Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "replace NA-values"
2009 Jan 13
NA-values and logical operation
Dear list,
as a result of a logical operation I want to assign
a new variable to a DF with NA-values.
z <- data.frame( x = c(5,6,5,NA,7,5,4,NA),
y = c(1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2) )
p <- (z$x <= 5) & (z$y == 1)
z[p, "p1"] <-5
# ok, this works fine
z <- z[,-3]
p <- (z$x <= 5) & (z$y == 2)
z[p, "p2"] <-5
# this failed... - how
2006 Aug 03
efficient way to make NAs of empty cells in a factor (or character)
Dear all,
I have some csv-files (originating from Excel-files) containing empty
cells. In my example file I have four variables of different classes,
each with some empty cells in the original csv-file:
> test <- read.csv2("test.csv", dec=".")
> test
id id2 x y
1 a 1 NA
2 b e NA 2.2
3 f 3 3.3
4 c g 4 4.4
> class(test$id)
2009 Mar 02
ave and grouping
Dear list,
# I have a DF like this:
sleep$b <- c(rep(8,10), rep(9,10))
sleep$me <- with(sleep, ave(extra, group, FUN = mean))
# I would like to create a new variable
# holding the b-th value of group 1 and 2.
# This is not what I want, it takes always the '8' from group '1'
# and not the '9'
sleep$gr <- with(sleep, ave(extra, group, FUN = function(x)
2002 Jul 03
Adding text to a plot
Dear R-users,
again two question...
# Question 1
Adding two lines of text to a plot, I am using:
# -------------------------------
plot(k[,1], k[,2], pch=16,
a <- paste("Cor.:" ,cor(k[,2],k[,1]))
b <- paste(nrow(k), "Countries")
text(90, max((k[,2])-0.51), a)
text(90, max((k[,2])-0.83), b)
2014 Jan 19
how to replace <NA> values
Dear R community
I have a large data set contain some empty cells. Because of that, may be I am wrong, <NA> values are produced.
Now I want replace both empty and <NA> values with zero.
Elder1 <- data.frame(
Output I am expecting
ID age
ID1 38
ID2 35
2008 Dec 15
how to create duplicated ID in multi-records per subject dataset
Hi R helpers,
If I have a dataset looks like:
ID record
1 20
. 30
. 25
2 26
. 15
3 21
And I want it becomes
ID record
1 20
1 30
1 25
2 26
2 15
3 21
That is, I have to duplicate IDs for those with multiple records. I am wondering it is possible to be
2002 Jun 14
data.frame - transform
Hi there,
I have a data.frame (pwt6) which I would like to transform:
country year gdp
MEX 1950 2
MEX 1951 5
BOL 1950 4
BOL 1951 12
ITA 1950 45
ITA 1951 2
This should be the result:
year MEX.gdp BOL.gdp ITA.gdp
1950 2 4 45
1951 5 12 2
Right now I have this code (better - no code):
for(i in country.label)
2002 Jun 09
Logical operators
I have a csv-file which looks like:
#### pwt6_r.csv ####
#### pwt6_r.csv ####
To import this file i call:
Now I want to generate a new data.frame which include
2002 Jun 06
Problem with get.hist.quote (tseries library)....
I am having a problem with the get.hist.quote command (tseries library) in
the Windows version.
This problem is not happening is the Linux version (Mandrake 8.2).
Attached is the error message, for an example included in the help file.
Also the R.Version() details is attached.
Please, do you know if there is a workaround ?
++++++++++++++++++++++++ ERROR MESSAGE
2013 Apr 12
Removing rows that are duplicates but column values are in reversed order
From your example data,
dat1<- read.table(text="
id1?? id2?? value
a????? b?????? 10
c????? d??????? 11
b???? a???????? 10
c????? e???????? 12
#it is easier to get the output you wanted
#? id1 id2 value
#1?? a?? b??? 10
#2?? c?? d??? 11
#4?? c?? e??? 12
But, if you have cases like the one
2008 Nov 20
how to replace NA with previous numbers
I have a vector with lots of NAs. e.g.
vec = c(NA, NA, 2, NA, NA, 5, NA, 6, NA)
> vec
[1] NA NA 2 NA NA 5 NA 6 NA
I would like to replace NAs with their immediately previous non NA number.
