Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "retrieve path analysis coefficients (package agricolae)"
2012 Sep 15
p-values in agricolae pearson correlation
I have used the correlation analysis (pearson) in the agricolae package to
analyse my data and got unexpectedly low p-values (therefore making many
more highly significant correlations in my data than I had expected). I am
wondering if the p-values given should be subtracted from 1 to give the real
p-value, because for each variable compared against itself has a p-value of
1 and I thought it
2007 Jul 23
The 'REP' term in AMMI{agricolae}
Dear all,
W2k, R 2.5.1
I am trying out the AMMI function in the agricolae package, to analyse the
dependence of environment for a certain cultivar. The function responds to
four basic variables:
ENV Environment
GEN Genotype
REP Replication
Y Response
My question concerns the 'REP' term. When I normally do an analysis of
variance, the replication would refer to repeated observations
2018 Feb 17
RV: no puedo cargar el paquete "agricolae"
Cada vez que intento cargar el paquete "agricolae" me da el siguiente mensaje:
Error: package or namespace load failed for 'agricolae' in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]):
there is no package called 'spData'
He intentado todo actualizar los paquetes, volverlos a instalar pero no hay forma.
Si sabeis la solución ??
Un saludo.
2009 Apr 14
subset dataframe by rows using character vector?
Dear List,
I'm stuck on what seems like a simple indexing problem, I'd be very grateful to anyone willing to help me out.
I queried a dataframe which returns a character vector called "plot". I have another dataframe from which I want to subset or select only those rows that match "plot". I've tried subset, and also the "which" command.
2012 Aug 03
Multiple Comparisons-Kruskal-Wallis-Test: kruskal{agricolae} and kruskalmc{pgirmess} don't yield the same results although they should do (?)
Hi there,
I am doing multiple comparisons for data that is not normally distributed.
For this purpose I tried both functions kruskal{agricolae} and
kruskalmc{pgirmess}. It confuses me that these functions do not yield the
same results although they are doing the same thing, don't they? Can anyone
tell my why this happens and which function I can trust?
kruskalmc() tells me that there are no
2012 Feb 02
Error con package agricolae
Hola a todos
Estoy trabajando con el package agricolae para realizar pruebas de medias y obtengo un error que no entiendo al trabajar las interacciones. Os explico:
Poseo un Diseño Completamente al Azar para el arreglo de tratamientos factorial de la forma 2*2*4. El modelo consta de 6228 observaciones, el esquema para el anova es:
A= 2 niveles={2,5}
B= 4 niveles={F1,F2,F3,F4}
C= 2
2008 Aug 04
backslash in character string?
Dear list,
After searching many old posts, I can't find the solution to a simple problem.
can someone tell me how to create a character string with multiple backslashes, as in:
file_dir <- c("C:\files\data\")
I need to create this string and then paste it to many files names for batch processing in another software program. R won't accept the backslash and removes
2008 Feb 29
while loop syntax help
Dear list,
I'm trying to write my first looping function in R. After many hours of searching help files and previous posts, I'm at wits end. Please forgive my programming ignorance...any help is greatly appreciated.
I need to sort through a vector (x) and identify the point at which 2 successive values become smaller than the previous value.
I've written a "while"
2009 Jan 19
download/retain text file structure with RCurl/getURL()
Dear list,
I'm trying to download a text file directly from the internet using the RCurl package and the command getURL. Duncan Lang graciously helped me solve the first step in this problem using the following command:
txtfile <- getURL('ftp://ftp.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/data/snow/snow_course/table/history/idaho/13e19.txt',
ftp.use.epsv = FALSE)
2009 Jan 12
problems with download.file() from ftp?
Dear list,
I am trying to download a text file from an ftp site using download.file().
I used the following code:
url <- "ftp://ftp.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/data/snow/snow_course/table/history/idaho/13e19.txt"
dest <- "c:/test/downloadtest.txt"
download.file(url, dest)
I get this error message, indicating that R is unable to open the connection:
trying URL
2008 Dec 17
Plot multiple lines, same plot, different axes?
