similar to: Basic graphs: something like groups, but where each plot has independent axis?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Basic graphs: something like groups, but where each plot has independent axis?"

2010 Mar 18
Pedigree / Identifying Immediate Family of Index Animal
I have a data frame containing the Id, Mother, Father and Sex from about 10,000 animals in our colony. I am interested in graphing simple family trees for a given subject or small number of subjects. The basic idea is: start with data frame from entire colony and list of index animals. I need to identify all immediate relatives of these index animals and plot the pedigree for them. We're
2013 May 11
boxplot with grouped variables
my dataset looked like this in the beginning: >Daten V1 V2 V3 1 Dosis Gewicht Geschlecht 2 0 6.62 m 3 0 6.65 m 4 0 5.78 m 5 0 5.63 m I need box plots for V2 with all combination of V1 and V3, so I deleted the first row, and tried this: boxplot(Daten$V2[Daten$V3=="m"]) but it does not work and I
2011 Mar 02
how to delete empty levels from lattice xyplot
Hello All, I try to use the attached code to produce a cross over plot. There are 13 subjects, 7 of them in for/sal group, and 6 of them in sal/for group. But in xyplot, all the subjects are listed in both subgraphs. Could anyone help me figure out how to get rid of the empty levels? Thanks library(lattice) pef1 <- c(310,310,370,410,250,380,330,370,310,380,290,260,90) pef2 <-
2009 Feb 26
gplot problems with faceting
Dear R-Listers, I am very confused with what seems to be a misuse of the faceting options with gplot function and I hope you might help me on this. z contains various simulation results from simulations with different set of parameters. I melt my data to have the following data.frame structure : > str(z) 'data.frame': 12383 obs. of 5 variables: $ vID : num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2023 Oct 31
weights vs. offset (negative binomial regression)
[Please keep r-help in the cc: list] I don't quite know how to interpret the difference between specifying effort as an offset vs. as weights; I would have to spend more time thinking about it/working through it than I have available at the moment. I don't know that specifying effort as weights is *wrong*, but I don't know that it's right or what it is doing: if I were
2011 May 28
ggplot pale colors
Hello i am new to ggplot and i observed a strange behavior. I want to display two groups of points, each group with a different color. But i encountered a problem with the colors. Here is a first example: dataset <- data.frame(Main = c("A", "A", "B", "B"), Detail = c( "b", "c", "1", "2"), resp = runif(4, min
2005 Sep 19
factor as seq() in for loop
Dear all, I would like to use the values in vegaggr.BLMCMR02$colony str(vegaggr.BLMCMR02) `data.frame': 1678 obs. of 3 variables: $ vegtype : Factor w/ 27 levels "2010","2020",..: 3 4 5 19 4 5 19 5 $ colony : Factor w/ 406 levels "0","1","10","100",..: 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 $ Totvegproparea: num 0.00055 0.03956 0.95705
2010 Aug 19
GLMM random effects
Hello, I have a couple questions regarding generalized linear mixed models specifically around fitting the random effects terms correctly to account for any pseudo-replication. I am reading through and trying to follow examples from Zuur et al. Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R, but am still at bit unsure if I am specifying the models correctly. Background information: Our
2010 Jun 08
partial matches across rows not columns
Hi R users, I am trying to omit rows of data based on partial matches an example of my data (seal_dist) is below: A quick break down of my coding and why I need to answer this - I am dealing with a colony of seals where for example A1 is a female with pup and A1.1 is that female's pup, the important part of the data here is DIST which tells the distance between one seal (ID) and another
2011 Jun 26
changing graphs in qqplot2
This is what I have now so far. p=ggplot(data = test, aes(x = YEAR, y = TOTAL, colour = TREATMENT)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method = "lm", se=FALSE) + facet_wrap(~COUNTRY) > p +scale_x_continuous(limits=c(1,4)) I would also like to: 1.) change the headline for the faced wraps ?high? and ?low?. Is there any other way of
2011 Oct 27
Proc Mixed to R
Hi All, I'm working with some SAS code to analyze an experiment set up as follows: 66 subjects (colonies) treated with a random treatment (1-8) and measured at three time points. The data structure looks like: input colony tmt y1 y2 y3; y=y1; date=*1*; output; y=y2; date=*2*; output; y=y3; date=*3*; output; datalines; 1
2008 Dec 03
ggplot2 - suggestion for facet_wrap/grid
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2002 May 15
Devices not appearing/Manually add devices to Browse List ?
I'm not quite sure whether this is a plain browsing problem, or a wins problems, or ... I had wins running on one machine (Samba(2.0.5a)/SCO Unix), but my main file server on another (Samba (2.2.1a)/Linux). I moved the wins support to the Linux server, and at the same time I made the Linux server the Domain Master Browser, but now some devices have dissapeared from the network. The devices
2011 Jun 07
ggplot2 and facet
I have a data frame (attached) that has interpolated EOT errors for each minute before flight landing. It also has the runway and an index for the flight: > > times[1:4,] time error runway flight 1 0 -0.02206235 04R 1 2 1 -0.07961631 04R 1 3 2 -0.13795380 04R 1 4 3 -0.20726073 04R 1 > > sapply(times, class) time error
2012 May 04
Binomial GLM, chisq.test, or?
Hi, I have a data set with 999 observations, for each of them I have data on four variables: site, colony, gender (quite a few NA values), and cohort. This is how the data set looks like: > str(dispersal) 'data.frame': 999 obs. of 4 variables: $ site : Factor w/ 2 levels "1","2": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ... $ gender: Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1":
2009 Jul 07
How to re-order panels and y-axis values in trellis display using lattice
Hi, I have been trying to re-order several items in a trellised barchart display in lattice, but can't seem to figure it out. ###sample code, Stage and Colony have 2 and 3 levels respectively. barchart(Activity ~ Percent | Stage + Colony, data = Percent.df, horizontal = TRUE, layout = c(2,3), xlab = "Percent Time Engaged in Activity", ylab = "Activity") This
2010 Sep 07
Something similar to layout in lattice or ggplot
Hi, Is there a function similar to the layout function in base graphics in either lattice or ggplot? I'm hoping someone has written a function wrapper to the appropriate commands in grid that would make this easier :) Abhijit [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2016 Jun 24
Ayuda ggplot2
Hola a todos! Soy nueva en R y necesito hacer unos gráficos para una investigación, he explorado un poco y estoy intentando usar ggplot2 ya que hace gráficos de muy buena calidad...tengo los datos de varios años para diferentes grupos de empresas y los pretendo graficar tanto en un solo grafico como en varios (facet_wrap) pero tengo problemas con el eje de las X, ya que necesito que aparezcan los
2011 Jun 08
How to suppress factor labels
I am using ggplot2 to make a boxplot that overlays a scatterplot: pp = qplot(time, error, data=times, size=I(1), geom="jitter", main=title, ylab="Error (min)", xlab="Time before ON (min)", alpha=I(1/10), color=times$runway, ylim=c(-30,40)) pp2 = pp + with(times, facet_wrap(~ runway, ncol=2)) print(pp2 + geom_boxplot(alpha=.5,
2003 Feb 26
SCO OpenServer 5.0.6a and missing
I've downloaded Samba 2.2.6 (binaries) from SCOs Skunkware site, but when I try and run smbclient I get a message : dynamic linker : smbclient : error opening /usr/local/lib/ Killed I've checked and there is no (or libncurses.<anything> for that matter) on the system. I've also failed to find anything relevant in either the list archive or SCOs