Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Compare two data frames"
2010 Oct 04
Help with apply
Suppose I have the following data:
tmp <- data.frame(var1 = sample(c(0:10), 3, replace = TRUE), var2 = sample(c(0:10), 3, replace = TRUE), var3 = sample(c(0:10), 3, replace = TRUE))
I can run the following double loop and yield what I want in the end (rr1) as:
Q <- 2
b <- runif(3)
qq <- gauss.quad.prob(Q, dist = 'normal', mu = 0, sigma=1)
rr1 <- matrix(0,
2010 Sep 29
nlminb and optim
I am using both nlminb and optim to get MLEs from a likelihood function I have developed. AFAIK, the model I has not been previously used in this way and so I am struggling a bit to unit test my code since I don't have another data set to compare this kind of estimation to.
The likelihood I have is (in tex below)
L(\beta) = \prod_{s=1}^N \int
2010 Dec 02
Integral of PDF
The integral of any probability density from -Inf to Inf should equal 1, correct? I don't understand last result below.
> integrate(function(x) dnorm(x, 0,1), -Inf, Inf)
1 with absolute error < 9.4e-05
> integrate(function(x) dnorm(x, 100,10), -Inf, Inf)
1 with absolute error < 0.00012
> integrate(function(x) dnorm(x, 500,50), -Inf, Inf)
8.410947e-11 with absolute error <
2010 Jun 02
Use apply only on non-missing values
I have a function that I am currently using very inefficiently. The following are needed to illustrate the problem:
dat <- matrix(sample(c(0,1), 110, replace = TRUE), nrow = 11, ncol=10)
mis <- sample(1:110, 5)
dat[mis] <- NA
theta <- rnorm(11)
b_vector <- runif(10, -4,4)
empty <- which(is.na(t(dat)))
So, I have a matrix (dat) with some values within the matrix
2010 Sep 21
puzzle with integrate over infinite range
Dear list,
I'm calculating the integral of a Gaussian function from 0 to
infinity. I understand from ?integrate that it's usually better to
specify Inf explicitly as a limit rather than an arbitrary large
number, as in this case integrate() performs a trick to do the
integration better.
However, I do not understand the following, if I shift the Gauss
function by some amount the integral
2010 Jul 15
Proper use of grep
I just need to confirm something with pattern matching folks. I have a factor with the following levels in a very large data set:
> levels(all$Classical.Statistic)
[1] "" "AB;ABD" "CollapsedSteps" "CR_P" "CR_Prop;CR_P;AB"
[6] "NMK"
2006 Apr 19
Basic vector operations was: Function to approximate complex integral
Dear List
I apologize for the multiple postings. After being in the weeds on this
problem for a while I think my original post may have been a little
cryptic. I think I can be clearer. Essentially, I need the following
a <- c(2,3)
b <- c(4,5,6)
(2*4) + (2*5) + (2*6) + (3*4) + (3*5) +(3*6)
But I do not know of a built in function that would do this. Any
2011 Jan 26
Error handling with frozen RCurl function calls + Identification of frozen R processes
Dear list,
I'm tackling an empiric research problem that requires me to address a whole
bunch of conceptual and/or technical details at the same time which cuts
time short for all the nitty-gritty details of the "components" involved.
Having said this, I'm lacking the time at the moment to deeply dive into
parallel computing and HTTP requests via RCurl and I hope you can help me
2004 Aug 06
Comparing rows in a dataframe
I have a longitudinal dataframe organized in the long format and would like to make comparison between successive rows if certain conditions apply. Specifically, I have four variables of interest: grade, score, year, and schid, associated with each school with 3 measurements per school per grade, therefore the rows are temporally ordered and each school occupies multiple rows. For example,
2007 Sep 19
By() with method = spearman
I have a data set where I want the correlations between 2 variables
conditional on a students grade level.
