similar to: "Re: Change class factor to numeric"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: ""Re: Change class factor to numeric""

2010 May 18
(no subject)
Hello I have a data array with soil variables (caperf), in which the variable "clay" is factor (as I see entering str(caperf)) . I need to do a regression model, so I need to have arcilla (=clay) as a numeric variable.? For that I have entered as.numeric(as.character(arcilla)) and even entering 'as.numeric(levels(arcilla))[arcilla]'the variable is resting as factor, and the
2010 Jun 09
cbind with vectors of different lengths?
Hello R help I have a dataframe, with 71 samples (rows) and 30 variables. I got linear models for some of the variables,? and I want to join fitted and residuals of these models to the data frame. Sometimes, these vectors have the same length of the dependant variable, but in a few cases, NA values can be found on my data, and therefore, both fitted and residuals have a few rows less than the
2012 May 08
¿En qué campo de conocimiento usas R con mayor frecuencia?... (*Encuesta Online*)
Hola, Acabo de crear una nueva encuesta para conocer con algo más de detalle el campo en el que aplicamos R con mayor frecuencia. En la anterior encuesta Rubén Gómez hizo la sugerencia y me ha parecido interesante el pulsar la lista sobre esto. De las diversas preguntas que aparecen en la lista y de aquellos que comentan qué tipo de cosas están analizando he incluido una lista de 15 opciones de
2011 Jan 14
Problems with TeachingDemos package
Hi, somebody can help me. Idon't understand very well the manual of the this package, I suppose I must enter "wdtxtStart", before I start working, but is supposed that this command should open Word, but nothing happens. I use Rgui, not Rcmdr. Thanks ----- Mario Garrido Escudero PhD student Dpto. de Biolog?a Animal, Ecolog?a, Parasitolog?a, Edafolog?a y Qca. Agr?cola Universidad de
2011 Jul 29
R in Linux (Ubuntu)
Hi, I?m trying to move to ubuntu at all, but I don?t like R in Ubuntu because it runs in the terminal, so i can?t access directly to some options R gots in Windows. Is there any R can i install in ubuntu which runs in hos own prompt or terminal?? Thanks ----- Mario Garrido Escudero PhD student Dpto. de Biolog?a Animal, Ecolog?a, Parasitolog?a, Edafolog?a y Qca. Agr?cola Universidad de Salamanca
2011 Jan 13
send commands from script to console
Hi, I'm working with R in windows and I wonder if there is any command (of the kind CTRL+ ) to transfer the commands I've worked with (like: > model<-glm(prevalencia~edadysexo*mes*zona,binomial)) to a script automatically, without the results I received from R after execute them. Another question, what's the combination of CTRL+ for transfer the orders in the other way, fom the
2012 Jan 11
problems with glht for ancova
I've run an ancova, edadysexo is a factor with 3 levels,and log(lcc) is the covariate (continous variable) I get this results > ancova<-aov(log(peso)~edadysexo*log(lcc)) > summary(ancova) Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) edadysexo 2 31.859 15.9294 803.9843 <2e-16 *** log(lcc) 1 11.389 11.3887 574.8081 <2e-16 ***
2011 Aug 17
interpreting interactions in a model
Hi, I?ve got this model > model<-glm(prevalence~agesex+agesex:month,binomial) and the output of anova is like that > anova(model,test="Chisq") Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev P(>|Chi|) NULL 524 206.97 agesex 2 9.9165 522 197.05 0.007025 ** agesex:month 9 18.0899
2012 Aug 01
Changing labels positions in two graphics
Hi, I?ve got some problems with the labels of the x-axis I,ve got two factors with two categories each: sex (males and females) and area (central and peninsulae), but because of the lenngth in the graphic just appeared two of the four labels. I thought the solution could be rotate it 45? degrees, I have read it can be done with "srt" or "rotate", but I don?t know hoe to use
2012 Jan 13
GLHT in multcomp: Two similar models, one doesn't work
i ran this model > model2<-glm(rojos~ageandsex+sector+season+sector:season,quasipoisson) > glht(model2,linfct=mcp(ageandsex="Tukey")) General Linear Hypotheses Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts Linear Hypotheses: Estimate M - H == 0 0.2898 SUB - H == 0 -0.2261 SUB - M == 0 -0.5159 I tried to do the same changing factor season
