similar to: [Off topic?] Time dependent Cox model fitting and validation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "[Off topic?] Time dependent Cox model fitting and validation"

2007 Oct 11
Cox with time varying effect
Dear R users, I am doing Cox regression using coxph(Survival) or cph(Design). I have time varying effects (diagnosed with schoenfeld residuals Chi2 test and graph) so I first want to split time into 2 separate intervals : t<6months and t>=6months, to estimate one hazard ratio (hr) for each interval. I am analysing Overall survival according to 3 prognostic factors (age,deep,ldh).
2007 May 17
Stratified Cox proportional Hazard Model
Hello everyone, I am a new user of R. Does anybody know how hazard ratios are extracted for each factor level in a stratified Cox proportional hazard regression model? I have a cancer data set where the variable ?differentiation? is a factor with three levels: poor, intermediate and good. I would like to extract the hazard ratio for each grade level and relate it to another prognostic factor.
2010 Feb 12
validate (rms package) using step instead of fastbw
Dear All, For logistic regression models: is it possible to use validate (rms package) to compute bias-corrected AUC, but have variable selection with AIC use step (or stepAIC, from MASS), instead of fastbw? More details: I've been using the validate function (in the rms package, by Frank Harrell) to obtain, among other things, bootstrap bias-corrected estimates of the AUC, when variable
2013 Apr 30
Fastbw() function: grouping of variables
Dear R users, For the purpose of validating a prediction model using validate() from the rms package, I am running into some trouble with using the fastbw() function breaking up natural groups of variables. Is there any way I can specify to keep certain variable together? In particular, if interactions are included I would also like to keep the main effects in the model. Another example is a
2005 Mar 30
fastbw question
Hello I am running R 2.0.1 on Windows, I am attempting to use Frank Harrell's 'fastbw' function (from the Design library), but I get an error that the fit was not created with a Design library fitting function; yet when I go to the help for fastbw (and also look in Frank's book Regression Modeling Strategies) it appears that fastbw should work with a model created with lm.....
2010 May 21
Time dependent Cox model
> ... interactions between covariables and time. A model such as "coxph(Surv(ptime, pstat) ~ age + age*ptime, ...." is invalid -- it is not at all what you think. If cph flags this as an error that is a good thing: I should probably add the same message to coxph. > Is is somewhat sensible to use cox.zph() to investigate which variables need time interaction... The cox.zph
2012 Jul 20
Forced inclusion of varaibles in validate command as well as step
Dear prof. Harrell, I'm not able to use the force option with fastbw, here an example of the error I've got (dataset stagec rpart package): > fitstc <- cph(Surv(stagec$pgtime,stagec$pgstat) ~ age + eet + g2 + grade + gleason + ploidy, data=stagec) > fbwstc <- fastbw(fitstc,rule="aic",type="individual") > fbwstc Deleted Chi-Sq d.f. P Residual d.f.
2011 Apr 28
Nomograms from rms' fastbw output objects
There is both a technical and a theoretical element to my question... Should I be able to use the outputs which arise from the fastbw function as inputs to nomogram(). I seem to be failing at this, -- I obtain a subscript out of range error. That I can't do this may speak to technical failings, but I suspect it is because Prof Harrell thinks/knows it injudicious. However, I can't
2011 Aug 19
rms:fastbw variable selection differences with AIC .vs. p value methods
I want to employ a parsimonious model to draw nomograms, as the full model is too complex to draw nomograms readily (several interactions of continuous variables). However, one interesting variable stays or leaves based on whether I choose "p value" or "AIC" options to fastbw(). My question boils down to this: Is there a theoretical reason to prefer one over another?
2011 Jun 16
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 06/16/2011 01:47 PM, Rob James wrote: > Ben, > > Thanks for this. Very helpful and clearly others have tripped over the > same problem > I would have supposed that the solution was to ask lrm (or glm) to use > LR rather than Wald, but I don't see syntax to achieve this. Typically drop1 or dropterm (MASS package) will drop
2005 Jul 12
Design: predict.lrm does not recognise object
Hello I'm using logistic regression from the Design library (lrm), then fastbw to undertake a backward selection and create a reduced model, before trying to make predictions against an independent set of data using predict.lrm with the reduced model. I wouldn't normally use this method, but I'm contrasting the results with an AIC/MMI approach. The script contains: # Determine full
2011 May 26
predictive accuracy
I am trying to develop a prognostic model using logistic regression. I built a full , approximate models with the use of penalization - design package. Also, I tried Chi-square criteria, step-down techniques. Used BS for model validation. The main purpose is to develop a predictive model for future patient population. One of the strong predictor pertains to the study design and would not
2008 Feb 20
fastbw() in Design works for continuous variable?
Hi, it seems that the fastbw() in the Design package only works with variable of class "factor" according to the help page if I understand correctly. Is there any R function/package that do stepwise variable selection for a Cox model with continuous independent variables? Thank you John ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking
2013 Sep 12
Getting "Approximate Estimates after Deleting Factors" out from fastbw()
Hello! I am using relatively simple linear model. By applying fastbw() on ols() results from rms package I would like to get subtable "Approximate Estimates after Deleting Factors". However, it seems this is not possible. Am I right? I can only get coefficients for variables kept in the model (for example: x$coefficients), but not S.E., Wald's Z and P? Is there any easy way to
2009 Oct 27
output (p-values) of "fastbw" in Design package
I am using the validate option in the Design package with the Cox survival model. I am using the bw=T option which, like the fastbw function, performs a backward elimination variable selection The output includes a series of columns (below) giving information on eliminated variables. My question is that I am unsure of the difference between the 2 p-values given (the one after Chi-Sq and the one
2011 Mar 01
Major update to rms package
A new version of rms is now available on CRAN for Linux and Windows (Mac will probably be available very soon). Largest changes include latex methods for validate.* and adding the capability to force a subset of variables to be included in all backwards stepdown models (single model or validation by resampling). Recent updates: * In survplot.rms, fixed bug (curves were undefined if
2011 Mar 01
Major update to rms package
A new version of rms is now available on CRAN for Linux and Windows (Mac will probably be available very soon). Largest changes include latex methods for validate.* and adding the capability to force a subset of variables to be included in all backwards stepdown models (single model or validation by resampling). Recent updates: * In survplot.rms, fixed bug (curves were undefined if
2011 Jan 20
selecting predictors for model from dataframe
Dear all, I think I have a rather strange question, but I'd like to give it a try: I want to perform a simulation numerous times, thats why I can't do it by hand. I sample a small dataset from a very large one, and use backward selection to select significant predictors for some arbitrary outcome variable Y. These predictors are to be placed in a model, and regression coefficients
2011 Nov 23
Measure of separation for survival data
Dear all, I am using R 2.9.2 on Windows XP. I am undertaking a simulation study to consider methods of external validation in the context of missing covariates in the validation data set. I would like to use Royston's measure of prognostic separation as a method of external validation. Although there is no R code for this, the author informs me that it should be easy: 1. Calculate the
2008 Feb 21
bootstrap: definition of original statistic
Hi, In the boot package, the original statistic is simply the statistic function evaluated on the original data (called t0). However, in Harrell et al 1996 "Multivariable prognostic models..." Stats Med vol 15, pp. 361--387, it is different (p. 372): The statistic function evaluated on the original data is called "D_app" (apparent statistic), whereas "D_orig"