Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Sweave running R chunks for figure generation several times"
2007 Jun 28
Sweave bug? when writing figures / deleting variable in chunk
I have found a quite strange (to me) behaviour in Sweave. It only
occurs in the following situation:
1. define a variable in one chunk
2. use it within a subsequent figure-generating chunk
3. delete it at the end of that same chunk
Then the Sweave driver chokes, not finding the variable name when
generating the figure
% document bug2.Rnw
2004 Jan 07
Sweave and X11 on OSX 10.3
Hi -
I'm running R 1.8.1 (compiled from source) on Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther). I
find that, if Apple's X11 application is not running, Sweave gives an
error when it wants to create a pdf or eps figure. E.g., in the package's
own example-1.Snw file a boxplot is created at chunk 2:
boxplot(Ozone ~ Month, data = airquality)
Normally this will create
2009 Mar 31
Generating EPS figures automatically (like Sweave)
Is there a way to generate EPS figures automatically out of a chunk
of code? Basically, I would like to do something like Sweave does (I
just find it a little cumbersome to create a .Rnw file and then keep
track of the figure numbering). Thanks for your time.
Ery Arias-Castro
2009 Feb 02
I'm trying to (re)learn Sweave and run into some problems. I use now ubuntu
(8.10), emacs + ess.
Slowly getting upto speed on ess. I have a complete (hopefully) .Rnw file,
but the resulting .tex
will not compile. The file does not contain anything exotic, but it produces
pdf figures, and that
is where the problems come:
> Sweave("varioCoo.Rnw")
Writing to file
2006 Feb 13
Sweave, mle and curve
I am trying to write a lesson on maximum likelihood with Sweave. I get
a surprising result with the following code, lec4.Snw:
\title{Maximum likelihood}
\author{G伱伓ran Brostr伱伓m}
## Simulate Y:
n <- 25
Y <- sum(rpois(n, lambda = 1))
## Define minusloglik:
2005 Jul 08
Sweave resource leak: leftover temp files (PR#7998)
Harold, I've taken a closer look at your example and I'd call this an
Sweave bug. It creates tempfiles each time you run it, and doesn't
delete them at the end. For example:
> list.files(tempdir())
> testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils")
> Sweave(testfile, out="junk.tex")
2006 Nov 23
Sweave question
I try Sweave
and get Sweave-test-1.tex
but hot to run LaTeX on 'Sweave-test-1.tex'?
I am using WinEdt.
> Sweave(testfile)
Writing to file Sweave-test-1.tex
Processing code chunks ...
1 : print term verbatim
2 : term hide
3 : echo print term verbatim
4 : term verbatim
5 : echo term verbatim
6 : echo term verbatim eps pdf
7 : echo term verbatim eps pdf
2005 Jul 08
Sweave resource leak: leftover temp files (PR#7999)
This is great. Thank you for your help, but let me make sure I fully
understand. Here is the looping file I use to subset the data frame,
create a tex file, and Sweave it. This results in N number of tex files
where N is equal to the number of rows in the data frame.
list <- unique(wide$stuid)
master = "master.tex"
for (i in list){
tmp1 <- subset(wide, stuid==i)
2010 Apr 12
Sweave and multiple figures from an R source file
I am trying to get figures from multiple source files in Sweave. My test
file is as follows
This is a simple Sweave test
End of the simple sweave test
where testfig.r is as simple as
2010 Aug 10
Sweave with dev.new()
Dear list.
I am preparing a R package, and the last step is to write a package
vignette using Sweave. However, I am experiencing some trouble when trying
to include plots in my Sweave document. That is, in my package I have made
some plotting functions in which I start by calling 'new.dev()' to start a
graphics device of a certain width and height, and then proceed with
plot(). These
2004 Jun 11
Sweave and multiple graphs
Dear list,
I am using Sweave to build a small report. I want to produce a series of
figures, each figure containing a number of plots and then have them
included in the Sweave file.
An example would be to :
postscript(file = "ANCbwplot%03d.eps", onefile = FALSE, other options...)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2,2))
do lots of plots to produce a number of eps files
2005 Nov 17
changing figure size in Sweave
In Sweave, how does one change the size of the plots?
I tried using a hook:
<<echo=FALSE, print=FALSE, fig=TRUE>>=
options(SweaveHooks=list(fig=function() ps.options(width=1)))
but this didn't change the size of the figure. How to make the
figures a
different size?
Robin Hankin
Uncertainty Analyst
National Oceanography Centre,
2011 Mar 23
Sweave: multiple graphic formats, e.g. win.metafile
Dear R devel,
being constrained to a windows environment at work and having colleagues being accustomed to the Microsoft Office Suite, I was looking for a way to have the RweaveLatex driver for Sweave automatically generating 'win.metafile's in addition to the pdf graphics.
Without this functionalilty, the generation of emf-graphics is quite laborious, I think:
2009 Jan 05
Sweave data-figure coupling
With the following Sweave minimal file:
---<--------------------cut here---------------start------------------->---
thetas <- seq(0, 1, by=0.001)
prior <- rep(1, length(thetas)) / length(thetas)
lik <- dbinom(1, 1, thetas)
lik.p <- prior * lik
post <- lik.p / sum(lik.p)
2008 Oct 16
package Utils Sweave Example Error
I'm still trying to figure out how use Sweave. Trying the example below I get the error message when texi2dvi is executed. Any ideas about how to make texi2dvi work?
> testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils")
> options(device.ask.default=FALSE)
> Sweave(testfile)
Writing to file Sweave-test-1.tex
2010 Feb 12
Hello, I am trying to start using Sweave. I copy the example from help Sweave
testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils")
## enforce par(ask=FALSE)
## create a LaTeX file
## This can be compiled to PDF by
tools::texi2dvi("Sweave-test-1.tex", pdf=TRUE)
and I
2003 Dec 21
Sweave/LaTeX Problem with EPS PDF
Dear List:
I am unsure if my problem is with Sweave or LaTeX. Anyhow, I am using the MikTeX distribution and TexnicCenter.
I can easily create Sweave files and all goes well until I try to incorporate graphics. I use the same code as found in the examples found in the users manual.
In R, the graphics I want are created as Sweave is creating the .tex file. When I examine the .tex file
2010 Nov 07
Sweave: option keep.source=TRUE and package cacheSweave
Dear all,
When I use the cacheSweave package together with the Sweave option
keep.source = TRUE, all the LaTeX code before the Sweave code chunk is
included in the TeX file to be compiled. For example, with the
following Sweave file
% Sweave options
\SweaveOpts{keep.source=TRUE, strip.white=TRUE, eps=FALSE, pdf=TRUE}
2010 May 08
Sweave Feature Requests and Questions
Hi everyone,
I would like to request the following features for Sweave:
1. The keep.source option, to respect empty lines in input.
2. The prefix.string option, to apply to all generated files, e.g. no
3. That Sweave, doesn't change the graphics settings for the entire
Latex Document. By default including a pdf image, should use it's
actual size, rather than making it a fixed
2002 Oct 10
problem with Sweave on 1.6 on NT4
I recently compiled 1.6 on NT4 but
I am having a problem with Sweave.
Using the inbuilt 'Sweave-test-1.Rnw' file as an example:
> library(tools)
> testfile <- file.path(.path.package("tools"),
"Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw")
## create a LaTeX file
testfile <-