similar to: Multiple comparisons with a mixed effects model

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Multiple comparisons with a mixed effects model"

2006 Mar 31
Odd anova(lm()) order phenomenon, looking for an explanation
Hi everyone, I'm witnessing an odd modelling phenomenon that I can't explain. If anyone has seen this before, or can explain what's going on would let me know, I'd be very grateful! Especially if I'm just being dim. I'm fitting a pair of continuous variates and their interaction to some residuals from another model. The sequential anova statement changes with the term
2012 Jul 07
Questions about glht() and interpretation of output from Tukey's in multcomp
Hi, I have a few questions about glht() and the interpretation of output from Tukey's in multcomp package for lme() model. The main issue is that I noticed that a plot that I produced with code letters seem to contradict the graph itself. I provide data and code below. I end with my questions. A few things about data set. "LMA.vcp" is continuous response variable.
2012 Nov 24
Grouped data objects within GLS and Variogram
Dear R Help, I am having difficulty using Variogram within GLS to examine spatial structure of nested data. My data frame consists of ecological measurements of a forest, in which three landscape positions ("landposi") are compared. Each landscape position is replicated five times ("replicat"), and the environment is measured ("canopy", "litdepth", etc.)
2012 Feb 06
lmer with spatial and temporal random factors, not nested
Hi, I am new to this list. I have a question regarding including both spatial and temporal random factors in lmer. These two are not nested, and an example of model I try to fit is model1<-lmer(Richness~Y+Canopy+Veg_cm+Treatment+(1|Site/Block/Plot)+(1|Year), family=poisson, REML=FALSE), where richness = integer Y & Treatment = factor Canopy & Veg_cm = numerical, continous
2010 Aug 17
Asterisk with Motorola Canopy
Hi Everyone, Can anyone share their experience with Motorola Canopy solution deployment and Asterisk? Is this a good fit? Thanks, Bruce -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2017 Mar 20
Anyone ever gotten Solaris to install from a CentOS PXE server?
Yes and PXE booting the node worked just fine. It was quite some time ago and the process was rather straightforward. This is for x86_64 use-host-decl-names on; filename "/solaris/pxegrub"; next-server <TFTP SERVER IP>; vendor-option-space SUNW; option SUNW.JumpStart-server "<INSTALLATION SERVER IP>:/exports/Solaris/JUMPSTART/x86"; # BE WARNED: No hostnames.
2010 Apr 26
Just about "approximate F-test"
Hi, Dear R community, These is a paper of "Wheat Grain Yield Response to N Application Evaluated through Canopy Reflectance". This paper of "Materials and Methods" said "A single regression equation relating A and B was derived for each location using PROC NLIN (SAS Inst. 1990). Slopes and intercepts for the independent regressions were compared with an *approximate
2002 Feb 15
exact inference tests
R-community-- Is there a contributed package (or does anyone have code otherwise) for exact inference tests and resampling statistics ala' StatExact? I've perused the package descriptions on CRAN and didn't see anything, but since several contain many functions, I thought perhaps I'd ask. --Mike C. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michael
2008 Jan 15
error in my selection
Hi everybody, Well, I really hoped that until now i know how to do a selection ..... but obviously i don't. So risking your laughing at me - here you go. I have a table with lots of vegetation data, and one column specifies in which region the data is. There are only 2 regions, region 1 and region 3. I want to select all data that belong to region 1 and after do some xtabs on it. If i do
2009 Jan 29
In Rd: \describe \itemize and \item
I rebuilt a test version of my yaImpute package using Uwe Ligges' windows build service. I got this reply: Check result: OK R version 2.9.0 Under development (unstable) (2009-01-27 r47756) Here is the issue: I have the following construct in help files (this example relates to "data"): \format{ A data frame with 847 rows and 29 columns: \cr\cr Ground based measurements of
2001 Nov 13
rarefaction variance
Here's a question for ecologists on the r-help list-- I'm addressing this to ecologists in particular because they're most likely to be familiar with the equation in question but I'll be happy to discuss the problem with anyone who's willing to take a whack at it. I'm trying to write a function to calculate the large sample variance of species richness estimates by
2018 Feb 02
new R package bigleaf
Dear R users, we are pleased to announce the release of the 'bigleaf' R package. This package is useful for the calculation of physical (e.g. aerodynamic conductance, surface temperature), and physiological (e.g. canopy conductance, intrinsic water-use efficiency) ecosystem properties from eddy covariance data. All calculations are based on a 'big-leaf' representation of the
2002 Jun 09
rw-patched destiny
R-devel team-- Will the patches that Brian Ripley has posted be rolled into the main R-win distribution on CRAN? I ask because I'm going to be using R in one of my ecology courses during fall semester, and although I'll probably give the students a CD with R and a variety of other tools bundled onto it, I'll also tell them where to upgrade and look for additional packages and other
2008 Aug 20
pdf filenames in while loop
Dear R users, I am a remote sensing researcher currently studying the use of LiDAR data for quantifying tree height, in particular I would like to determine the sample size needed to capture and quantify canopy height variability. To do this I have employed the use of automap(), which automatically calculates variograms including reporting the range of the variogram. The program is easy to use
2002 Jun 02
R 1.5.0 printing problems on Win98?
Colleagues-- I'm having a problem upgrading to R 1.5.0 on a Windows 98 computer. The windows() graphics device seems to behave strangely. A call to windows() opens an active graphics device, as does a call to a plotting function, e.e. plot(1:5,1:5). So far so good. When I click on the Printer icon (with the graphics device active) nothing happens. Likewise when I use win.print() from the
2002 Jul 24
[R] Free Software Application for UNIX/Linux and Microsoft Windows
Dear Michael Camann, My concern was after having a hetero-computing environment for many years, I found that I had to keep an old version of Microsoft Windows based applications to be able to interact with my constituents. This at times can become very expensive. I have had to limit my budget on the UNIX/Linux platform to compensate for Microsoft Windows based applications. With Open Office
2002 Jul 24
[R] Free Software Application for UNIX/Linux and Microsoft Windows (PR#1827)
Dear Michael Camann, My concern was after having a hetero-computing environment for many years, I found that I had to keep an old version of Microsoft Windows based applications to be able to interact with my constituents. This at times can become very expensive. I have had to limit my budget on the UNIX/Linux platform to compensate for Microsoft Windows based applications. With Open Office
2004 Jun 15
Keywords and Concepts - CTFS package
The package I am writing is for the Center for Tropical Forest Science, CTFS. This "center" is a collaboration of 15+ institutions world wide that are investigating properties of tropical forest dynamics, species diversity, species distributions. The investigation is composed of the same sampling design of the forest: a large 50 hectare plot (usually) in which every tree >= 10 mm in
1998 Apr 10
Linux made the Wall Street Journal - the Article
Linux Plays a Role in 'Titanic,' Photos By NASA, but Can It Take On Microsoft? By SEAN DAVIS Dow Jones Newswires [From The Wall Street Journal, April 3, 1998, page B7B] NEW YORK-The makers of "Titanic" used it to render the hit film's special effects. NASA uses it to stitch together pictures of Earth. It is free to anyone who wants it, but at least two companies are
2000 Aug 22
various ordinations
Colleagues, I'm developing a library of functions for community ecology analyses and have a couple of questions that I've not been able to answer via faqs or docs. 1) Are there existing functions for: a) Bray-Curtis (polar) ordination? b) non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS)? c) canonical correlation analyses (CCA and DCA)? d) TWINSPAN (doubtful...)? 2) If not,