similar to: no predict function in lme4 ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "no predict function in lme4 ?"

2005 Nov 21
singular convergence with lmer function i lme4
Dear R users, I am trying to fit a GLMM to the following dataset; tab a b c 1 1 0.6 199320100313 2 1 0.8 199427100412 3 1 0.8 199427202112 4 1 0.2 199428100611 5 1 1.0 199428101011 6 1 0.8 199428101111 7 0 0.8 199527103011 8 1 0.6 199527200711 9 0 0.8 199527202411 10 0 0.6 199529100412 11 1 0.2 199626201111 12 2 0.8 199627200612 13 1 0.4 199628100111 14 1 0.8
2013 Feb 05
How to use summary.mer inside a package?
I have a question regarding the build of my project papeR (hosted on R-forge with respect to lme4. Both, Windows and MacOS are complaining that lme4 doesn't export summary: Error : object 'summary' is not exported by 'namespace:lme4' ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'papeR' Linux however builds the project
2009 Apr 27
refit with binomial model (lme4)
Dear R users, I'm trying to use function 'refit' from lme4 and I get this error that I can't understand: > refit(dolo4.model4,cbind(uu,50-uu)) Error in function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function "refit", for signature "mer", "matrix" if I try: > refit(dolo4.model4,uu) Error in asMethod(object) :
2010 Sep 21
package gbm, predict.gbm with offset
Dear all, the help file for predict.gbm states that "The predictions from gbm do not include the offset term. The user may add the value of the offset to the predicted value if desired." I am just not sure how exactly, especially for a Poisson model, where I believe the offset is multiplicative ? For example: library(MASS) fit1 <- glm(Claims ~ District + Group + Age +
2011 Mar 26
another import puzzle
Dear list, I have another (again possibly boneheaded) puzzle about importing, again encapsulated in a nearly trivial package. (The package is posted at <>.) The package consists (only) of the following S3 method definitions: coeftab <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("coeftab",object) coeftab.default <-
2009 Oct 30
possible memory leak in predict.gbm(), package gbm ?
Dear gbm users, When running predict.gbm() on a "large" dataset (150,000 rows, 300 columns, 500 trees), I notice that the memory used by R grows beyond reasonable limits. My 14GB of RAM are often not sufficient. I am interpreting this as a memory leak since there should be no reason to expand memory needs once the data are loaded and passed to predict.gbm() ? Running R version 2.9.2 on
2008 Dec 20
Problems installing lme4 on Ubuntu
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 While I'm not an R expert, I have used R on Windows XP. Now I've moved to Ubuntu (Intrepid), and I'm trying to configure R to work with the Gelman and Hill _Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models_. So far, it's not working. I start by following the instructions for installing arm and BRugs at
2012 May 01
VarCorr procedure from lme4
Folks In trying to use lmer for a hierarchical model, I encountered the following message: Error in UseMethod("VarCorr") : no applicable method for 'VarCorr' applied to an object of class "mer" foo.mer <- lmer(y ~ TP + (TP|M),data=joe.q) > head(joe.q[,1:5]) TP M AB Trt y 1 1 Jan A NN 19.20002 2 1 Jan A NN 19.06378 3 1 Jan A NN
2009 Apr 23
Failing to print mer object in an RData image
Hi all I have problems in accessing a mer object called model.01 from a workspace that was created with R 2.8.1 and saved with save into an .RData file (on Windows XP or Ubuntu 8.10, don't remember anymore). Now I want to open it in R 2.9.0 on Ubuntu 8.10. I use # load workspace load("name.RData") which seems to work: ls() # all objects in there [1] "all"
2010 Feb 23
importing S4 methods using a namespace
I want to call summary on a mer object (from lme4) within my package but I can't seem to get the namespace to import the necessary method. I've simplified my package to this one function: --------------------------- ss <- function(m) { summary(m) } --------------------------- And my namespace file looks like this, where I've attempted to follow the instructions in "Writing
2009 Feb 26
error message and convergence issues in fitting glmer in package lme4
I'm resending this message because I did not include a subject line in my first posting. Apologies for the inconvenience! Tanja > Hello, > > I'm trying to fit a generalized linear mixed model to estimate diabetes prevalence at US county level. To do this I'm using the glmer() function in package lme4. I can fit relatively simple models (i.e. few covariates) but when
2010 Jan 18
Problem extracting from mer objects
I am having a problem extracting from "mer" objects.    I have constructed my problem using existing datasets.   Using the following commands:   require(lme4) fm1 <- lmer(Yield ~ 1 + (1 | Batch), Dyestuff) fixef(fm1) I get the following error message: "Error in UseMethod("fixef") : no applicable method for "fixef""   I know that "fixef" is in
2006 Mar 16
lme4/Matrix: Call to .Call("mer_update_y"...) and LMEoptimize gives unexpected side effect...
