Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "GGPLOT2: Reverse order of legend to match order of x-axis"
2009 Jul 28
Density plot in ggplot2
Hi all, I was trying to draw a stacked density plot like that :
library(ggplot2); library(plyr)
dat <- cbind(rnorm(300), rep(c(1,2), each=150))
ggplot() + geom_density(aes(x=dat[,1], fill=factor(dat[,2]),
position="stack")) +
xlab("") + ylab("") +
scale_colour_manual(name = "Pallet", labels = c("X", "Y"))
2017 Sep 26
Adding non-data line to legend ggplot2 Maximum Contaminant Level
Hello everyone,
I have a plot showing chloride concentrations for various point over time.
I also have a dotted line that show the Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level
(my screening limit) on the graphs at 250 mg/L. But I can not figure out
how to include the dotted line / Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level in
the legend. Any thoughts? My code is as following and is linked to my
data on the
2010 Oct 20
Adding Legend about two quantile lines at ggplot
Hi, all.
I'd like to add legend on my graph but I can't. My code is follows.
I like to add legend indicating the
2017 Oct 05
Adding non-data line to legend ggplot2 Maximum Contaminant Level
Well, here is one way but it seems a bit clumsy.
In words, I created a new data.frame with "250" in the Chloride vector and "SMCL" in the Detections vector and supplessed one legend.
Warning: For my convenience I am using different data.frame names .
MyData <-read.csv("http://doylesdartden.com/Stats/TimeSeriesExample.csv", sep=",")
2009 Dec 01
ggplot legend for multiple time series
Hello All,
I am trying to create a legend for a black-white graph. The package I
use is ggplot2. It can add colors to the legend key but not line types.
Can you please help?
# example from Wickman (2009, ggplot2 - elegant graphics for data
analysis, page 109)
huron <- data.frame(year=1875:1972, level=LakeHuron)
ggplot(huron, aes(year)) +
2010 Nov 23
specifying colours in a ggplot2 piechart
Someone was asking how to do a 16 category piechart in OpenOffice Calc and it appears that it can not be done (which we, probably, should be happy about) but I thought that I'd try it in ggplot2.
It works but I then thought I'd like to make the colours more distinctive but fro some reason I don't seem to be able to use manually assigned colours.
Can anyone suggest where I'm
2008 Jun 10
Sweave, ggplot2 and two-page figures
I am using Sweave to generate a document in which ggplot2 figures are
embedded. I am using the following code in a particular plot within a
subfloat environment:
<<qplotARbosreg, echo = FALSE, fig = TRUE>>=
print(qplot(bosday2, Arday2, data= arbostimearonlyNArm,
colour=factor(bos2), shape=factor(bos2), size=factor(cumARscore),
position="jitter", main="Days to BOS by
2010 Jan 27
ggplot2 theme for custom point colors?
1. Is it possible to set the point colors in a ggplot2 theme? For example,
to default to these colors:
scale_colour_manual(value = c("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue")
2. Is it possible to set this theme in .Rprofile, similar to:
my.lattice.colors = function () { .......etc.....}
2024 Mar 05
How to invert axis within defined range with ggplot2 scale_y_reverse?
I am drawing some data with ggplot2 and would like to reverse the
order of the y axis and set a custom range for it.
I can do the former but when I add the key `limits` to
`scale_y_reverse` I get an error as shows below and, worse, no data
shown in the plot.
How can I properly set a reverse y scale with a defined range in ggplot2?
Thank you
A <- rep(c(0, 3, 6, 12, 24), 3)
B <-
2024 Mar 05
How to invert axis within defined range with ggplot2 scale_y_reverse?
