by... but I am thinking it could be as easy as passing a -i flag to specify the install location for ferret. Then, the only thing I am not sure about
2006 Nov 01
aaf and stop words; query parser
I''ve been trying to implement acts_as_ferret in my latest project and ran into a snag. If I do a search for ''auditor state'' then the search works perfectly. If I include a stop word, as in ''auditor of state'', then I get no results. I''d prefer not to set stop words to nil and index everything. The solution, that I have yet to attempt, is to use
2006 Nov 06
Updating the index.
I''ve been reading through the lucene, ferret, and aaf docs, but I''m still a bit new at full text indexing. When I create a new instance of an indexed model, and save it, it doesn''t show up in searches. Should I have to update the index of the entire model (which works) before it will return in queries? Britt
2006 Oct 05
search results autocompletion
Dear list, I ''m using a text input field with autocompletion . The suggestions come from a ferret index which is created by getting all the terms belonging to other indices. Here is the code: class Suggestion attr_accessor :term def self.index(create) [Person, Project, Orgunit].each{|kl| terms = self.all_terms(kl) terms.each{|term| suggestion =
2006 Nov 28
Index not being updated
My index is not being updated when I add new records or amend existing ones. Can anyone point me in the direction of where I should be looking for what is going wrong? I''m running this in the production environment. -- Posted via
2007 Jan 11
stop words in query
Hello all, Quick question, I''m using AAF and the following custom analyzer: class StemmedAnalyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer include Ferret::Analysis def initialize(stop_words = ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS) @stop_words = stop_words end def token_stream(field, str), @stop_words)) end However when
2006 Aug 29
adding new items to index breaks searches with *
Hi after upgrading to ferret 0.10.1 and bleeding edge aaf i''m getting some strange behavior. Generally much better stability with new version of ferret but when i add new items for some reason i can no longer search with a *. Or rather i can but it returns no results and no errors. I can search and get results normally on other searches and when i rebuild the index i can search with
2006 Jul 03
Ferret not returning the right results
I have ferret setup in my model with multiple fields, but when I do a search on the value that might be stored in two fields, I get no results. Here''s an example: "Jim 12333" Where Jim is a name field, and 12333 is a zip code. I have this in my model: acts_as_ferret :fields => [ ''name'', ''zip'' ] I''m not sure
2006 Apr 05
duplicate search results
i''m using Ferret 0.9.0 with acts_as_ferret (the one from, and i''m getting duplicate results, as described in this thread: is there a way to configure the indexes created by acts_as_ferret to use :key => :id, as described in that thread? i''ve poked around in the code, and had
2006 Sep 12
options hash ignored when searching multiple readers
Hi, I''m working on an aaf bug report that led me to what I think is a bug in Ferret itself. The snippet at shows the problem, the last two lines should imho only return one result, because of :offset => 1 or :limit => 1, but both return all (that is, 2) results (Ferret 0.10.4). Cheers, Jens -- webit! Gesellschaft f?r neue Medien mbH
2006 Sep 16
nfs shared and ferret segfault
Hi, I use ferret 0.10.4 whith shared index over NFS directory. There are 2 applications servers. The web server is Mongrel and mongrel_cluster 0.2.0. There are 20 Mongrel processes on each server. Each time my application update a model, Mongrel process stops running with this errro in its log: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/ferret-0.10.4/lib/ferret/index.rb:663: [BUG] Segmentation fault