Dear all I want to compute Monte Carlo p-values in lmer-models based on sampled data sets. To speed up calculations, I've tried to use internal functions from the Matrix package (as suggested ealier on the list by Doug Bates). So I did: fm2 <- lmer(resistance ~ ET + position + (1|Grp), Semiconductor,method='ML') simdata<-simulate(fm2,nsim=1) ynew <- simdata[,1] mer
2009 Oct 23
inspect s4 methods
Hi everyone, I'm sure this has been asked before, but I could not find the right search terms to find it. If I want to see what summarizing a model fit with lm() does, I can write "summary.lm". But what if I want to see what summarizing a model fit with lmer() (lme4 package) does? showMethods(summary) Function: summary (package base) object="ANY"
2009 Jul 29
Installing lme4 package in Windows Vista
Hi all, I have a problem with package installing in Windows, on my PC machine. The end goal is to be able to use the lme() function. Here's what I did so far: > install.packages("lme4") Warning in install.packages("lme4") : argument 'lib' is missing: using 'C:\Users\Angela\Documents/R/win-library/2.9' --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this
2007 Jan 14
changes in the structure of mer objects?
Dear all, I try to run the example of lmer and get the following error message. > library(lme4) > example(lmer) lmer> (fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)) [[1]] Error in get(x, envir, mode, inherits) : variable "as.dpoMatrix" was not found This error message is similar to what I get with other models. It looks like the mer class has a slightly
2005 Jan 28
Conflicts using Rcmdr, nlme and lme4
Hello all! R2.0.1, W2k. All packages updated. I?m heavily dependant on using mixed models. Up til?now I have used lme() from nlme as I have been told to. Together with estimable() from gmodels it works smooth. I also often run Rcmdr, mostly for quick graphics. After using Rcmdr, on reopening the R workspace all help libraries for Rcmdr (22 !) loads, among them nlme, but not Rcmdr itself. Why?
2006 May 03
qu: predict with lmer (lme4) or other ways to get classification accuracy
Hi, I am using lmer (from the package lme4) to predict a binary response variable (REL) from a bunch of fixed effects and two random effects (Speaker_ID and NPhead_lemma): fit <- lmer(REL ~ SPEAKER_GENDER + log(SPEECHRATE) + SQSPEECHRATE + ..... + (1|Speaker_ID) + (1|NPhead_lemma), family="binomial", data=data.lmer, method="Laplace", model=T, x=T) I
2006 Aug 02
lme4 and lmeSplines
I'm trying to use the lmeSplines package together with lme4. Below is (1) an example of lmeSplines together with nlme (2) an attempt to use lmeSplines with lme4 (3) then a comparison of the random effects from the two different methods. (1) require(lmeSplines) data(smSplineEx1) dat <- smSplineEx1 dat.lo <- loess(y~time, data=dat) plot(dat.lo) dat$all <- rep(1,nrow(dat)) times20
2005 Jan 03
different DF in package nlme and lme4
Hi all I tried to reproduce an example with lme and used the Orthodont dataset. library(nlme) fm2a.1 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1 | Subject) anova(fm2a.1) > numDF denDF F-value p-value > (Intercept) 1 80 4123.156 <.0001 > age 1 80 114.838 <.0001 > Sex 1 25 9.292 0.0054 or alternatively