On 05/03/2024 7:16 a.m., Luigi Marongiu wrote:
> A <- rep(c(0, 3, 6, 12, 24), 3)
> B <- c(rep(0,5), rep(1,5), rep(2,5))
> V <- c(27.5, 27.01, 27.75, 27.98, 27.4, 25.69,
> 26.17, 27.78, 26.08,
> 24.97, 23.18, 21.78, 22.49, 21.85, 22.2)
> df <- data.frame(Conc = A, Time = B, Value = V)
> df$Conc = as.factor(df$Conc)
2017 Oct 01
Adding non-data line to legend ggplot2 Maximum Contaminant Level
I just glanced at the problem but I think you would have to create a new variable to replace the hline. What about adding some text annotation in the graph instead?
On Tuesday, September 26, 2017, 3:51:46 PM EDT, David Doyle <kydaviddoyle at gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have a plot showing chloride concentrations for various point over time.
I also have a dotted line that
2010 Sep 20
ggplot2 - bar colour
Hi All,
I have trying to do what I thought was a reasonably simple graph but I think
I'm now going in circles with the colour. Attached is a picture of where I'm
up to.
The line creating this is:
qplot(ageincgraph$age, ageincgraph$rate, position="dodge", stat="identity",
geom="bar" ) + aes( colour=ageincgraph$era) +
2011 Sep 07
ggplot2-Issue placing error bars behind data points
Hi all,
This seems like a basic problem, but no amount of playing with the code has
solved it. I have a time-series data set like that shown below (only longer)
and am seeking to plot the data with filled, circular points and error bars.
I would like the error bars to be behind the points otherwise they tend to
obscure the points (especially when I have a lot of points in the actual
data set).
2011 Jan 05
Adding lines in ggplot2
this is probably a recurrent question, but I couldn't find any answers that
didn't involve the expression "data frame"... so perhaps I'm looking for
something new here.
I wanted to find a code equivalent to
> x=sqrt(1:10)
> y=log(1:10)
> plot(1:10, x, type="lines", col="darkgreen")
> lines(1:10, y, col="red")
to use with
2023 Jul 02
How to plot both lines and points by group on ggplot2
Thank you that is exactly it!
The problem was to connect each point of the series 'Conc' with a line.
Best regards
On Sat, Jul 1, 2023 at 8:33?PM Chris Evans <chrishold at psyctc.org> wrote:
> On 01/07/2023 19:20, Luigi Marongiu wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have a dataframe with measurements stratified by the concentration
> > of a certain substance.
2017 Oct 12
dual y-axis for ggplot
Hi John,
You can try the following:
p <- ggplot(obs, aes(x = Timestamp))
p <- p + geom_line(aes(y = air_temp, colour = "Temperature", linetype
p <- p + geom_line(aes(y = rel_hum/5, colour = "Humidity",
p <- p +
2012 Mar 05
I just updated to R 2.14 with ggplot2 0.9 and am finding bugs.
> ggplot2 "GPL-2" "2.14.0"
This example is taken from pg 101 in the ggplot book.
> plot <- qplot(date, psavert, data = economics, geom = "line") +
> ylab("Personal savings rate") + geom_hline(xintercept = 0, colour =
> "grey50")'
> plot +
2017 Oct 12
dual y-axis for ggplot
To my knowledge, an excellent of ggplot with a second y-axis is
In this example, the author uses two colors for the two lines, but the
line shapes are the same -- both are solid. Could each line have its own
color as well as its own shape? For example, can I make the red line with
the linetype "twodash", while the blue line with the
2011 Jul 08
Referencing a vector of data labels in ggplot function
I really feel I've looked everywhere, although I know this can't be a hard
problem. I'd like to be able to call the graph below as a function, but I
can't get the function to recognize variables beyond 'dframe'. I've read
through many papers on writing functions in R, but I can't get this to work.
data <- data.frame('date' = as.Date(rep(c(15101,
2011 Oct 18
Ordering of stack in ggplot (package ggplot2)
I'm trying to reproduce the 3rd graph on the page of this site:
http://learnr.wordpress.com/2009/03/17/ggplot2-barplots/ . However, the data
below produces a ggplot with the stacks sorted in alphabetical order from
the bottom up. I'd like the stacks to be in the order "Europe", "Asia",
"Americas, "Africa", "Oceania". Is there an easy way to