Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100000 matches similar to: "Changing the Prompt for browser()"
2009 Apr 23
Custom browser prompt instead of Browse[1]>
Would it be possible to have a custom prompt when browser()'ing.
I have made a simple implementation of this (which is attached), the
basic idea is that instead of the hardcoded sprintf( "Browser[%d]> ",
browselevel), a call to the getBrowsePrompt is made, and obviously the
function is:
> getBrowsePrompt
function (level = 1, env = .GlobalEnv) {
2010 Mar 09
How To Display Current/Next Line Using browser()
I'm running R 2.10 on a Linux console, inserted a call to browser() in an R
script that I source() form the R command line. Two quick questions:
(1) Once you are in the "browser prompt," is there any way to display the
current/next line to be executed without executing it? I can issue an "n"
command to view the line, but was wondering if there's a simple
2011 Jan 12
How to disable using "enter" key to exit the browser in debugging mode
Dear R,
How can I disable using "enter" key to exit the browser() in debug mode? I
would love to have this option because it is so annoying to jump out of the
debugging mode unexpectedly when I don't want to. I guess some of us have
encouraged at least one of these situations,
1, Accidentally pressed the enter key within the browser.
2, Copy and paste a piece of debugging code
2006 Jul 14
browser connection issue to http://localhost:3000/ on XP ?
I think I have network issue on my XP PC here trying to run up
InstantRails and using it. I create an application and run up the
server "ruby scripts/server" and it runs up, but then when I try to
browse to it the browser just sits and spins and doesn''t connect :(
* I''ve tried: localhost:3000,, + the IP
address that
2006 Jul 14
browser connection issue to http://localhost:3000/ on XP ?
I think I have network issue on my XP PC here trying to run up
InstantRails and using it. I create an application and run up the
server "ruby scripts/server" and it runs up, but then when I try to
browse to it the browser just sits and spins and doesn''t connect :(
Note that I posted this at
2010 May 06
Derivative of the probit
Is there a function to compute the derivative of the probit (qnorm) function
in R, or in any of the packages?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jul 24
Function for ddply
Hello, all. I'm new to R and just beginning to learn to write functions. I
know I'm out of my depth posting here, and I'm sure my issue is mundane.
But here goes. I'm analyzing the American National Election Study (nes),
looking at mean values of a numeric dep_var (environ.therm) across values
of a factor (partyid3). I use ddply from plyr and wtd.mean from Hmisc. The
nes requires a
2003 Jan 29
browser() misbehavior ?
Under v1.6.2, Windows NT4 OS, when a function contains an execution error
and I have placed browser() in inside the function body, the call to browser
is ignored. A brief example to illustrate:
> foo <- function(x) {
+ y <- x ^ 2
+ browser()
+ foo2(x) ## Intentional error
+ x ^ 3
+ }
> foo(30)
Called from: foo(30)
Error in foo(30) : couldn't find
2001 Dec 19
Pearson residuals in quasi family
Hi all,
This is a very silly question or something escapes me:
Let obj a simple gam poisson model. Let
>obj1<-update(obj, family=quasi(link="log", var="mu"))
>From summary.glm(obj1) the dispersion parameter is estimated 1.165; In fact
it is:
> (predict(obj1, se.fit=T)$se.fit[1:5]/predict(obj, se.fit=T)$se.fit[1:5])^2
1998 May 13
I need the function all.equal which is in Splus but not yet in R. Below is a
first cut. Comments would be appreciated.
Paul Gilbert
all.equal <- function(obj1, obj2, ...)
{if(mode(obj1) != mode(obj2) ) return("modes differ.")
if(class(obj1) != class(obj2)) return("classes differ.")
if(! all(unlist(attributes(obj1)) ==
2004 Sep 23
browser() is called incidentally (?) somewhere from inside methods::as
Executing the following code causes the prompt to enter browser() mode.
Called from: as(Npatrick1, "list")
R : Copyright 2004, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Version 2.0.0 beta (2004-09-20), ISBN 3-900051-07-0
Some addtitional info about Npatrick1
> is(Npatrick1)
[1] "Massvectorlist"
2010 May 26
problem with not in in subseting dataframe
Hi all,
I have a problem while subsetting a dataframe that is
while I am using *%in%* condition like
*stemp<-subset(temp, obj1 %in% obj2,select=c(temp))*
this is working and giving results that what ever is there is both *obj1*and
but I want to get values which is there in *obj1* but not in *obj2 *
can anyone help me how to get those values.
i tried with *%o%* but i am not
2004 Jan 16
reference to objects
is there a way to reference to a data object without copying it?
For example I have a huge matrix called dist and I want two objects
obj1 and obj2 to have a memeber dist that points to the matrix, but
I don't want, for memory reasons, to copy the matrix twice.
As far as I understand the following code will generate three copies
of my data:
dist <- some_code_that_generates_data
2003 Aug 11
Changing default browser in options()
I usually startup R from within several directories (usually where the
programs or data of interest are). I like to use a small web browser
called dillo to browse help files. However, by default R looks for
mozilla, so I have to type every single R session:
> options(browser='dillo')
Is there anyway I can change this globally?
2011 Sep 07
access objects
say I have consecutively numbered objects obj1, obj2, ... in my R workspace.
I want to acces one of them inside a function, with the number given as an argument.
Where can I find help on how to do that? Somebody must have been trying to do this before...
Some keywords to start a search are appreciated as well.
Here's an example, I hope it clarifies what I'm trying to do:
obj1 <-
2006 Jan 13
How to disconnect to a database????
We have experienced some problems with
ActiveRecord::Base class of Ruby-Rails. We are
building a web-application based on the Ruby-rails
framework and the web-application needs to access to
difference databases, so we do not pre-define our
database accesses in the database.yml file. In fact,
we are using the
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection() to connect
to our database, the function
2001 Oct 01
generic default values
I have a generic function
test.equal <- function(obj1, obj2, ...) UseMethod("test.equal")
however, the only argument that specific methods use is "fuzz" so I
would like to change this to
test.equal <- function(obj1, obj2, fuzz=???) UseMethod("test.equal")
The problem is that some methods use slightly different default values
for fuzz than others. How should
2001 Sep 28
problems with new checks in R-devel
Below are a few problems I have encountered with the new checks
being done in R-devel.
1/ I have two generics, test.equal and test.equal.tframe. The
first checks that two objects are equal while the second checks
if two objects have equal tframes (time frames). There is no
reason these should have similar arguments but the check seems to
think that test.equal.tframe is a method for test.equal so
2010 May 16
predict.lda breaks when priors are specified
Dear R help,
What am I doing wrong here? when I don't specify the priors it works
just fine but when I specify the priors it breaks.? Does anyone know
why and how I can fix it?
> N=20000
> ncontrol=ncases=50
> X <- as.matrix(rnorm(N,0,1))
> eta <- -5.3 + X * 1.7
> p <- exp(eta)/(1+exp(eta))
> Y <- rbinom(N,1,p)
> controls <- sample(seq_len(N),
2004 Nov 16
How to access samba without login prompt. !
Dear Sir,
Hello, My name is kenneth Yeung. I wonder to know how to configure
samba or window to access samba folder without login prompt. !
I am using Wins 2K for client, and Linux server is set samba server. I
can login to samba using username and password, but I want to do a
windows backup schedule task without prompt. login window !
Could you tell me the method to do this task. Thank you for