Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Convert character string to top levels + NAN"
2009 Mar 16
FW: Select a random subset of rows out of matrix
Dear all,
I have a large dataset (N=100,000 with 89 variables per subject). This dataset is stored in a 100.000 x 89 matrix where each row describes one individual and each column one variable.
What is the easiest way of selecting a subset of let's say 1.000 individuals out of that whole matrix?
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP-EAP European School of
2011 Apr 12
Testing equality of coefficients in coxph model
Dear all,
I'm running a coxph model of the form:
coxph(Surv(Start, End, Death.ID) ~ x1 + x2 + a1 + a2 + a3)
Within this model, I would like to compare the influence of x1 and x2 on the
hazard rate.
Specifically I am interested in testing whether the estimated coefficient
for x1 is equal (or not) to the estimated coefficient for x2.
I was thinking of using a Chow-test for this but the Chow
2010 Nov 11
predict.coxph and predict.survreg
Dear all,
I'm struggling with predicting "expected time until death" for a coxph and
survreg model.
I have two datasets. Dataset 1 includes a certain number of people for which
I know a vector of covariates (age, gender, etc.) and their event times
(i.e., I know whether they have died and when if death occurred prior to the
end of the observation period). Dataset 2 includes another
2008 Apr 18
spdep question - Moran's I
Dear all,
I would like to calculate a Moran's I statistic using the moran function in the spdep package. The problem I'm having deals with how to create the listw object.
My data stems from the area of social network analysis. I have list of poeple and for each pair of them I have a measure of their relationship strength. So my dataset looks like: Jim; Bob; 0.5
This measure of
2011 Mar 26
Effect size in multiple regression
Dear all,
is there a convenient way to determine the effect size for a regression
coefficient in a multiple regression model?
I have a model of the form lm(y ~ A*B*C*D) and would like to determine
Cohen's f2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_size) for each predictor
without having to do it manually.
Michael Haenlein
Associate Professor of Marketing
ESCP Europe
2016 Apr 16
Social Network Simulation
Dear all,
I am trying to simulate a series of networks that have characteristics
similar to real life social networks. Specifically I am interested in
networks that have (a) a reasonable degree of clustering (as measured by
the transitivity function in igraph) and (b) a reasonable degree of degree
polarization (as measured by the average degree of the top 10% nodes with
highest degree divided by
2010 Aug 03
Collinearity in Moderated Multiple Regression
Dear all,
I have one dependent variable y and two independent variables x1 and x2
which I would like to use to explain y. x1 and x2 are design factors in an
experiment and are not correlated with each other. For example assume that:
x1 <- rbind(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3)
x2 <- rbind(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3)
The problem is that I do not only want to analyze the effect of x1 and x2 on
y but
2013 Jan 22
Approximating discrete distribution by continuous distribution
Dear all,
I have a discrete distribution showing how age is distributed across a
population using a certain set of bands:
Age <- matrix(c(74045062, 71978405, 122718362, 40489415), ncol=1,
dimnames=list(c("<18", "18-34", "35-64", "65+"),c()))
Age_dist <- Age/sum(Age)
For example I know that 23.94% of all people are between 0-18 years, 23.28%
2011 Feb 22
System of related regression equations
Dear all,
I would like to estimate a system of regression equations of the following
y1 = a1 + b1 x1 + b2x2 + e1
y2 = a2 + c1 y1 + c2 x2 + c3 x3 + e2
Specifically the dependent variable in Equation 1 appears as an independent
variable in Equation 2. Additionally some independent variables that appear
in Equation 1 are also included in Equation 2.
I assume that I cannot estimate these two
2011 May 27
Help to improve existing R-Code
Dear all,
I have written a relatively brief R-Code to run a series of simulations.
