similar to: R code for normal mixture EM algorithm

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "R code for normal mixture EM algorithm"

2010 Mar 20
EM algorithm in R
Please help me in writing the R code for this problem. I've been solving this for 4 days. It was hard for me to solve it. It's a simulation problem in R. The problem is My true model is a normal mixture which is given as 0.5 N(-0.8,1) + 0.5 N(0.8,1). This model has two components. I will get a random sample of size 100 from this model. I will do this 300 times. That means, I will have
2009 May 21
em algorithm mixture of multivariate normals
Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to have a "R code" to estimate the parameters of a mixture of bivariate (or multivariate) normals via EM Algorithm. I tried to write it, but in the estimation of the matrix of variance and covariance, i have some problems. I generate two bidimensional vectors both from different distribution with their own vector means and variance and
2006 Nov 27
EM algorithm for truncated multivariate mixture of normals
I couldn't find a direct answer in CRAN to this question, so I'm asking with some trepidation. I have a multivariate dataset (data.frame) with columns that can be expressed as a set of mixed normals (at least I think) and need to impute values that have constraints (truncated mixture of normals where the values cannot be below zero). If there isn't a package that can do this, is there
2004 Nov 16
help on EM Algorithm for bivariate normal
Hi, I woul like to know if it is possible to have a "R code" to generate EM Algorithm for a normal bivariate mixture. Best regard, S.F.
2013 Mar 30
normal mixture EM not working?
Hi, I am currently working on fitting a mixture density to financial data. I have the following data: I want to fit a mixture density of two normal distributions. I have the formula: f(l)=πϕ(l;μ1,σ21)+(1−π)ϕ(l;μ2,σ22) my R code is: normalmix<-normalmixEM(dat,k=2,fast=TRUE) pi<-normalmix$lambda[1] mu1<-normalmix$mu[1]
2009 May 22
EM algorithm mixture of multivariate
Hi, i would to know, if someone have ever write the code to estimate the parameter (mixing proportion, mean, a var/cov matrix) of a mixture of two multivariate normal distribution. I wrote it and it works (it could find mean and mixing proportion, if I fix the var/cov matrix), while if I fix anything, it doesn't work. My suspect is that when the algorithm iterates the var/cov matrix, something
2009 May 22
EM algorithm mixture of multivariate gaussian
Hi, i would to know, if someone have ever write the code to estimate the parameter (mixing proportion, mean, a var/cov matrix) of a mixture of two multivariate normal distribution. I wrote it and it works (it could find mean and mixing proportion, if I fix the var/cov matrix), while if I fix anything, it doesn't work. My suspect is that when the algorithm iterates the var/cov matrix, something
2011 Feb 28
mixture models/latent class regression comparison
Dear list, I have been comparing the outputs of two packages for latent class regression, namely 'flexmix', and 'mmlcr'. What I have noticed is that the flexmix package appears to come up with a much better fit than the mmlcr package (based on logLik, AIC, BIC, and visual inspection). Has anyone else observed such behaviour? Has anyone else been successful in using the mmlcr
2009 Jul 26
normal mixture model
Hi, All, I want to fit a normal mixture model. Which package in R is best for this? I was using the package 'mixdist', but I need to group the data into groups before fitting model, and different groupings seem to lead to different results. What other package can I use which is stable? And are there packages that can automatically determine the number of components? Thank you, Cindy
2011 Feb 28
Gamma mixture models with flexmix
I've been trying with no success to model mixtures of Gamma distributions using the package flexmix (see examples below). Can anyone help me get it to model better? Thanks very much. -Ben ## ## Please help me get flexmix to correctly model mixtures of ## Gamma distributions. See examples below. ## library('flexmix') ## ## Plot a histogram of dat and the Gamma mixture model given