2012 Oct 28
interpreting repeated measures mixed model
nobody? please ----- Mario Garrido Escudero PhD student Dpto. de Biolog?a Animal, Ecolog?a, Parasitolog?a, Edafolog?a y Qca. Agr?cola Universidad de Salamanca -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2012 Jan 10
different results from fligner.test
I've made fligner test with the same data, changing the orders of the variables, and this what i get > fligner.test(rojos~edadysexo*zona*ano*estacion) Fligner-Killeen test of homogeneity of variances data: rojos by edadysexo by zona by ano by estacion Fligner-Killeen:med chi-squared = 15.7651, df = 2, p-value = 0.0003773 > fligner.test(rojos~ano*edadysexo*zona*estacion)
2012 Feb 06
glht (multicomparisons) with a binomial response variable
Hi, I,ve a run a model like this mcrm<-glm(catroj~month,binomial) being catroj a binary response variable with two levels (infected and non infected) > anova(mcrm3,test="Chisq") Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev P(>|Chi|) NULL 520 149.81 mes 3 16.86 517 132.94 0.0007551 *** When I?m trying to do a post
2006 May 24
Hi, I have great problems with my work in R. I look for to model the growth of fish. I have "Longitudinal data", a serie of repeated measures for each individual. Using the corresponding packages "nlme" in R. I treat to fit to the data different growth functions, wich were entered by me. Unfortunately for no it was arrived at the convergence, several error messages appeared. I
2014 Jan 10
Fwd: Re: Curso de R de Hastie y Tibshirani
Yo me he apuntado también. Eso de masivo y online suena bien. Ya veremos cuánto tiempo le puedo dedicar. Gracias por el aviso Carlos. Un grupo por aquí no sé si es fácil pero lo voy a intentar. Saludos. -------- Mensaje original -------- El 10/01/14 11:17, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta escribió: > Hola, ¿qué tal? > > Sabréis que en unos días comienza un MOOC de Hastie y Tibshirani,
2011 Jan 28
Problems making subsets with [] or "subset"
Hi, I'm trying to make a model in order to know wich factors got?s influence in the intensity of a infection, but just in the individuals who's got this infection. In my data I've got a variable called "prevalence" with 2 levels: 1.- Infected individual 0.- Non infected So what i'm trying to do is a subset in a model like this,
2012 Jan 12
kruskal wallis post hoc?
Dear all, I run a kruskal wallis test and found significant results. Then, I conducted all pairwise comparisons and found no significant results. Could anyone please give me a hint as to why this happens or redirect me towards a specific web page where I can find more info? (I used alpha=5% and made no bonferroni or other correction for the pairwise comparisons) Thank you   Dr. Iasonas
2012 May 08
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 39, Envío 13
Hola, aunque he votado en Estadística general también he buscado la opción de Psicologia. El 08/05/2012 18:22, escribió: > Envíe los mensajes para la lista R-help-es a > > > Para subscribirse o anular su subscripción a través de la WEB > > > O por correo electrónico,
2011 Nov 24
III Jornadas de Usuarios de R (Madrid - 17, 18 Noviembre 2011)
Hola. Quizá resulte demasiado "laborioso" el hacer un resumen completo de las III Jornadas (o a mí se me antoja ciertamente complicado). Lo que sí puedo hacer es dar unas pinceladas (a mi modo y desde mi perspectiva) del evento. Aunque las Jornadas comenzaban oficialmente el Jueves 17 de Noviembre, la verdad es que el Miércoles por la tarde ya pululaban por Madrid algunos de los
2019 Nov 16
Calcular variable dummy sobre configuracion de dos variables tipo factor. Dummy yo.
Hola, compañeros. Pido ayuda con algo que sé que tiene que ser simple, pero la presión de tener que sacarmelo de encima me simplifica a mí demasiado y no me doy cuenta. Tengo una matriz de datos en la que tengo características tipo factor, necesito trasponer esa información a una matriz de datos binarios, en función de algunas combinaciones de esas variables. Unas combinaciones tienen que pasar a