similar to: using reorder in "dotplot"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "using reorder in "dotplot""

2010 Mar 23
using reorder in dotplot
Hi, Please help to correct my error in the following. I want to plot the values of 'x" in increasing order. ----------------------------------- library(lattice) Name<-c("A","B","C") x<-c(15,20,10) test<-data.frame(Name,x) dotplot(Name~x,test) dotplot(reorder(Name,x)~x,test) "reorder" has no effect! Thanks. Chetty ------------------------
2009 Mar 04
Hi,I would like to fill the dots in this graph. I would appreciate help to do that if possible. If fill is not possible, can I make it bright? I do NOT want to increase the size. __________________ dotplot(,data=risk.benefit.cast,groups=treat, auto.key=list(space="right")) ------------------------------------------ Thanks. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine
2009 Mar 30
two monitors
Hi, I have set up two monitors. I am using windows XP. I would like to keep one window- command line in one monitor and the script and graphs in the second monitor. How do I set it up? It works for word documents simply by dragging the document. It does not work if I drag and drop the scripts window. Is R not compatible for this? Thanks. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University
2011 Oct 12
large numbers
Hi, When I import an excel "CSV" file, large numbers such as " 43988014.3" is imported as "43988014", leaving out the decimal ".4". How to import keeping the fraction? Thanks. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel: 617-414-6221, Fax:617-414-3345 emails:, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Aug 25
Hi, I have dates as follows: 1/4/2006 0:00:00 AM It is a factor at present. How do I find out the day of the week from this? How do I convert to Julian date format? Thanks. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel: 617-414-6221, Fax:617-414-3345 emails:, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Oct 12
reading large numbers
Hi, This happens when I read in large numbers; ------------------------------------ > as.numeric(4398801.3) [1] 4398801 > as.numeric(439880.3) [1] 439880.3 ------------------------------------ Please help to read in numbers with more than 8 characters! Thanks. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel: 617-414-6221, Fax:617-414-3345 emails:
2009 Oct 13
Lattice barchart-reordered
Hi,Can I use "reorder" function with barchart as in dotchart? Here are some codes which do not work for me. Thanks Chetty ___________________________ a1c.cast$[a1c.cast$eth!="Other"] <-with(a1c.cast[a1c.cast$eth!="Other",],reorder([a1c.cast$eth!="Other"], BP.FN.RATE,median )) barchart(BP.FN.RATE~
2012 Apr 21
Date object
HI, I have to work with data objects. I have trouble. I would like to convert date to a integer of Julian dates omitting hours, minutes etc. I tried as. Date and also as.POSIXlt, ct etc. Please help me to compute the following difference. I get an "NA" for output. 1/14/2006 0:00:00 AM -1/9/2006 0:00:00 AM Thanks. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel:
2009 Feb 12
Adding abline in Lattice graph
Hi,I would like add a horizontal line at 126 (col=red) and a vertical line at 6.5 ( col= blue) in each panel .How should I use the panel.abline function in the following code I am using: ------------------ library(lattice) with(reg.dat.5,coplot(lbxglu~lbxgh|eth,panel=panel.smooth,xlab="ABC", ylab="FBG")) ---------------------------------------- Thanks a lot. Professor of
2009 Feb 25
reshape from wide to long
Hi,I would like to reshape the following "wide" data set to "long" form. I would appreciate help with the correct code for "reshape". I tried a few unsuccessfully. Thanks. Chetty __________________________________________________ dat.1 Grp X0 X3 X6 X12 X25 X501 C 0.5326517 0.6930942 0.9403883 1.157571
2009 Mar 02
xy-plot alb font size
I would appreciate any help for the following question. How to increase the font size of labels for the x and y axes in the following code? --------------------------------- xyplot(lbxglu~lbxgh|eth,reg.dat.5, panel = p, col = 1:2, par.strip.text = list(cex = 1.25,col="brown"), xlab="A1C",ylab="Fasting Plasma Glucose", main="FPG") p <- function(..., col)
2009 Sep 25
summarize-plyr package
Hi,I am using the amazing package 'plyr". I have one problem. I would appreciate help to fix the following error: Thanks. ______________________________ > library(plyr) > data(baseball) > summarise(baseball, + duration = max(year) - min(year), + nteams = length(unique(team))) Error: could not find function "summarise" > ddply(baseball, "id", summarise, +
2009 Feb 13
loading mgcv package
Hi ,When I try to load the 'mgcv" package, often, but not always, get this error message. What am I doing wrong? __________________ This is mgcv 1.4-1.1 Error in runif(1) : .Random.seed is not an integer vector but of type 'list' Error : .onAttach failed in 'attachNamespace' Error: package/namespace load failed for 'mgcv' -----------------------------------------
2009 Feb 01
cluster function to use with GLM
Hi,In SPlus, I use the function 'cluster' with GLM to adjust for correlated errors within a cluster ( e.g. cluster(ID)) as a covariate. Is there a similar function in R to use with GLM ? I am new to R. Thanks. V.K. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel: 617-414-6221, Fax:617-414-3345 emails:, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Jul 03
exporting interactive rggobi plots
Hi , I have created a parallel coordinate plot using rrgobi. I like to make a powerpoint slide. I am not able to copy and paste. Is there any way to do this? Thanks for any help. Chetty -- Professor of Family Medicine Boston University Tel: 617-414-6221, Fax:617-414-3345 emails:, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Mar 03
How to create a line and bar panel chart with two different axes?
I need to create a line and bar panel chart with two different axes. I tried in lattice but couldn't get it worked. Here is my code: data(barley) barchart(yield ~ variety | site, data = barley, groups = year, layout = c(1,6), stack = F, auto.key = list(points = FALSE, rectangles = TRUE, space = "right"), ylab = "Barley Yield
2011 May 26
Statistical mode
One descriptive statistic that is conspicuously missing from core R is the statistical mode - the most frequent value in a discrete distribution. I would like to propose adding the attached 'statmode' (or a similar function) to the 'stats' package. Currently, it can be quite cumbersome to calculate the mode of a distribution in R, both for experts and beginners. The lack of a
2006 Jul 07
dotplot (lattice) with panel.segments and groups
Hi, The following produces almost exactly what I needed. The problems are that the 'panel.dotplot' call (commented) generates the error 'Error in NextMethod("[") : argument "subscripts" is missing, with no default'. The other problem is that the colors alternate between the levels of the 'site' variable, rather than 'year'. barley$yield2
2009 Feb 19
dotplot points color
Dear list, is it possible to change the background color of dotplot's points? I tried in many ways but unsuccessfully Thanks in advance Gianandrea require(lattice) dotplot(variety ~ yield | site, data = barley, groups = year, pch=21) dotplot(variety ~ yield | site, data = barley, groups = year, pch=21, bg=c("2","3")) ??!!! -- View this message in context:
2011 May 11
Dotplot (package Hmisc) with groups: colours and symbols
Hello all, This question concerns the function Dotplot from the Hmisc package. My aim is to compare values between groups in each panel of the Dotplot, with the values of different groups clearly distinguishable by different symbols. All lines and symbols should be coloured in black. Before adding the panel function to the Dotplot, the groups behaved as desired and were marked by different