Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Affymetrix Cancer Dataset"
2008 Mar 02
Could not install aroma.affymetrix
I don't know if this is the correct forum to ask the following question;
however, when I search the aroma.affymetrix discussion group, it suggested
that I should posted the question to r-help. Here it goes.
I followed the instructions on aroma.affymetrix trying to install the
packages; following are the steps:
> install.packages(c("R.oo", "R.utils"),
2011 Apr 20
Package Name Not Found Warning
I've got a DESCRIPTION file with a the first line:
Package: Repitools
But, when I run R CMD INSTALL Repitools I get:
* installing *source* package Repitools ...
** R
** data
** inst
** preparing package for lazy loading
Warning in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) :
Created a package name, "2011-04-20 09:05:40", when none found
** help
*** installing help indices
** building package
2012 Dec 07
Make scripts during package installation?
During installation of a package, Makevars/Makefile in src/ is
processed. I've always considered the purpose of this for compiling
native code. Is that it's solely purpose, or is it alright to use it
also for non-code compilation purposes, e.g. building inst/
subdirectories on the fly? If not, are there other means to create
non-static inst/ subdirectories during installation?
2015 Jan 26
Inspect a "delayed" assigned whose value throws an error?
Hi, I got an interesting programming challenge:
How do you inspect an object which is assigned via delayedAssign() and
that throws an error as soon as it is "touched" (=the value is
evaluated)? Is it possible?
$ R --vanilla
> delayedAssign("foo", stop("Hey!"))
(If you find this minimal example silly/obvious, please skip down to
the real
2010 Sep 07
Dispatch method on S3 or S4 class
I've been attempting to make a generic method that dispatches on the first argument, which can be either an S3 or an S4 class. This is as far as I've gotten. Any suggestions about what to try next ?
setGeneric("analyse", function(x, y, ...) standardGeneric("analyse"))
2008 Mar 29
Problem installing aroma.affymetrix on Solaris 9 with R-2.6.2
Hi List,
I'm trying to install aroma.affymetrix, which depend on many packages, affyio is one of them. The task is done on 32-bit Linux without problem. The same task was done on Solaris 9 with R-2.5.1 without problem. Following is the error message when installation affyio. I did try to put a file stdint.h I got from the web in the path, but got more error messages.
2012 Dec 13
Position available University of Oxford UK
*Postdoctoral Researcher - Bioinformatics/Statistics
University of Oxford, UK
*An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Postdoctoral Researcher in
Bioinformatics/Statistics to join the Department of Oncology at the
University of Oxford. The postholder will work under the supervision of
Dr Francesca Buffa and Prof Adrian Harris, and will work closely with
staff in the Molecular Oncology
2009 Sep 03
Suggestion: Allow packages to add additional information to sessionInfo()
sessionInfo() has been proven really useful, but you still often have
to ask for additional information in order to help troubleshooting.
For instance, for troubleshooting the aroma.affymetrix, it is very
helpful to know what the current working directory is, for other
packages certain system environment variables might be useful and so
One solution could be to provide support for hook
2007 Feb 28
Removing directory?
I'm trying to remove/delete a directory usingR. I've tried the
following with no success:
% Rterm --vanilla
> getwd()
[1] "C:/Documents and Settings/hb/braju.com.R/aroma.affymetrix/test"
> dir.create("foo")
> file.info("foo")
size isdir mode mtime ctime atime
foo 0 TRUE 777 2007-02-28 14:52:10
2004 Mar 11
Is it ok to use the name on a bundle and one if its packages?
I wonder if it is unwise to name a bundle the same as one of its
packages. For instance, I now have a huge package called 'aroma' that
I basically want to split up in several smaller packages, say
'aroma.core', 'aroma.io', 'aroma.explore', 'aroma.trial',
'aroma.deprecated' etc, which simplifies maintenance but also the
overview. For
2009 Oct 26
R.oo and S4?
