similar to: PRESS and P2 statistics in R

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "PRESS and P2 statistics in R"

2008 Feb 27
Cross Validation
Hello, How can I do a cross validation in R? Thank You!
2010 Apr 25
function pointer question
Hello, I have the following function that receives a "function pointer" formal parameter name "fnc": loocv <- function(data, fnc) { n <- length(data.x) score <- 0 for (i in 1:n) { x_i <- data.x[-i] y_i <- data.y[-i] yhat <- fnc(x=x_i,y=y_i) score <- score + (y_i - yhat)^2 } score <- score/n
2005 Jul 25
passing formula arguments cv.glm
I am trying to write a wrapper for the last example in help(cv.glm) that deals with leave-one-out-cross-validation (LOOCV) for a logistic model. This wrapper will be used as part of a bigger program. Here is my wrapper funtion : logistic.LOOCV.err <- function( formu=NULL, data=NULL ){ cost.fn <- function(cl, pred) mean( abs(cl-pred) > 0.5 ) glmfit <- glm(
2013 Oct 02
C++ debugging help needed
I've had reports lately about segfaults in the rgl package. I've only been able to reproduce these on Linux. I am not so familiar with C++ details, so I have a couple of questions way down below. But first some background info. One recipe to recreate the crash works with a new version 5.0-1 of the mixOmics package: > library(mixOmics) > example(pca) This crashes with
2012 May 15
caret: Error when using rpart and CV != LOOCV
Hy, I got the following problem when trying to build a rpart model and using everything but LOOCV. Originally, I wanted to used k-fold partitioning, but every partitioning except LOOCV throws the following warning: ---- Warning message: In nominalTrainWorkflow(dat = trainData, info = trainInfo, method = method, : There were missing values in resampled performance measures. ----- Below are some
2004 Nov 24
LDA with previous PCA for dimensionality reduction
Dear all, not really a R question but: If I want to check for the classification accuracy of a LDA with previous PCA for dimensionality reduction by means of the LOOCV method: Is it ok to do the PCA on the WHOLE dataset ONCE and then run the LDA with the CV option set to TRUE (runs LOOCV) -- OR-- do I need - to compute for each 'test-bag' (the n-1 observations) a PCA
2006 Oct 11
user address format
Hello everybody! [Introduction] This is a quite long message, but I think the problem is interesting. [The problem] Does anyone know how can I tell Asterisk that a certain user has a certain telephone number (or address)? For example, I have some registered users, but nor the client (X-lite) nor the server (Asterisk) specifies what telephone number has the user. I don't want to
2006 Oct 11
MGCP stuff
Hello everybody! I have an Asterisk server with SIP as the VoIP protocol. What I want to do: I want to talk to the "outside world" via MGCP. I suppose I must set an MGCP peer to route outgoing calls. So, I must set the endpoint syntax of the Asterisk server (Asterisk will act as an MGCP gateway and will talk with an MGCP Gatekeeper) and with other MGCP gateways via
2006 Oct 24
UA - number assignment
My problem is simple and I've issued it about 3 weeks ago. I want the UAs to authenticate with a number to the SIP server. Is this possible? For example, I configured an AT-RG613TX (Allied Telesyn Residential Gateway). In its configuration it is not possible for me to skip specifying a number (ex. 102) along with the username. I've looked into the source code (SIP implementation) of
2013 Mar 23
Good afternoon. I would like to know if there is any function in R to do LOOCV with these classifiers: 1)SVM 2)Neural Networks 3)C4.5 ( J48) 4)KNN Thanks a lot! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Oct 22
Audiocodes MP-20x
Has anyone used the AudioCodes MP-20x? Seems like a good device, but I can't seem to find anyone actually using them... -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2013 Oct 13
GTX 670 Tips?
Gordan & David, Read about your latest work, and was thrilled to learn that both soft and hard mods are working. I bought the GTX 670 model in David''s article, I will be giving this a shot in a week. I was hoping to ask a few questions. 1. Is there a specific qemu version required (traditional or the new default)? 2. What (if anything) should be done after removing the resistors
2008 Jul 16
How to extract component number of RMSEP in RMSEP plot
Hi R-listers, I would like to know how can i extract component no. when the RMSEP is lowest? Currently, I only plot it manually and then only feed the ncomp to the jack knife command. However, I would like to automate this step. Please let me know. Many thanks. Rgrds, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2014 Feb 11
[LLVMdev] Proposal: split tools/opt/opt.cpp to OptTool and a smaller main()
Hello, I started some refactoring work on tools/opt/opt.cpp in r201116, but conceptually this is part of a larger effort. I'd like to consult with llvmdev@ about the best way to move this forward. Background: opt is a very useful swiss-army-knife tool, and its capabilities may be useful to custom tools. However, as it stands now opt is now very modular - almost all its functionality is
2001 Aug 08
build problem with 2.9p1 & p2
Greetings - I don't think this is a bug; just something I don't understand. I'm using RedHat Linux v7.0 with an i686 processor. I've been using openssl v0.9.5a with openssh v2.2.1 I've upgraded to openssl v0.9.6b and openssh v2.9.p2 I've built both packages with the '--prefix=/usr' option. During the openssh 'make install' at 'host-key' I get
2016 Sep 05
Re: more than one IP address on network device?
On Mon, 5 Sep 2016 15:05, Kenneth Porter wrote: > On Monday, September 05, 2016 9:27 AM -0400 Jonathan Billings wrote: > >> This is one of the many reasons why people don't use 'ifconfig' >> anymore. > > Is there a preferred tool? Perhaps a script that will dump out the full > network configuration for easy checking? How about using the "ip"
2007 Nov 13
Stress-Testing Asterisk
Hi All, I was wondering, what tools are readily available out there in Asteriskland for me to use in stress/load testing asterisk box I have in the lab. I want to observe how my box holds out under heavy/light/medium load. Thanks, Jeng ___________________________________________________________ Want ideas for reducing your carbon footprint? Visit Yahoo! For Good
2004 Jun 15
how to exclude large files from backup list.
Hi, I am using a computer to back up files from another computer automatically. I want to exclude large files from backing up. How can I do that? Thank you. Wensheng Jiang
2016 Feb 08
[Bug] Regression problem in for OpenSSH 7.1 P2 on HPE NSE above dd-size 32k
G'Day, I am requesting help in resolving an issue on the HPE NonStop platform in OpenSSH 7.1 P2 in the regression suite for all dd-size above 32k. Previous tests are all passing, but in the for-loop inside regress/, when s is 64k, the command: dd if=$DATA obs=${s} 2> /dev/null | \ ${SSH} -q -$p -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy somehost "cat >
2006 Mar 15
Mongrel Web Server 0.3.11 -- Edge Rails and Win32Compliant
I don''t think there''s a way to do that other than using a proxy (ISAPI_REWRITE) or just a server-side redirect. I''d love to be proven wrong though. -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of frazer horn Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 9:13 AM To: Subject: