similar to: Stop words in queries

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "Stop words in queries"

2006 Apr 13
QueryParser doesn''t use StandardAnalyzer correctly?
I am having a bit of a problem with my search queries being parsed correctly it seems, and I wonder if anyone else has experienced this. I have written an index using StandardAnalyzer for analysis. I want to search that index by passing my user query through a QueryParser instance which is also using a StandardAnalyzer. However the resultant query does not seem to be a valid term query and
2007 Sep 28
PUT (and friends) bug?
As far as I can tell, sending an actual HTTP PUT request to a Camping app will never parse the params out of the request body - or am I going nuts? This code seems to say only POST''s will parse the request body: elsif @method == "post" and \ e.CONTENT_TYPE == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" q.u(C.qsp( end I looked for an easy spot to stick
2005 Sep 08
Stopping services
I''m back to getting stuff to run as a Windows service, and am running in to a problem. My service (a Daemon ruby class) installs and starts fine, but when I try to stop it, I get: C:\workspaces\default\tahoe>ruby script\service stop script/service:77:in `stop'': An exception occurred in the service when handling the control request. (Win32::ServiceError) from
2005 Mar 01
Open3.popen3 bug
Running this program: require ''win32/open3'' i, o, e, pid = Open3.popen3("c:/ruby/bin/ruby.exe -e\"sleep 10\"") i.close Gives this result: C:\_co\source\build\web\temp>ruby t.rb t.rb:5: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.2 (2004-06-29) [i386-mswin32] This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please
2007 Apr 23
[CruiseControl] RubyOnRails build 6553 failed
The build failed. See for details. --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Core" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2005 Sep 11
[RFC] The Early Demise of Myriad (Thanks To Ruby Threads)
Hi Everyone, I figured out this weekend that Ruby''s Thread implementation causes the Ruby/Event binding I wrote to completely stall and go dead. After reviewing the Ruby source and watching several strace runs, it''s clear that the Ruby Thread implementation uses select in a way that--while not being bad--just isn''t compatible with libevent. The second a thread is
2006 Jul 21
segfaulting at rebiuild_index
Hello, I can''t figure out how to get acts_as_ferret to stop segfaulting. Every time i run a query on my server (rails 1.1.4 and ferret .9.4 and aaf from svn) I get a segfault ./script/../config/../vendor/plugins/acts_as_ferret/lib/acts_as_ferret.rb:243: [BUG] Segmentation fault this line is where the indx is rebuilt. " def rebuild_index(*additional_models)
2006 Aug 20
missing terms in index causing search errors
I am unable to find results for models when one or more of the terms are not being indexed. Lets suppose I index a User on the phrase "Ruby on Rails." If I then search using User.find_by_contents("Ruby on Rails") I get no results, since "or" is a common term and does not get indexed. Of course, User.find_by_contents("Ruby Rails") works just fine. I
2005 Mar 15
New Beta version of Rake for Rails Users ... Fix for Ruby 1.8.2 unit test bug
I have a new version of Rake that I''m (almost) ready to release. But before I make an official release, I would like some Rails folk to give it it try ... Why? Because it contains a workaround for the notorious Ruby 1.8.2 test/unit bug. Using this version of rails, it should be possible to unit test a rails app without patching the Ruby 1.8.2 test/unit library. Where to get it?
2005 Mar 01
Open3.popen3 oddity
Open3.popen3 returns the pid as well as the in, out, and err streams. I thought only the streams were supposed to be returned. Thanks -- Nathaniel <:((><
2005 Mar 16
Problem with win32-service
It compiles fine, but when the resulting library is required, it says: C:\_co\source\build\ruby\extensions\win32-service-0.4.5\test>ruby tc_daemon.rb C:/_co/source/build/ruby/extensions/win32-service-0.4.5/win32/ `interactive?'' is not proper name for a struct member (NameError) from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:18:in
2005 Feb 28
Bug in win32-service
I found a small (easily worked around) bug in service.c. The accessor for the start user is called "start_name", but create_service tries to access "@service_start_name". A simple "service.instance_eval{@service_start_name = ''name''} works around it, but I thought ya''ll might want to fix it. BTW, thanks for win32-utils... I don''t like
2006 Dec 18
I''m back
Hey all, I''m back. Some of you are probably thinking that is the longest weeks vacation on record. Well, I''d like to take this opportunity to apologise for my absence and offer a brief explanation. When I got back to Australia I naturally went home to visit my parents, only to find that they have been hit really hard by the drought. They didn''t really tell me just how
2006 Apr 11
setting the default operator on a QueryParser
Hi all, Thanks to the authors for the amazing work on Ferret! I have a question about setting up the standard operators on a QueryParser. I would like my parser to default to AND queries rather than the default OR. In Java I would simply do: QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("contents", new StandardAnalyzer()); parser.setDefaultOperator(QueryParser.Operator.AND); But I
2006 Jul 03
Ferret not returning the right results
I have ferret setup in my model with multiple fields, but when I do a search on the value that might be stored in two fields, I get no results. Here''s an example: "Jim 12333" Where Jim is a name field, and 12333 is a zip code. I have this in my model: acts_as_ferret :fields => [ ''name'', ''zip'' ] I''m not sure
2006 Jun 27
Using QueryParser vs building my own query
Hello all I finally caved in and decided I should build my own query instead of relying on QueryParser to do the job for me, but I''ve hit a strange problem.. Here''s how I build my query: #Main query query = #Build query to match types typesquery = @selected_types.each{|type| typesquery.add_query(
2006 Jul 09
acts_as_ferret.. what does it actually do?
Okay in this plea for help I''m going to repeat some of what i posted before but with a larger amount of background info in the hope that i can get a decent grip on ferret before it wriggles away.. Firstly, what does installing the acts_as_ferret plugin actually do? I install it and add it to my model and then the index is automatically generated and a few methods are added to it and
2006 May 31
Help with sorting arrays with objects in it
I have to build an array through both activerecord and also through a ferret index. I was hoping to find a way of sorting the array as i combine the two so def advanced_search(search_text, store, format, sortby) # find items in ferret index items = Item.find_by_contents(search_text) # and now find all the items from a certain store or category items_from_sql = Item.find_by_sql("SELECT *
2006 Dec 21
Ferret and
Ok, first up, I''m a Rails newbie. My site is hosted on Godaddy has the Ferret GEM installed by default. They do not have acts_as_ferret installed so I can''t use that. I''m trying to follow the tutorial on the Ferret wiki It includes all of the code I need, but it doesn''t tell
2006 Jul 14
Whitespace Issues
I am trying to build up a filtered search using the logic below. bq = bq.add_query("section",section.downcase!)), Ferret::Search::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) filter = @vobjects = VoObject.find_by_contents(search_input,:filter => filter, :sort