similar to: plot with no default axis labels

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "plot with no default axis labels"

2009 Jul 13
graph: axis label font
Hi, excuse me for my english, i am using R on windows and i have to do several graphs with axis labels and the axis text thicks has a specified font type, (Arial) and a specified font size. How can i do these? Thank you in advance -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2011 Oct 22
issue loading doBy library
Hello, How can I fix this? I have the latest version of R 2.13.2 and I use Mac OS X 10.7.2 > library(doBy) Loading required package: lme4 Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : function 'cholmod_l_start' not provided by package 'Matrix' Error: package 'lme4' could not be loaded > library(lme4) Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) : function
2011 Nov 10
2^k*r experimental design and anova
Hello, Can anyone point me to an online tutorial or book containing the easiest way to do ANOVA over the result data from a 2^k*r experiment. It is not clear to me if I can pass the raw data corresponding to each experiment or just the summarized data i.e. mean, sse, std, etc. I would like to get the: - box plot showing the effect for the different factors and levels - plot showing whether there
2011 Oct 23
summarizing a data frame i.e. count -> group by
Hello, This is one problem at the time :) I have a data frame df that looks like this: time partitioning_mode workload runtime 1 1 sharding query 607 2 1 sharding query 85 3 1 sharding query 52 4 1 sharding query 79 5 1 sharding query 77 6 1 sharding query 67 7 1
2011 Dec 26
glm predict issue
Hello, I have tried reading the documentation and googling for the answer but reviewing the online matches I end up more confused than before. My problem is apparently simple. I fit a glm model (2^k experiment), and then I would like to predict the response variable (Throughput) for unseen factor levels. When I try to predict I get the following error: > throughput.pred <-
2012 Sep 09
use subset to trim data but include last per category
Hello, I bumped into the following funny use-case. I have too much data for a given plot. I have the following data frame df: > str(df) 'data.frame': 5015 obs. of 5 variables: $ n : Factor w/ 5 levels "1000","2000",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... $ iter : int 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ... $ Error : num 1.05e-02 1.24e-03 3.67e-04 1.08e-04
2010 May 01
ggplot2's geom_errorbar legend
Hello, I create a simple ggplot that only shows a straight line. I then add three datasets of CI using the geom_errorbar function. The problem is that I can't find any way to have the legend showing up ... I need to show what each color of the CIs corresponds to i.e. which method. Can anyone advice please? TIA, Best regards, Giovanni
2010 Apr 17
interpreting acf plot
Hello, I am attending a course in Computational Statistics at ETH and in one of the assignments I am asked to prove that a time series is not autocorrelated using the R function "acf". I tried out the acf function with the given data, according to what I found here: this test data does not look IID but rather shows some trends so how can I
2011 Nov 12
2 within a loop
Hello, I have a loop where I iterate performance data files within a folder, parse and plot them in one shot (see below). However, when executing plot_raw which invokes all windows come out blank whereas if I execute each file outside of a loop then I can see the plots properly. What's wrong here? Thanks in advance, Best regards, Giovanni # given a directory name, it will
2010 May 15
abline limit constrain x-range how?
Hello, I managed to "linearize" my LDA decision boundaries now I would like to call abline three times but be able to specify the exact x range. I was reading the doc but it doesn't seem to support this use-case? are there alternatives. The reason why I use abline is because I first call plot to plot all the three datasets and then call abline to "append" these decision
2011 Dec 07
data frame and cumulative sum
Hello, I have a data frame that looks like this (containing interarrival times): > str(df) 'data.frame': 18233 obs. of 1 variable: $ Interarrival: int 135 806 117 4 14 1 9 104 169 0 ... > head(df) Interarrival 1 135 2 806 3 117 4 4 5 14 6 1 > This corresponds to the time differences (in ms) of a poisson arrival
2013 Feb 13
Equivalente a paper="a4", pero en pantalla gráfica
Buenas tardes: Quería lograr el efecto "expansivo" que se consigue con la opción paper="a4" de la función pdf, pero sin volcar en pdf; es decir, yo quiero enviar mi gráfico (luego definiré sus propiedades) a la salida gráfica (RGui) de modo que quede con verticalidad, como en un A4, y luego el usuario final es libre de guardar en pdf o no, con el propio RGui. Ahora voy a
2011 Nov 23
R-latex syntax highlighting?
Hello, Can anyone provide or point me to a good setup for the listings latex package that would produce nice R-syntax highlighting? I am using an example I found in internet for setting up listings like this: \lstset{ language=R, basicstyle=\scriptsize\ttfamily, commentstyle=\ttfamily\color{gray}, numbers=left, numberstyle=\ttfamily\color{red}\footnotesize, stepnumber=1, numbersep=5pt,
2008 Oct 23
Avoiding Biplot Labels Overllaping
Hi everybody, I'm trying, without success, to avoid some variables labels to overlap on a capscale (vegan package) object graph. I was able to move the labels with the coding below, but it moves the entire vector... CAPobj<-CAPpotiFT for(i in c(2:8))CAPobj$CCA[[i]][,1]<-CAPpotiFTI$CCA[[i]][,1] CAPpotiFTI$CCA[[i]][,1][2]<-0.85 And here the graphic script
2010 Apr 30
plotting multiple CIs
Hello, I need to plot multiple confidence intervals for the same model parameter e.g. so for the same value of the parameter in point x_1 I would like to see four different confidence intervals so that I can compare the accuracy e.g. boot basic vs normal vs my own vs classic lm CI etc. I like very very much the plotCI implemented here:
2011 Nov 13
2^k experiment generator
Hello, While looking for info on 2^k experimental design and anova I remember I saw somewhere there was a function to generate all the experiments. I can't find the function anymore can anyone suggest? The function takes as input the factors and levels and generates all the experiments. I know I can do it myself using recursion but I want to avoid 1) reinventing the wheel and 2) making
2011 Oct 24
binning runtimes
Hello, Suppose I have the dataset shown below. The amount of observations is too massive to get a nice geom_point and smoother on top. What I would like to do is to bin the data first. The data is indexed by Time (minutes from 1 to 120 i.e. two hours of System benchmarking). Option 1) group the data by Time i.e. minute 1, minute 2, etc and within each group create bins of N consecutive
2012 Aug 27
simplest way (set of functions) to parse a file
Hello, What would be the best set of R functions to parse and transform a file? My file looks as shown below. I would like to plot this data and I need to parse it into a single data frame that sorts of "transposes the data" with the following structure: > df <- data.frame(n=c(1,1,2,2),iter=c(1,2,1,2),step=as.factor(c('Step 1', 'Step2', 'Step 1',
2010 May 01
closest match in R to c-like struct?
Hello, What would be in R the closest match to a c-struct? e.g. data.frame requires all elements to be of the same length ... or is there a way to circumvent this? TIA, Best regards, Giovanni
2013 Jun 27
corrgram with two datasets
Hi, I would like to display inter-parameter scatter plots like those with the corrgram package (see upper triangle here: ), just that I would like to plot two datasets instead of one. Say one with black and one with red dots. Or a merged dataset where an indicator column is used to assign different colors to particular dots - with still