There are different way to make R classes. I know R.oo and S4. I'm
wondering which one is the current popular one. Which one is current
recommended when make new R packages? Thank you!
2011 Feb 12
R 2.13.0 on Windows: R CMD check and '"du"' not found
FYI, I'm sure the following is a temporary issue, but in case it slips
through, I want to raise it here. On Windows 7 64-bit, running Rcmd
check on R devel gives:
* using R version 2.13.0 Under development (unstable) (2011-02-11 r54330)
* using platform: x86_64-pc-mingw32 (64-bit)
* using session charset: ISO8859-1
* checking for file 'aroma.core/DESCRIPTION' ... OK
* this is
2014 Oct 01
JOB - PhD position: applying HPC in cancer research
Dear all, we have an exciting PhD position applying HPC to the analysis of large scale cancer datasets.
The post will suit an applicant from a strong computational background who wishes to apply their knowledge to help develop a better understanding of the processes that control how tumours develop.
Details below:-
High Performance Computing applied to cancer research: Computational analysis of
2010 Sep 20
select affy probes of cancer-related genes
I would like to select probes (affy expression set) of genes that are
"cancer-related". Conventionally the decision whether a gene is
cancer-related or not is made by looking up the literature. Since this
is not possible for all genes on the array I wonder if there is a way of
doing this automatically?
Best wishes
Dr Kristian Unger
Imperial College London
2004 Jun 08
[Q] raw -> gpr in aroma package
Is it possible to make gpr from raw?
#read gpr file
gpr <- GenePixData$read("gpr123.gpr", path=aroma$dataPath)
# gpr -> raw
raw <- as.RawData(gpr)
# raw -> ma
ma <- getSignal(raw, bgSubtract=FALSE)
ma.norm <- clone(ma)
normalizeWithinSlide(ma.norm, "s")
#ma -> raw
raw2 <- as.RawData(ma)
I want to make gpr data from
2004 Oct 25
Question on bioconductor: reading affymetrix data
Hi everyone,
My purpose is to read a .CEL file into R.
The .CEL file was created from a .CAB by using DTT software found on
Affymetrix website
I read the .CEL file in R using ReadAffy as follows:
> d2=ReadAffy(widget=T)
and I complete the fields as required.
It does not complain. For example I could find the description:
> description(d2)
Experimenter name: BB
Laboratory: FFL
2007 Feb 01
Affymetrix data analysis
I am trying to read in my Affymetrix CEL files (48 files, total ~600 MB) but
I keep getting memory errors. Can somebody please help me with this. Or is
therea remote server I can send my data to for computation?
Any help is much appreciated.
Dr. Tristan Coram
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Research Plant Pathologist/Geneticist
United States Department of
2005 Jun 21
Seeking Inbound 800# Origination for Unique Prostate Cancer Support Call-In Show
Dear Asterisk Community,
Does your company provide inbound 800# origination? If so, please read
this message and e-mail us a quote for monthly co-lo hosting of our
asterisk server and per-minute inbound 800# origination.
The Prostate Cancer Research and Education Foundation (PC-REF) is a
non-profit organization dedicated to helping prostate cancer sufferers and
their loved ones. We have
2010 Apr 23
Problem with parsing a dataset - help earnestly sought
Dear fellow R-help members,
I hope to seek your advice on how to parse/manage a dataset with hundreds of
columns. Two examples of these columns, 'cancer.problems', and
'neuro.problems' are depicted below. Essentially, I need to parse this into
a useful dataset, and unfortunately, I am not familiar with perl or any such
data <- data.frame(id=c(1:10))
2004 Mar 10
Rd - \preformatted, \section and LaTeX problem
I have found an unwanted feature in the Rd to LaTeX convertion
regarding \preformatted inside a \section. I have created an Rd
example below, which generates an error in the following 'R CMD check'
* creating aroma.affine-manual.tex ... OK
* checking aroma.affine-manual.tex ... ERROR
LaTeX errors when creating DVI version.
This typically indicates Rd problems.
I believe