Currently the code runs for a very long time (up to several days, depending
on the conditions) and I expect this to be the case because it might not be
very efficiently written. I am, for example, relying on several for(...)
loops which could probably be done much faster using a different way of
I am
2010 Jul 28
Time-dependent covariates in survreg function
Dear all,
I'm asking this question again as I didn't get a reply last time:
I'm doing a survival analysis with time-dependent covariates. Until now,
I have used a simple Cox model for this, specifically the coxph function
from the survival library. Now, I would like to try out an accelerated
failure time model with a parametric specification as implemented for
example in the survreg
2011 May 13
Powerful PC to run R
Dear all,
I'm currently running R on my laptop -- a Lenovo Thinkpad X201 (Intel Core
i7 CPU, M620, 2.67 Ghz, 8 GB RAM). The problem is that some of my
calculations run for several days sometimes even weeks (mainly simulations
over a large parameter space). Depending on the external conditions, my
laptop sometimes shuts down due to overheating.
I'm now thinking about buying a more
2011 May 11
Total effect of X on Y under presence of interaction effects
Dear all,
this is probably more a statistics question than an R question but probably
there is somebody who can help me nevertheless.
I'm running a regression with four predictors (a, b, c, d) and all their
interaction effects using lm. Based on theory I assume that a influences y
positively. In my output (see below) I see, however, a negative regression
coefficient for a. But several of the
2011 Sep 19
Binary optimization problem in R
Dear all,
I would like to solve a problem similar to a multiple knapsack problem and
am looking for a function in R that can help me.
Specifically, my situation is as follows: I have a list of n items which I
would like to allocate to m groups with fixed size. Each item has a certain
profit value and this profit depends on the type of group the item is in. My
problem is to allocate the items
2011 Mar 12
Identifying unique pairs
Dear R helpers
Suppose I have a data frame as given below
mydat = data.frame(x = c(1,1,1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 6), y = c(10, 10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 7, 7, 2, 2, 4))
x y
1 1 10
2 1 10
3 1 10
4 2 8
5 2 8
6 2 8
7 2 7
8 2 7
9 5 2
10 5 2
11 6 4
unique(mydat$x) will give me 1,
2016 Jul 09
Red Neuronal complicada categorías
Esta es una forma de hacerlo...
Mira que lo primero que he modificado es el fichero "x.csv" para sustituir
los espacios en los nombres por "_". Y también he quitado los acentos y las
He utilizado el paquete RNNS y la función "mlp()" para ajustar la red.
> x <- read.csv("x.csv",
2012 Dec 24
How to do it through 1 step?
A data set(dat),has 2 variables: x and a, and 100 rows.
I wanna add 2 variables,and call the new data set dat1:
var1:f = a/median(a)
var2:x_new = x*f
My solution:
dat1<-transform(dat,f = a/median(a),x_new = x*f)
But gets error reply which says that "f" is not exits since dat has no variables called "f".
So I have to do through 2 steps:
2011 Sep 15
Allocation of data points to groups based on membership probabilities
Dear all,
I have a matrix that provides, for a series of data points, the probability
that each of these points belongs to a certain group.
Take the following example, which represents 20 data points and their group
membership probability to five groups (A-E):
probs <- matrix(runif(100),nrow=20,
2010 Aug 07
plot the dependent variable against one of the predictors with other predictors as constant
Hi, folks,
Happy work in weekends >_<
My question is how to plot the dependent variable against one of the
predictors with other predictors as constant. Not for the original data, but
after prediction. It means y is the predicted value of the dependent
variables. The constane value of the other predictors may be the average or
some fixed value.
2009 Aug 12
Obtaining the value of x at a given value of y in a smooth.spline object
I have some data fit to a smooth.spline object as follows: (x=vector of data
for the predictor variable, y=vector of data for the response variable)
fit <- smooth.spline(x,y)
Now, given a spline fit point y_new, I want to be able to find out what
value of x_new yielded this fit value. How to do so?
(This problem is the inverse of the predict.smooth.spline function, which
takes x_new as input