Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Comparing matrices"
2009 Apr 26
3 questions regarding matrix copy/shuffle/compares
Hello all,
I have the following function call to create a matrix of POP_SIZE rows
and fill it with bit strings of size LEN:
pop=create_pop_2(POP_SIZE, LEN)
I have 3 questions:
(1) If I did
keep_pop[1:POP_SIZE] == pop[1:POP_SIZE]
to keep a copy of the original data structure before manipulating
'pop' potentially, would this make a deep copy or just shallow? Ie
2009 Feb 18
how to randomly eliminate half the entries in a vector?
(sorry if this is a duplicate-problems with posting at my end)
Hello all,
I need some help with a nice R-idiomatic and efficient solution to a
small problem.
Essentially, I am trying to eliminate randomly half of the entries in
a vector that contains index values into some other vectors.
More details:
I am working with two strings/vectors of 0s and 1s. These will contain
about 200
2010 May 20
Geneland error on unix: Error in MCMC(........ :, unused argument(s) (ploidy = 2, genotypes = geno)
I am receiving the above error ( full r session output below) the
script runs OK in windows. and "genotypes" and "ploidy" are both
correct arguments
any suggestions would be most welcome
Nevil Amos
Monash University School of Biological Sciences
> library(Geneland)
Loading required package: RandomFields
Loading required package: fields
Loading required
2005 May 08
- Several mbox fixes, upgrade recommended for test68 mbox users
- Possibly fixes some IMAP hangs where Dovecot just stopped replying
- Fixed delay-newmail workaround. It was badly broken before.
And somewhat off topic advertisement:
I got a bit distracted from Dovecot a week ago when a guy started
mailing me about wanting to write an irssi2 client as a project to
2007 Nov 15
Ancova doesn't return test statistics
Dear all,
I'm quite sure that this is a stupid question, but I'll ask anyway.
I want to perform an ANCOVA with two continuous factors and three
categorical factors.
Plant population growth rate (GR) = dependent variable
Seed reduction due to herbivory (SR) = continuous explanatory variable
Herbivore species (HS, 2 levels) = categorical explanatory variable
Population (Pop, 24 levels) =
2010 Jan 17
For loops in R
I've just started using R and am trying to figure out if the two codes
snippets below have the same output
velocity[i,j]<<-.4* velocity[i,j] + 1 * runif(1) * (pbestsVar[i,j] -
popVar[i,j]) + 1 * runif(1) * (archiveVar[gBest,j] - popVar[i,j])
for (i in 1:popsize) {
for (j in 1:maxvar) {
2004 Jun 20
Sweave and echoing R comments
Is there any way to echo comments from an R source file into an
SWeave->LaTeX document?
# Npop is population total
# Npoph0..Npoph2 are stratum totals
# Npoph is vector of stratum totals
In the final LaTeX document, I'd like the
2012 Oct 23
I want to make a barplot with the following datasets:
I have a file as following:
name chr position A1 A2 pop1 pop1 pop2 pop2
I have calculated a measure using all the values in columns "pops", the
values are saved in a vector.
Now I want to make a barplot using the values in this vector as the y axis
and the values in the column "position" in the x-axis.
thank you
2012 Jun 28
R help, using R to build choropleth
Hi guys
i need some help to build choropleth.
Basically i am trying to colour regions on the map by population.
I possess the shape file of the country, and also the population data,
however, i am having trouble to create the plot, below is my code:
2012 Jan 04
[newbie] stack operations, or functions with side effects (or both)
summary: Specifically, how does one do stack/FIFO operations in R?
Generally, how does one code functions with side effects in R?
I have been a coder for years, mostly using C-like semantics (e.g.,
Java). I am now trying to become a scientist, and to use R, but I don't
yet have the sense of "good R" and R idiom (i.e., expressions that are
to R what (e.g.) the Schwartzian
2012 Jul 01
significant difference between Gompertz hazard parameters?
Hello, all.
I have co-opted a number of functions that can be used to plot the
hazard/survival functions and associated density distribution for a Gompertz
mortality model, given known parameters. The Gompertz hazard model has been
shown to fit relatively well to the human adult lifespan. For example, if I
wanted to plot the hazard (i.e., mortality) functions:
pop1 <- function (t)
2010 Jul 24
Doubt about a population competition function
I'm doing a function that describe two populations in competition.
that's the function that i wrote:
exclusao<-function(n10, n20, k1, k2, alfa, beta, t){
if(t==0){plot(t, n10, type='b', xlim=range(c(1:t),c
(1:t)), ylim=range(n10, n20), xlab='tempo',
ylab='tamanho populacional')
points(t, n20, type='b',
2007 Mar 11
Enable pop3 / pop3 and imap
Dear All,
I'm new to use dovecot for the Mail service...
So, how to enable the mail service ( pop3 / pop2 / imap ) ?
2010 May 14
multhist,labels and percentages
Hi All,
I am in the annoying position of having to present some data to someone who seems to be somewhat less than numerate. I need to label the y-axes of a multhist with the y-axis labeled not as counts but as percentage of a population. Plotting the standard histogram is in a way fine, all I need is to:
-- have a left-handside y-axis labels for pop 1 and a right-handside y-axis labels for pop2
2011 Dec 13
Generating input population for microsimulation
Hi all,
I've been struggling with some code and was wondering if you all could help.
I am trying to generate a theoretical population of P people who are housed within X different units. Each unit follows the same structure- 10 people per unit, 8 of whom are junior and two of whom are senior. I'd like to create a unit ID and a unique identifier for each person (person ID, PID) in the
2005 Jul 07
What method I should to use for these data?
Dear R user:
I am studying the allele data of two populations.
the following is the data:
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9
a10 a11 a12 a13 a14 a15 a16 a17
pop1 0.0217 0.0000 0.0109 0.0435 0.0435 0.0000 0.0109 0.0543
0.1739 0.0761 0.1413 0.1522 0.1087 0.0870 0.0435 0.0217 0.0109
pop2 0.0213 0.0213 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0426 0.1702 0.2128
0.1596 0.1809 0.0957 0.0745 0.0106
2003 Sep 04
Allelic Differentiation, sampling, unique(), duplicated()
Hi people,
I have made some progress trying to work out how to solve this problem
but I have got a bit stuck - sorry if this turns out to be a simple
exercise . .
Allelic Differentiation (AD) in genetics measures the number of
different alleles between (say) two populations eg:
Organisms in Pop 1 have alleles: a, b, c, d, e
Organisms in Pop 2 have alleles: b, b, c, d, e
2009 Jan 13
problem whit Geneland
I do the these passages:
data <- simdata(nindiv=200,
coord.lim=c(0,1,0,1) ,
number.nuclei=5 ,
geno <- data$genotypes
coord <- t(data$coord.indiv)
path.mcmc <-
2011 Dec 02
Error in Genetic Matching
Dear R Users,
I am a novice learner of R software. I am working with Genetic Matching - GenMatch(), but I am getting an Error message as follows:
Error in GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X = X.binarynp, BalanceMatrix = BalanceMatrix.binarynp, :
GenMatch(): input includes NAs
Could you please suggest me correcting the above problem?
My GenMatch command is,
> gen1 <- GenMatch(Tr = Tr, X =
2019 Jan 16
optimizacion costos
Estimado Jesús Para Fernández
En teoría es ese material, lo vi muy rápido y en la parte genética tiene
cosas que biológicamente no son así, hay un libro de Falconer, Introducción
a la genética cuantitativa, que tiene escrita la parte matemática, hay un
abismo entre la biología y los ingenieros que se inspiran en la biología.
Yo pensaba en la resolución de un problema real, aunque relativamente