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2007 Sep 19
SEM - standardized path coefficients?
Dear list members,
In sem, std.coef() will give me standardized coefficients from a sem model.
But is there a trick so that path.diagram can use these coefficients rather
than unstandardized ones?
Steve Powell
From: John Fox <jfox_at_mcmaster.ca>
Date: Wed 28 Feb 2007 - 14:37:22 GMT
Dear Tim,
See ?standardized.coefficients (after loading the sem package).
2007 Feb 28
SEM - standardized path coefficients?
Hello -
Does anybody know how to get the SEM package in R to return standardized
path coefficients instead of unstandardized ones? Does this involve
changing the covariance matrix, or is there an argument in the SEM itself
that can be changed?
Thank you,
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2013 Mar 18
"save scores" from sem
I'm not aware of any routine that those the job, although I think that
it could be relatively easily done by multiplication the manifest
variable vector with the estimates for the specific effect.
To make an example:
v1; v2; v3; v4 are manifest variables that loads on one y latent
variablein a data frame called "A"
the code for the model should be like:
model <-specifymodel(
2009 Jan 15
LCA (e1071 package): error
I will use the lca method in the e1071 package. But I get the following error:
Error in pas[j, ] <- drop(exp(rep(1, nvar) %*% log(mp))) :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
Does anybody know this error and knows what this means?
Kind regards,
2012 Mar 26
SEM: Dependent binary: impact estimating wrong standard errors with hetcor()
I'm using the SEM package to estimate a model with a binary variabele as
dependent variable.
In the literature I have to use then the correlation matrix, made by
function hetcor(). Literature also says that the standard errors are not
correct then.
My question is if somebody knows what the impact is on the estimated
If I want to calculate the estimated probability I see a
2010 Dec 11
remove quotes from the paste output
I'm generating the name of the variable with paste function and then using that
variable name further to get the specific position value from the data.frame,
here is the snippet from my code:
modelResults <- extractModelParameters("C:/PilotStudy/Mplus_Input/Test",
#extractModelParameters reads all the output files from the Test folder and
create the
2009 Mar 09
[sem package] path.diagram() ignores the edge.label argument ..?
I plot path diagrams with the path.diagram() function of the sem
package in combination with the graphviz application.
Now I want the graphviz code for a path-plot with the actual
standardized coefficients on the arrows (not the names).
I tried to add edge.labels="values" as an argument to path.diagram()
but it's just ignored.
can anyone help me on that?
2002 Jul 18
sem: incorrect parameter estimates
I am getting results from sem that are not correct (that's assuming
that the results from my AMOS 4.0 software are correct). sem does not
vary some of the parameters substantially from their starting values,
and the final estimates of those parameters as well as the model
chisquare value are incorrect. I've attached some code that
replicates the problem. The parameters in
2006 Aug 22
Total (un)standardized effects in SEM?
Hi there,
as a student sociology, I'm starting to learn about SEM. The course I
follow is based on LISREL, but I want to use the SEM-package on R
parallel to it.
Using LISREL, I found it to be very usable to be able to see the
total direct and total indirect effects (standardized and
unstandardized) in the output. Can I create these effects using R? I
know how to calculate them
2007 Jul 24
function optimization: reducing the computing time
Dear useRs,
I have written a function that implements a Bayesian method to
compare a patient's score on two tasks with that of a small control
group, as described in Crawford, J. and Garthwaite, P. (2007).
Comparison of a single case to a control or normative sample in
neuropsychology: Development of a bayesian approach. Cognitive
Neuropsychology, 24(4):343?372.
The function (see
2012 Nov 29
Confidence intervals for estimates of all independent variables in WLS regression
I would like to obtain Confidence Intervals for the estimates
(unstandardized beta weights) of each predictor in a WLS regression:
m1 = lm(x~ x1+x2+x3, weights=W, data=D)
SPSS offers that output by default, and I am not able to find a way to do
this in R. I read through predict.lm, but I do not find a way to get the
CIs for multiple independent variables.
Thank you
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2003 Apr 14
Factor analysis in R
Hi all,
is it possible to run factor analysis in R such that the routine
- unstandardized factor scores (according to the original scale)
- rotated factor scores (these may be standardized)
So far I have only found the possibility to return standardised
unrotated factor scores.
Thank you very much,
NFO Infratest
2004 Apr 07
ZIB models
I attempted to contact Drew Tyre, but the email I have for him is no
longer in service.
Hopefully someone can help.
I'm using obs.error in R to model turtle occupancy in wetlands.
I have 4 species and 20 possible patch and landscape variables, which
I've been testing in smaller groups.
> zib.out<-obs.error(y=painted,m=numvis,bp=zvars,pcovar=7)
I get the following error
2012 Nov 21
Regression: standardized coefficients & CI
I run 9 WLS regressions in R, with 7 predictors each.
What I want to do now is compare:
(1) The strength of predictors within each model (assuming all predictors
are significant). That is, I want to say whether x1 is stronger than x2,
and also say whether it is significantly stronger. I compare strength by
simply comparing standardized beta weights, correct? How do I compare if
one predictor is
2001 Mar 26
Item Analysis and Cronbach's Alpha (Code Attached)
A short function I wrote for the purpose of evaluating scales made up of a
number of questionnaire items. It provides Cronbach's Alpha, both
unstandardized and based on standardized items. It also provides item
statistics which include item-total correlations (corrected) and
item-removed alpha. Thought some of you might find it useful. I would also
appreciate any programming tips or
2011 Feb 08
SEM: question regarding how standard errors are calculated
Sorry if this question has been asked previously, I searched but found
little. There also doesn't seem to be a dedicated SEM list-serv so hopefully
this will find its way to the appropriate audience.
In discussing SEM with a colleague I mentioned that a model they were
fitting in AMOS was equivalent to a linear regression and that the
coefficients would be the same. This of course was the
2002 Mar 01
calculating std err (SEM)?
Is there a "canned" function in R for finding the standard error of the
mean? I have tried
> sem <- function(x) c(mean =mean(x),
+ SEM = stdev(x)/sqrt(length(x)))
> sem(pnet.lai)
Error in sem(pnet.lai) : couldn't find function "stdev"
It looks like there is no stdev function in R
Kirk R. Wythers email: kwythers at umn.edu
University of
2017 May 05
lm() gives different results to lm.ridge() and SPSS
Hi John,
Thanks for the comment... but that appears to mean that SPSS has a big problem. I have always been told that to include an interaction term in a regression, the only way is to do the multiplication by hand. But then it seems to be impossible to stop SPSS from re-standardizing the variable that corresponds to the interaction term. Am I missing something? Is there a way to perform the
2008 Jul 17
Can mvtnorm calculate a sequence of probabilities?
Hi all,
I know pnorm() is able to calculate a sequence of probabilities by providing
a vector of means, and a single number for location and standard deviation.
For example, pnorm(0.5,c(0.5,2),1) will produce [1] 0.5000000 0.0668072.
However, I wonder if its multivariate counterpart mvtnorm can do the same
thing? Namely, if I provide a sequence of (vector-)means and a single vector
2008 May 07
interpreting significance of path coefficients from sem() output
Hi there,
Quick question about the output from the sem() function in the library
of the same name.
If I am getting probabilities >0.05 for some of my estimates of path
coefficients, I'm assuming the interpretation here is that the
coefficient is not significantly different from zero, correct? In that
case, might it make sense that I should disregard path coefficients