2009 Nov 09
model based clustering with flexmix
Hello all, I am trying to fit a truncated mixture model and I wrote a driver for flexmix following the example in the vignette, but it doesn't work for me: it assigns all data points to one component only, e.g.: > > source('bugged.R') > > Call: > flexmix(formula = x ~ 1, k = 2, model = truncatedmodel(lower = -4, > upper = 4)) > > prior size
2008 May 23
Est. Component Size with AIC/BIC under Gamma Distribution
Dear all, I am trying to model number of samples from a given series. The series are modelled according Gamma function. In order to estimate the # samples, I use BIC/AIC with MLE (computed from dgamma function). Here is the code I have. __BEGIN__ mlogl <- function( x_func, theta_func, samp) { # computing log_likelihood return( - sum(dgamma(samp, shape = x_func, scale=theta_func, log
2011 Apr 22
How to generate normal mixture random variables with given covariance function
Dear All, Suppose Z_i, i=1,...,m are marginally identically distributed as a two normal mixture p0*N(0,1) + (1-p0) *N( miu_i, 1) where miu_i are identically distributed according to a mixture and I have generated Z_i one by one . Now suppose these m random variables are jointly m-dimensional normal with correlation matrix M= (m_ij). How to proceed next or how to start correctly ? Question:
2010 May 18
BIC() in "stats" {was [R-sig-ME] how to extract the BIC value}
>>>>> "MM" == Martin Maechler <maechler at> >>>>> on Tue, 18 May 2010 12:37:21 +0200 writes: >>>>> "GaGr" == Gabor Grothendieck <ggrothendieck at> >>>>> on Mon, 17 May 2010 09:45:00 -0400 writes: GaGr> BIC seems like something that would logically go into stats
2005 Apr 18
Why no BIC.default function?
I'm using R 2.0.1. I looked in the email archives but didn't see anything on this topic. I've noticed a surprising (to me) difference between AIC and BIC: > methods("AIC") [1] AIC.default* AIC.logLik* > methods("BIC") [1] BIC.gls* BIC.lm* BIC.lme* BIC.lmList* BIC.logLik* BIC.nls* The BIC.gls BIC.lm BIC.lme BIC.lmList and BIC.nls functions appear
2008 May 13
R help: problems with step function
Dear List Members, I have encountered two problems when using the step function to select models. To better illustrate the problems, attached is an R image which includes the objects needed to run the code attached. have factor variables with 3 levels. The following run shows the first problem. AICs (* and **) are different. I noticed that the Df for rs13482096:rs13483699 is 4,
2013 Mar 18
Fit a mixture of lognormal and normal distributions
Hello I am trying to find an automated way of fitting a mixture of normal and log-normal distributions to data which is clearly bimodal. Here's a simulated example: x.1<-rnorm(6000, 2.4, 0.6)x.2<-rlnorm(10000, 1.3,0.1)X<-c(x.1, x.2) hist(X,100,freq=FALSE, ylim=c(0,1.5))lines(density(x.1), lty=2, lwd=2)lines(density(x.2), lty=2, lwd=2)lines(density(X), lty=4) Currently i am using
2008 May 14
Problems with step function
Dear List Members, I have encountered two problems when using the step function to select models. To better illustrate the problems, an R image (step.add1.test.RData) which includes the objects needed to run the code (step.add1.test.R) can be found at<> have factor variables with 3 levels. The
2009 Jun 09
quantile of a mixture of bivriate normal distributions
Hi, Does anyone know how to compute the quantile of a mixture of four bivariate normal distriutions? Many thanks! Hannah [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Feb 08
Mixture normal distribution
Dear R helper, I hope that u can help me to sort out my problem because I sent an E-mail last night to R-list but I have not receive any help and at the same time I think this problem is not so hard. I have used the following functions before > K<-10 > prime<-c(2,3,5,7,11,13,17) > UN<-seq(1:K)%*%t(sqrt(prime)) > U1<-UN-as.integer(UN) > U<-matrix(qnorm(U1),K,7)