This code works just fine.
by(tmp[,c('mtsc07', 'DCBASmathscoreSPRING')], tmp$Grade, cor,
use='complete', method='pearson')
However, this generates an error
by(tmp[,c('mtsc07', 'DCBASmathscoreSPRING')], tmp$Grade, cor,
2008 Sep 24
Say I have the following data:
testDat <- data.frame(A = c(1,NA,3), B = c(NA, NA, 3))
> testDat
1 1 NA
3 3 3
rowsums() with na.rm=TRUE generates the following, which is not desired:
> rowSums(testDat[, c('A', 'B')], na.rm=T)
[1] 1 0 6
rowsums() with na.rm=F generates the following, which is also not
> rowSums(testDat[, c('A',
2009 Jan 15
--compare-dest; I'm missing the boat
I must be seriously misunderstanding the man page coverage of
--compre-dest. My take was that if a file in compare-dest=dir
matches a file in SOURCE/ then it won't be transferred to DEST/.
I tried this test. (d1 has single files and 2 subdir with files)
cp -a d1 d1a
mkdir d2
rsync -avv --compare-dest="./d1a" d1/ d2/
d1a is carbon copy of d1 but still every last file in
2012 Aug 14
Communative Matrix Multiplcation
I'm not seeing why the following occurs:
> T1 <- (A1 - A2) %*% D
> T2 <- (A1 %*% D) - (A2 %*% D)
> identical(T1, T2)
> dput(A1)
, i = c(0L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 0L, 1L, 4L, 2L, 3L, 5L)
, p = c(0L, 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 7L, 10L)
, Dim = c(6L, 6L)
, Dimnames = list(NULL, NULL)
, x = c(5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 10, 5, 5, 10)
2008 Jan 21
Adding an Sweave Vignette to a package
I'm finalizing development of a package that will include a vignette.
Without the vignette, the package builds fine with no warnings and is
ready for distribution. Now, I am following the directions for
developing vignettes "Sweave, Part II: Package Vignettes" by Friedrich
I am using a windows XP machine (other session info below). Here is what
I have done.
1) I add the
2011 Dec 08
Behavior of apply()
Suppose I have the following matrix
> class(cov_50)
[1] "matrix"
> cov_50
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 0.3201992 2.308084
[2,] 6.7312928 5.719641
I then use the following function via apply and get the desired output, a list
signif <- function(x) which(abs(x) > 1.96)
apply(cov_50, 1, signif)
> apply(cov_50, 1, signif)
[1] 2
[1] 1 2
However, I can't
2009 Nov 09
Print methods
I've built a package that contains only two functions for a test run. They are:
g <- function(x){
x <- x^2
class(x) <- "foo"
print.foo <- function(x, ...){
cat("This is a test:\n")
cat(x, "\n")
Simply testing these functions in the R workspace prior to a build yields:
> g(1:5)
This is a test:
1 4 9 16 25
Now, I
2012 Nov 22
Data Extraction - benchmark()
Hi Berend,
I see you are one of the contributors to the rbecnhmark package.
I am sorry that I am bothering you again. I have tried to run your code (slightly tweaked) involving the benchmark function, and I am getting the following error message. What am I doing wrong?
Error in benchmark(d1 <- s1(df), d2 <- s2(df), d3 <- s3(df), d4 <- s4(df), :
could not find function
2008 Mar 27
Recode factors
I know this comes up, but I didn't see my exact issue in the archives. I
have variables in a dataframe that need to be recoded. Here is what I'm
dealing with
I have a factor called aa
> class(aa)
[1] "factor"
> table(aa)
* 0 1 2 3 A B C D L N T
0 0 1908 725 2089 0 0 67 0 0 2 1 6
I need to recode
2007 Jun 29
Spectral Decomposition
All of my resources for numerical analysis show that the spectral
decomposition is
A = CBC'
Where C are the eigenvectors and B is a diagonal matrix of eigen values.
Now, using the eigen function in R
# Original matrix
aa <- matrix(c(1,-1,-1,1), ncol=2)
ss <- eigen(aa)
# This results yields back the original matrix according to the formula
ss$vectors %*% diag(ss$values) %*%
2010 Dec 09
Condional Density Plot from different data
I'm not certain I am using the lattice plot correctly here. Below is reproducible code. Suppose I have two data frames, such as:
datA <- data.frame(condition = gl(3, 100), scores = c(rnorm(100), rnorm(100, 1,1), rnorm(100, 2,1)))
datB <- data.frame(condition = gl(3, 1000), scores = c(rnorm(1000, 3,1), rnorm(1000, 4,1), rnorm(1000, 5,1)))
I would like to plot the