After replacement, the above vector will become
> vec
[1] 0 0 2 2 2 5 5 6 6.
I understand how to do that with a loop but the actual vector is very long
and the loop takes too much time in R.
2005 Aug 10
Why only a "" string for heading for row.names with write.csv with a matrix?
> x <- matrix(1:6, 2,3)
> rownames(x) <- c("ID1", "ID2")
> colnames(x) <- c("Attr1", "Attr2", "Attr3")
> x
Attr1 Attr2 Attr3
ID1 1 3 5
ID2 2 4 6
> write.csv(x,file="x.csv")
2012 Nov 22
Trick to replace NA
Dear members,
I have a series of values in a vector and some value are missing and
replaced with NA.
For example:
a <- c(27, 25, NA, NA, 24, 26, 27, NA, 26)
I would like to replace the NAs with the value taken from the previous
value that is non-NA. The output would be in this case:
27 25 25 25 24 26 27 27 26
Now I do that with a for loop, but I try to eliminate all the loops to
gain in
2011 Feb 23
list multiplied by a factor / mapply
Dear list,
this works fine:
x <- split(iris, iris$Species)
x1 <- lapply(x, function(L) transform(L, g = L[,1:4] * 3))
but I would like to multiply each Species with another factor:
setosa by 2, versicolor by 3 and virginica by 4. I've tried mapply but
without success.
Any thoughts? Thanks for any idea!
2010 Apr 29
Simple loop code
Hi fellow R Users,
I find that I typically rewrite my data specific to data in columns, which
is by no means efficient and I am struggling to break out of this bad habit
and utalise some of the excellent things R can do! I have tried to look at
'for' but I don't really follow it, and I wondered if anyone could help with
a simple example using my script so I could follow this and build
2011 Mar 24
fraction with timelag
Dear r-help,
I'm having this DF
df <- data.frame(id = 1:6,
xout = c(1234, 2134, 234, 456, 324, 345),
xin= c(NA, 34,67,87,34, NA))
and would like to calculate the fraction (xin_t / xout_t-1)
The result should be:
# NA, 2.76, 3.14, 37.18, 7.46, NA
I am sure there is a solution using zoo... but I don't know how...
Thanks for any help!
2008 Aug 30
strsplit and regexp
Dear list,
I am trying to split a string using regexp:
x <- "2 Value 34 a-c 45 t"
strsplit(x, "[0-9]")
[1] "" " Value " "" " a-c " "" " t"
But I don't want to lose the digits (pattern), the result
should be:
[1] "2" " Value " "34" " a-c "
2011 Jan 10
Using combn
Dear list,
I want to apply the "table" function to every pair of variables in df
and the return should be a list.
asd <- data.frame(a1=sample(1:4, 20, replace=TRUE),
a2=sample(1:4, 20, replace=TRUE),
a3=sample(1:4, 20, replace=TRUE),
a4=sample(1:4, 20, replace=TRUE))
with(asd, table(a1, a2))
with(asd, table(a1,
2018 Jan 08
Replace NAs in split lists
You can enforce these assumptions by sorting on multiple columns, which
leads to
na.locf(df1[ order(df1$ID,df1$Value), ])
On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 4:19 PM, Jeff Newmiller <jdnewmil at dcn.davis.ca.us>
> Yes, you are right if the IDs are always sequentially-adjacent and the
> first non-NA value appears in the first record for each ID.
> --
> Sent from my phone. Please
2008 May 17
tapply and grouping
Hello all,
I have a df like this:
w <- c(1.20, 1.34, 2.34, 3.12, 2.89, 4.67, 2.43,
2.89, 1.99, 3.45, 2.01, 2.23, 1.45, 1.59)
g <- rep(c("a", "b"), each=7)
df <- data.frame(g, w)
# 1. Mean for each group
tapply(df$w, df$g, function(x) mean(x))
# 2. Range for each group - fix value 0.15
tapply(df$w, df$g,
x[(x > mean(x) -