similar to: Problem calculating multiple regressions on a data frame.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Problem calculating multiple regressions on a data frame."

2009 Nov 05
Using a by() function to process several regression (lm()) functions
Hello, Thank you very much for looking at this. I have a "seasonal" user for R. I teach my undergrads and graduates students statistics using R and often find myself trying to solve problems to process student collected data in an efficient way. In this case, I have a data.frame with multiple observations. These are gas concentrations in a chamber and are used to measure into rates,
2011 Oct 18
cygwing warming when creating a package in windows
Dear All, I am a beginner creating R packages. I followed the Leisch (2009) tutorial and the document ?Writing R Extensions? to write an example. I installed R 2.12.2 (I also tried R2.13.2), the last version of Rtools and the recommended packages in a PC with Windows 7 Home Premium. I can run R CMD INSTALL linmod in the command prompt and the R CMD check linmod. The following outputs are
2013 Mar 12
Cook's distance
Dear useRs, I have some trouble with the calculation of Cook's distance in R. The formula for Cook's distance can be found for example here: I tried to apply it in R: > y <- (1:400)^2 > x <- 1:100 > lm(y~x) -> linmod # just for the sake of a simple example >
2009 Oct 26
What is the most efficient practice to develop an R package?
I am reading Section 5 and 6 of It seems that I have to do the following two steps in order to make an R package. But when I am testing these package, these two steps will run many times, which may take a lot of time. So when I still develop the package, shall I always source('linmod.R') to test it. Once the code in
2006 Jan 11
updating formula inside function
Dear R-Helpers Given a function like foo <- function(data,var1,var2,var3) { f <- formula(paste(var1,'~',paste(var2,var3,sep='+'),sep='')) linmod <- lm(f) return(linmod) } By typing foo(mydata,'a','b','c') I get the result of the linear model a~b+c. How can I rewrite the function so that the formula can be updated inside the function,
2010 Jun 18
How to calculate the robust standard error of the dependent variable
Hi, folks linmod=y~x+z summary(linmod) The summary of linmod shows the standard error of the coefficients. How can we get the sd of y and the robust standard errors in R? Thanks! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 21
How to predict the mean and variance of the dependent variable after regression
Hi, folks, As seen in the following codes: x1=rlnorm(10) x2=rlnorm(10,mean=2) y=rlnorm(10,mean=10)### Fake dataset linmod=lm(log(y)~log(x1)+log(x2)) After the regression, I would like to know the mean of y. Since log(y) is normal and y is lognormal, I need to know the mean and variance of log(y) first. I tried mean (y) and mean(linmod), but either one is what I want. Any tips? Thanks in
2009 Sep 14
Eliminate cases in a subset of a dataframe
Hi folks, I created a subset of a dataframe (i.e., selected only men): subdata <- subset(data,data$gender==1) After a residual diagnostic of a regression analysis, I detected three outliers: linmod <- lm(y ~ x, data=subdata) plot(linmod) Say, the cases 11,22, and 33 were outliers. Here comes the problem: When I want to exclude these three cases in a further regression analysis, - for
2012 May 29
setting parameters equal in lm
Forgive me if this is a trivial question, but I couldn't find it an answer in former forums. I'm trying to reproduce some SAS results where they set two parameters equal. For example: y = b1X1 + b2X2 + b1X3 Notice that the variables X1 and X3 both have the same slope and the intercept has been removed. How do I get an estimate of this regression model? I know how to remove the intercept
2008 Mar 10
Weighting data when running regressions
Dear R-Help, I'm new to R and struggling with weighting data when I run regression. I've tried to use search to solve my problem but haven't found anything helpful so far. I (successfully) import data from SPSS (15) and try to run a linear regression on a subset of my data file where WEIGHT is the name of my weighting variable (numeric), e.g.: library(foreign)
2011 Mar 27
Sweave: include a multi-page-pdf plot
