Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Matching pairs of values"
2011 Jan 24
Help with expression
I have a problem with expressions. I am trying to create a title where
the parameter of interest is displayed as a Greek character. Which
parameter is being considered is stored in a character variable.
As an example, if I have
param <- "alpha"
and then do
plot(0, 0, main = bquote(Parameter==.(param)))
then in the title I get "Parameter = alpha",
whereas I want the
2010 Jan 25
Microsoft SQL Server and R
I have a client running Microsoft SQL Server. I am interested in ways of
accessing data from this server using R.
I would welcome any information about how this can be done. I have a
reasonable grasp of SQL and have experience with MySQL and RODBC but
don't know anything much about Microsoft SQL Server.
David Scott
2009 Dec 16
Stata files
I have a client who uses Stata 11.
Can anyone advise me on ways of transferring data from this version of
Stata to R?
Reading the documentation for read.dta in package foreign it seems it
only allows for versions up to Stata 10. I don't know Stata at all but a
bit of poking around on their website led me to believe Stata 11
couldn't write in Stata 10 format. However Stata 11 can
2011 Sep 28
Printing an xtable with type = html
I have been playing around with producing tables using xtable and the
type = "html" argument when printing. For example, if xtbl is the output
of a dataframe which has been run through xtable, using the command:
print(xtbl, type = "html",
html.table.attributes = "border = '1', align = 'center'")
I would be interested to see other examples of
2009 Aug 12
Combinatorial problem
I have been struggling trying to write some code to produce all
combinations subject to some restrictions. I thought someone might have
some bright ideas.
I have 11 values which fall into 5 groups. I want all combinations of
2,3, and 4 values where each value must be from a different group. The
numbers in the groups are different. Here is a definition of the groups:
groups <- list(gp1 =
2010 Dec 22
License statement
I am writing a package for a company for its internal use only.
What is an appropriate license statement for the DESCRIPTION file?
I would like a statement which reflects the private and proprietary
nature of the package, giving copyright to the writer and the company. I
also don't want to violate the licensing of R and the packages I am
using (RODBC, ggplot2, zoo).
David Scott
2009 Nov 20
Bessel function with large index value
I am looking for a method of dealing with the modified Bessel function
K_\nu(x) for large \nu.
The besselK function implementation of this allows for dealing with
large values of x by allowing for exponential scaling, but there is no
facility for dealing with large \nu.
What would work for me would be an lbesselK function in the manner of
lgamma which returned the log of K_\nu(x) for large
2019 Jun 04
Trivial error in documentation
This must have been there for a while>
In the datasets package, the help for airquality says:
A data frame with 154 observations on 6 variables.
> str(airquality)
'data.frame':??? 153 obs. of? 6 variables:
?$ Ozone? : int? 41 36 12 18 NA 28 23 19 8 NA ...
?$ Solar.R: int? 190 118 149 313 NA NA 299 99 19 194 ...
?$ Wind?? : num? 7.4 8 12.6 11.5 14.3 14.9 8.6 13.8 20.1 8.6
2011 Jul 20
Problem with RODBC
I have been trying to read some data from an Excel workbook without
success. The workbook is in .xls format and has multiple sheets, one
with the sheet name Data, which is the sheet I wish to read from. One
complication is that the header row of this sheet is comprised of
dropdown boxes.
I tried what I normally would do plus some variations. Here is the output.
> require(RODBC)
2010 Sep 09
Reproducible research
I am investigating some approaches to reproducible research. I need in
the end to produce .html or .doc or .docx. I have used hwriter in the
past but have had some problems with verbatim output from R. Tables are
also not particularly convenient.
I am interested in R2HTML and R2wd in particular, and possibly odfWeave.
Does anyone have sample documents using any of these approaches which
2010 Jun 18
Use of .Fortran
I have no experience with incorporating Fortran code and am probably
doing something pretty stupid.
I want to use the following Fortran subroutine (not written by me) in
the file SSFcoef.f
subroutine SSFcoef(nmax,nu,A,nrowA,ncolA)
implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
implicit integer (i-n)
integer l,i,nmax
double precision nu,A(0:nmax,0:nmax)
A(0,0) =
2010 Jun 18
Use of .Fortran
I have no experience with incorporating Fortran code and am probably
doing something pretty stupid.
I want to use the following Fortran subroutine (not written by me) in
the file SSFcoef.f
subroutine SSFcoef(nmax,nu,A,nrowA,ncolA)
implicit double precision(a-h,o-z)
implicit integer (i-n)
integer l,i,nmax
double precision nu,A(0:nmax,0:nmax)
A(0,0) =
2010 Apr 20
Problem installing RODBC
I have a problem with some missing headers when trying to install RODBC
on my linux box.
> install.packages("RODBC",
+ lib="/usr/local/david/R")
trying URL 'http://cran.stat.auckland.ac.nz/src/contrib/RODBC_1.3-1.tar.gz'
Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 990220 bytes (967 Kb)
opened URL
2009 Feb 23
Dates and times from Excel
I have used xlsReadWrite to read data from an Excel spreadsheet.
I had a problem with converting times of the day so that I could create
POSIXct date-time objects. I was wondering if there was a better
Excel stores times of the day as fractions of a day so I wrote a function
to convert the fraction to a number of seconds, extract the hours, minutes
and seconds and output it in ISO
2009 Feb 03
Lattice histogram with vertical lines
I would like to add some vertical lines to a lattice plot of histograms.
What I am after is a lattice version of abline(v = 1234). The lattice
histogram plot is just:
histogram( ~ LTSE | approach, data = arrivals)
Can anyone point me in the right direction for this?
David Scott
David Scott Department of Statistics
2010 Mar 28
Possible improvements/clarifications for R-forge (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
first, r-forge.r-project.org is filling a need and provides a great
service to the community. Please read this thread as sincere feedback
for making it even better, not as a complaint. I fully understand
that r-forge is ran by limited resources and on a volunteer basis.
I'll list some points about r-forge that I think could be
improved/clarified. Not expecting anything, just sharing my
2010 Mar 28
Setting up TortoiseSVN and PuTTY on Windows for r-forge.r-project.org (Was: Re: Using SVN + SSH on windows)
Here are some notes/observations I've done on my setup that works for
me. Hopefully it will be added to some r-forge documentation/wiki.
I use:
Windows Vista Business SP2 32bit
TortoiseSVN 1.6.7 (Build 18415 - 32 Bit , 2010/01/22 17:55:06)
PuTTY v0.60 (with Pageant v0.60)
I have a deprecated r-forge project ('r-oo') that I will use through
out. My r-forge username is
2000 Dec 20
I was surprised not to find dev.ask when I looked for it. Is there an
alternative method of holding plots before going on to the next one?
> R.version
platform sparc-sun-solaris2.6
arch sparc
os solaris2.6
system sparc, solaris2.6
major 1
minor 1.1
2000 Dec 12
Sorry to be completely off topic here, but I know there will be many list
members who have an interest in and knowledge of hardware.
We have for some time used Sun hardware for our departmental servers, most
recently Sun Ultras of various specifications, running Solaris. We share
some hardware with Mathematics as well.
The applications we use are the usual suspects:
R (obviously), S-PLUS, the
2007 Jun 11
I want to do some recoding of variables: code Age into groups and recode a
factor into a smaller number of levels.
There are a couple of options for recode functions, in the car package and
in memisc, and I think in gmisc.
Does anyone have any opinions on the the easiest, most reliable approach
for these problems?
David Scott