Dear list,
I would like to plot 2 series of numbers with very different ranges/scales as lines on the same plot. I assumed this is commonly done and easy, but I have not found any help files (e.g. axis() or matplot() that show how. I've searched many old posts to no avail.
I'll be very grateful for any suggestions on how this is done.
2009 Aug 24
robust method to obtain a correlation coeff?
Being a R-newbie I am wondering how to calculate a correlation
coefficient (preferably with an associated p-value) for data like:
> d[,1]
[1] 25.5 25.3 25.1 NA 23.3 21.5 23.8 23.2 24.2 22.7 27.6 24.2 ...
> d[,2]
[1] 0.0 11.1 0.0 NA 0.0 10.1 10.6 9.5 0.0 57.9 0.0 0.0 ...
Apparently corr(d) from the boot-library fails with NAs in the data,
also cor.test cannot cope with a
2008 Apr 23
64 bit Linux/Ubuntu memory limit problem?
Dear list,
I've recently installed R on a 64 bit machine with 8 GB of RAM. I set this computer up as a dual-boot system, with windows XP 64 and Ubuntu 7.10. I downloaded the Linux 64 bit version of R and installed it.
I'm trying to run rather large Random forest models and was running into severe memory limitations with my old windows 32 bit machines.
When I run Random Forest models
2008 Oct 01
regexpr syntax question
Greetings R list,
I am stuck on a simple syntax problem. I want to list all files in a directory, excluding files of a certain type. I have tried pattern matching as follows:
a <- list.files(data, full.name = TRUE, pattern != ".xml") # exclude all .xml files
The warning returns that my syntax is incorrect. I have read the regexpr help files and search old posts to no
2015 Apr 30
Analisis de varianza de un modelo strip strip plot
Hola Javier, gracias por contestar tan rapido (tarde en la noche) ...
olvide decir que, obviamente, he revisado la internet buscando y no
encuentro ni siquiera la tabla de analisis de varianza del diseño ...
habia revisado el paquete agricolae porque este trae diseños parecidos
pero no exactamente lo que necesito.
Sigo buscando, muchas gracias,
On 29/04/15 22:57,
2007 Jul 19
Subsetting dataframes
Dear all!
W2k, R 2.5.1
I am working with an ongoing malting barley variety evaluation within
Sweden. The structure is 25 cultivars tested each year at four sites, in
field trials with three replicates and 'lattice' structure (the replicates
are divided into five sub blocks in a structured way). As we are normally
keeping around 15 varieties from each year to the next, and take in 10 new
2008 Mar 31
APPLY as alternate to FOR loop?
Dear list,
Below I've written a clunky for loop that counts NA's in a row, replacing all with NA if there are
more than 3 missing values, or keeping the values if 4 or more are present. This is sample code from a very large
dataframe I'm trying to clean up.
I know there are many simpler more elegant solutions to this little problem.
Would someone be willing to show me how to
2008 Aug 06
Index alternative to nasty FOR loop?
Dear R wizards,
I have a folder containing 1000 files. For each file, I need to extract the first row of each file, paste it to a new file, then write out that file. Then I need to repeat this operation for each additional row (row 2, then row 3, etc) for 23 rows in each file.
I can do this with a for loop (as below).
Is there a way to use some of the indexing power of R to get around this
2018 Jan 16
Letters group Games-Howell post hoc in R
Hello everybody,
I use the sweetpotato database included in R package:
data(sweetpotato) This dataset contains two variables: yield(continous
variable) and virus(factor variable).
Due to Levene test is significant I cannot assume homogeneity of variances
and I apply Welch test in R instead of one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey
Nevertheless, the problems come from when I apply posthoc
2015 Apr 30
Analisis de varianza de un modelo strip strip plot
Genial !! Gracias Carlos, voy a leer la vignette.
A todo esto, alguien se acuerda de esas paginas para buscar paquetes y
funciones de R ? Se que una estaba en CRAN, pero las otras tambien eran
muy buenas porque las use un par de veces, pero no las puedo encontrar
en los mails de la lista.
Saludos y gracias,
On 30/04/15 09:22, Carlos Ortega wrote:
> Hola,