similar to: using reorder in dotplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "using reorder in dotplot"

2010 Mar 22
using reorder in "dotplot"
2009 Mar 04
Hi,I would like to fill the dots in this graph. I would appreciate help to do that if possible. If fill is not possible, can I make it bright? I do NOT want to increase the size. __________________ dotplot(,data=risk.benefit.cast,groups=treat, auto.key=list(space="right")) ------------------------------------------ Thanks. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine
2011 Oct 12
large numbers
Hi, When I import an excel "CSV" file, large numbers such as " 43988014.3" is imported as "43988014", leaving out the decimal ".4". How to import keeping the fraction? Thanks. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel: 617-414-6221, Fax:617-414-3345 emails:, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Mar 30
two monitors
Hi, I have set up two monitors. I am using windows XP. I would like to keep one window- command line in one monitor and the script and graphs in the second monitor. How do I set it up? It works for word documents simply by dragging the document. It does not work if I drag and drop the scripts window. Is R not compatible for this? Thanks. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University
2012 Aug 25
Hi, I have dates as follows: 1/4/2006 0:00:00 AM It is a factor at present. How do I find out the day of the week from this? How do I convert to Julian date format? Thanks. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel: 617-414-6221, Fax:617-414-3345 emails:, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Oct 12
reading large numbers
Hi, This happens when I read in large numbers; ------------------------------------ > as.numeric(4398801.3) [1] 4398801 > as.numeric(439880.3) [1] 439880.3 ------------------------------------ Please help to read in numbers with more than 8 characters! Thanks. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel: 617-414-6221, Fax:617-414-3345 emails:
2012 Apr 21
Date object
HI, I have to work with data objects. I have trouble. I would like to convert date to a integer of Julian dates omitting hours, minutes etc. I tried as. Date and also as.POSIXlt, ct etc. Please help me to compute the following difference. I get an "NA" for output. 1/14/2006 0:00:00 AM -1/9/2006 0:00:00 AM Thanks. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel:
2009 Feb 25
reshape from wide to long
Hi,I would like to reshape the following "wide" data set to "long" form. I would appreciate help with the correct code for "reshape". I tried a few unsuccessfully. Thanks. Chetty __________________________________________________ dat.1 Grp X0 X3 X6 X12 X25 X501 C 0.5326517 0.6930942 0.9403883 1.157571
2009 Mar 02
xy-plot alb font size
I would appreciate any help for the following question. How to increase the font size of labels for the x and y axes in the following code? --------------------------------- xyplot(lbxglu~lbxgh|eth,reg.dat.5, panel = p, col = 1:2, par.strip.text = list(cex = 1.25,col="brown"), xlab="A1C",ylab="Fasting Plasma Glucose", main="FPG") p <- function(..., col)
2009 Feb 12
Adding abline in Lattice graph
Hi,I would like add a horizontal line at 126 (col=red) and a vertical line at 6.5 ( col= blue) in each panel .How should I use the panel.abline function in the following code I am using: ------------------ library(lattice) with(reg.dat.5,coplot(lbxglu~lbxgh|eth,panel=panel.smooth,xlab="ABC", ylab="FBG")) ---------------------------------------- Thanks a lot. Professor of
2009 Feb 13
loading mgcv package
Hi ,When I try to load the 'mgcv" package, often, but not always, get this error message. What am I doing wrong? __________________ This is mgcv 1.4-1.1 Error in runif(1) : .Random.seed is not an integer vector but of type 'list' Error : .onAttach failed in 'attachNamespace' Error: package/namespace load failed for 'mgcv' -----------------------------------------
2009 Sep 25
summarize-plyr package
Hi,I am using the amazing package 'plyr". I have one problem. I would appreciate help to fix the following error: Thanks. ______________________________ > library(plyr) > data(baseball) > summarise(baseball, + duration = max(year) - min(year), + nteams = length(unique(team))) Error: could not find function "summarise" > ddply(baseball, "id", summarise, +
2009 Feb 01
cluster function to use with GLM
Hi,In SPlus, I use the function 'cluster' with GLM to adjust for correlated errors within a cluster ( e.g. cluster(ID)) as a covariate. Is there a similar function in R to use with GLM ? I am new to R. Thanks. V.K. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel: 617-414-6221, Fax:617-414-3345 emails:, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 03
exporting interactive rggobi plots
Hi , I have created a parallel coordinate plot using rrgobi. I like to make a powerpoint slide. I am not able to copy and paste. Is there any way to do this? Thanks for any help. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel: 617-414-6221, Fax:617-414-3345 emails:, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Oct 13
Lattice barchart-reordered
Hi,Can I use "reorder" function with barchart as in dotchart? Here are some codes which do not work for me. Thanks Chetty ___________________________ a1c.cast$[a1c.cast$eth!="Other"] <-with(a1c.cast[a1c.cast$eth!="Other",],reorder([a1c.cast$eth!="Other"], BP.FN.RATE,median )) barchart(BP.FN.RATE~
2009 Oct 11
Hi,In Lattice graphs, can I use "reorder" function in a barchart as in the case of "dotchart"? Or it can be used only with dotcharts? Thanks Chetty Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel: 617-414-6221, Fax:617-414-3345 emails:, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Sep 20
lattice dotplot reorder contiguous levels
my reproducible example test<-structure(list(site = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 5L), .Label = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"), class = "factor"),
2003 Jan 15
[lattice] lines for stripplot (like dotplot) or jitter for dotplot?
I'd like to use stripplot for some plots because I want to use the jitter parameter. On the other hand, I'd like to use dotplot because I'd like to have the horizontal lines that it includes. dotplot doesn't have a jitter option and I'm not having any success with getting panel.grid(h=-1) with stripplot. Can anyone show me how to make dotplot-like lines on a stripplot? Or
2006 Sep 16
dotplot/Dotplot: connecting points within factor level across time
For each level of the factor in dotplot, I have time points I'd like to connect with a line. In the example below, 'x' represents a starting time and 'd' a duration, and I wish to connect 'x' to 'x+d'. Ordinarily I would use Dotplot from hmisc for this, but I have not been able to find a time class that Dotplot will allow. I can get lattice dotplot to put
2004 Feb 10
Dotplot: y-labels from rownames
How can I use row.names() as y-labels in Dotplot? How to set horizontal orientation for y-lables in lattice()? Dotplot(stcod1 ~ Cbind(statgh2,statgh2-1.96*segh2,statgh2+1.96*segh2)[og], subset=statgh2[og]>0.1, data=h2inqerrg02st, xlab="G", ylab=row.names(h2inqerrg02st)[og], main="") I have tried doing it with mtext() as well, but there is not enough space besides