Hi, I'm just starting out with Sweave, and I can't get a plot(linmod) to display all four plots: << bild >>= x1 <- runif(100) x2 <- rexp(100) y <- 3 + 4*x1 + 5*x2 + rnorm(100) mod <- lm(y~x1+x2) plot(mod) @ Some Text <<fig=TRUE>>= <<bild>> @ This plots only the first image of the four-page plot.lm() result. I don't want to use
2006 Aug 02
Trying to use segmented in a function
Hi folks I wonder if anyone can help me. I want to run some simulations to see how big a sample size might be necessary to distinguish a curved bivariate relationship (e.g. something that might be best described by a quadratic model) from a relationship that is two straight lines with a sudden change in slope (e.g. something best described by a breakpoint regression). I am using
2010 Feb 12
Function Fstats and p value
Hello, I used the function Fstats (in the package strucchange) and would like to transform the F probability given by Fstats in P value. This transformation can be made while making a plot, but I need to have the numerical P value which are ploted... and I can't find out how to do. Here a is an exemple, to plot the P value. let's take data as a array fs <-fstats(data ~ 1, from = 4,
2011 Sep 13
estimating Fstats in strucchange
Hi, I am new to R. It would be kind if I could get some help on this. I am using R to estimate Fstats but I am getting following error. a3 is annual GDP data from 1951 to 2010. > fs<- Fstats(ecm.model, from=1954, to = 1975,data=a3) Error in Fstats(ecm.model, from = 1954, to = 1975, data = a3) : inadmissable change points: 'from' is larger than 'to' In addition: Warning
2005 Feb 17
Multiple Fstats/breakpoints test using Panel data
Hi, I have recently use the strucchange package in R with a single time series observation. I found it extremely useful in the testing of change points. Now, I am thinking of using the strucchange package with panel data (about 500 firms, with 73 monthly time series observations each). For each firm, I have to conduct the Fstats and breakpoints tests. Based on the test of each firm, I have to
2009 Jun 28
testing an ARFIMA model for structural breaks with unknown breakpoint
Dear R users, I'm trying to use the "strucchange" package to determine structural breaks in an ARFIMA model. Unfortunately I'm not so familiar with this topic (and worse, I'm a beginner in R), so I don't know exactly how to specify my model so that the "Fstats","sctest" and "breakpoint" functions to recognize it and to calculate the
2006 Feb 15
S3 generics without NS and cleanEx()
Good morning, we recently observed a problem with importing S3 generics from a foreign package (without namespace), defining a S3 method in a package _with_ namespace and the `cleanEx()' function which is automatically generated and executed before examples are run by R CMD check. To be more precise. Package `strucchange' defines a S3 generic sctest <- function(x, ...)
2007 Jul 24
Fitting the best line to the plot of distance vs. correlation matrix
Hi all, Thanks for your help in generating the matrix of distance vs correlation. I did it using plot(as.vector(as.matrix(cormat)), as.vector(as.matrix(distmat))) Now I want to quantitate the same. May be on linear regression or some other statistical functions. I have tried using linmod for linear regression. But as I have two matrices in the form of the dataframes, I'm wondering if it
2005 Feb 18
Partial structural Change in STRUCCHANGE PACKAGE
Hi, I am using the Strucchange package in R to test for structural change in regression coeffcient. Given a model y = b0 + b1*X + b2*Z, the Fstats test whether there is a change in both b1 and b2 over a time period. Is there any way where I can restrict the test to hold b2 constant and test for break in only b1? That is, instead of a pure structural change, could I test for partial structural
2012 May 29
strucchange Fstats() example
Dear all, I'm trying to understand how the strucchange package is working and I have been looking at the examples given for the Fstats() function. The first example (Nile), shows one peak in the F-stats and one breakpoint is estimated, that can be plotted using the following code ## Nile data with one breakpoint: the annual flows drop in 1898 ## because the first Ashwan dam was built